CBSE Board Exam 2020: Tips to Score More

CBSE Board Exam 2020 tips to score more

CBSE Board exam 2020 is going to start in February 2020. Though still the students have the time of 5 months but time flies like a bird. The time students have in their hand is critical and if CBSE Board Exam 10th class and 12th class students will utilize this time effectively, they will pass the board examination with shining score cards.

The term board in the ‘CBSE Board Exam’ puts pressure on the students to study more. This pressure makes many to study for hours and becomes a difficult to handle situation for some. Keeping eyes on the books and locking them inside their study rooms is not the right method for board exam preparation. Although a successful strategy for board exam preparation 2020 does not support this traditional way of preparation for the board exams.     

You have landed on the right page to get some effective CBSE Board exam tips. This is high time to make a strategy for CBSE Board exam 2020. So here we have compiled the smart tips and tricks to help you score good marks in CBSE board exam papers 2020. Within this article you will also get the answer to the most asked question, “are board exam easy”? So read till the end to get some best tips for your preparation for Board exam 2020.

Tips to score more in the CBSE Board exam 2020 

The first two-three months of the year 2020 will crucial to board exam students as they will try cover up the entire syllabus in order to do well in the examination. The neck-to-neck competition in CBSE board examination has made the students starve for marks, however the pattern of marking was found lenient last year. The tendency of scoring more marks raises the bar of excellence in board exams every year. Now it’s not sufficient to give just time to your board exam preparation 2020 but you need to plan the right strategy for an effective exam prep . Here we have some CBSE Board exam tips that will help you score high marks in the board examination. Scroll down a little to know them.

1. Right Time to Start Exam Preparation

In recent years it has been observed that the CBSE has raised the difficulty level of the board examination. The intricate question papers of previous years are the reason that the students of CBSE Board exam 10th and 12th class need to start their serious preparation for the examination comparatively early this time.  In previous years it was suggested to the students to wrap up all the syllabus before a month of board exam and dedicate the last month to the revision part. But now this tendency has to change and students need to give the last two months to the revision only and try to complete the syllabus till mid November. This is suggested so because they have to get themselves ready for college admission entrance exams.

2. Time Table 

Study without discipline will not give you a fruitful result. If you will not follow a planned time table for your CBSE board exam 2020 preparation then you may not get the desired grades. So having a time table is must but it totally depends on your learning capacity that how you follow the time table. Few students prepare subject wise time table and others decide a goal a day for their CBSE board exam preparation.  You can choose any one of the aforementioned methods but whatever method you chose should match your capabilities and you must stick to it. Remember, not each student takes his own time to learn and remember the topics.

3. Use Pen and Paper  

Using Pen and paper to memorize something is a traditional way of learning. To keep the lesson or topic in mind for a longer time you need to stay close to pen and paper. If you find it difficult to learn long or short answers then read them and write them on a paper in your own words. Jotting down the answers will make it easier to memorize the them for the exams and also help to learn the concept. This technique will benefit you in both CBSE Board Exam 12th and 10th class. The pen and paper method can even make it easy to remember history, geography, and other theoretical subjects, as well as will speed up the writing.

4. Solve Sample Papers and Previous years’ Question Papers

One of the most common and effective CBSE Board exam 2020 tips is to solve the sample papers and previous years questions papers. All the students who wish to score good marks in CBSE Board exams, practice to solve the previous year paper and sample papers. But you should know how and when to make use of unsolved and solved practice papers. Few students pick the unsolved question papers at the initial stage of their preparation which is not recommended. Last 30 days for the exam is the time you can devote to solving the unsolved and previous years’ question papers of CBSE board exam. It is also suggested to not to take a second more than the total time assigned to the exam by the board while attempting them.

5. Take Regular Breaks

Your preparation will not be effective if you will glue to the chairs and you can’t take your eye off from the books. By following this will create unnecessary pressure on you which will ruin your hard work in the exam hall. Many students want to invest even a single second they have to their CBSE Board Exam 12th and 10th class preparation. It’s not an effective strategy to score well in the examination. The regular breaks from your studies help you concentrate more on the topic and don’t let it become boring at any moment.

The Final Words

Many students, especially from CBSE Board Exam 10th class, usually ask are board exam easy? The reason to asking this question is because they are appearing for the board exam for the first time. And to answer this question, yes, board exams are easy if you are well prepared. The CBSE Board exam 2020 tips we have compiled here will help you in preparing for CBSE Board Exam 2020. At the end of this article, we would suggest you to not to take the exam pressure. As the exam pressure doesn’t let your mind to think more and makes you nervous.

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