How to Prepare for CBSE Class 12th Accountancy Paper

How to Prepare for CBSE Class 12th Accountancy

Preparing for the CBSE class 12th accountancy exam is a daunting task for many of the students. Accountancy is not complicated but a tricky subject, but if you prepare it well, you can score above 90% marks. For the commerce stream students’ accountancy is a main subject. Having clear concepts makes it most scoring subject.

Here are some essential tips for the students to on how to prepare for CBSE class 12th accountancy paper. Many experienced teachers believe that accountancy is a subject in which you can score more than 90% marks with a planned preparation. We have compiled these tips to help you score above 90% in accountancy based on the suggestions of experienced teachers of this subject. So, without much ado, let’s know how to score max in accountancy in class 12th.

Tips to Score Above 90% In Accountancy  

Students are to take the board examination with an aim to score high marks to get admission in college of their choice. For the CBSE class 12th Accountancy students, the most challenging part of exam preparation is time management.

Students of class 12th need to keep in mind that all the subjects are equally important, but accountancy needs more practice so, they can dedicate some extra time to this subject.  

The tips given here will help the students to score max in accountancy in class 12th.

· Preparation Tips

While preparing for the Accountancy exam for class 12th you need to keep a few points in mind. Start your preparation for accountancy by analyzing the exam pattern and marks weightage of every unit. Before picking any reference book of accountancy to prepare for the exam, complete your preparation from NCERT books first. Solving the unsolved question papers will help you to maintain the writing pace in the exam. Before the examination, the students should attempt at least 10 sample papers of accountancy to score 90% marks in the CBSE 12th board exam of this subject.

· Read Question Paper Thoroughly

As per the CBSE rules, you will get 15 minutes to read the question paper, so use this time to understand the difficulty level of the examination. Check the marks assigned to each question and start writing the answers to those questions about which you are more confident. Read the asked question twice to understand tricky part of it before attempting it.

· Time Management In Exam-Room

One common mistake that most students do in the exam room is to dedicate more time to a particular question or set of problems. While reading the question paper, assign a time to each question based on their marks. For one mark question, assign approx 2 minutes and to questions with more marks allocate more minutes to the problem.

· Attempting the Answers

The students need to write the answers systemically and neatly. Students should attempt the questions of a set in a given serial. In case you don’t know the answer to any of the questions, then leave the space for the answer in the answer sheet. It is also essential to highlight the answer number. This will make it easy for the examiner to check your answer sheet. Once you complete the writing answer of a question leave 2-3 lines to write answer to the next question.   

· Rough Work

In the accountancy exam, you will have to do some rough calculations. If you will do it in mid of the answer then it will become confusing for the answer sheet checkers and few of your marks can get deducted. So always do the rough work in a separate sheet, not at the side of the page. Highlight the rough work page, as well. To score above 90% in CBSE class 12th in this subject, you need to represent the answer precisely.

· Balance Sheet

To score above 90% in CBSE class 12th accountancy, you need to practice the balance sheet and solve it in the exam like a pro. Use the new format of the balance sheet and do not create a mess in it by cutting and rewiring the statement in it. If your balance sheet does not tally, then figure out the difference between 2 sides and match that amount. There will be two possibilities; either any amount will match with the difference, or no amount will match with the difference. In this whole process, do not waste much of your time.

Final Words

Accountancy can be the vital subject to score above 90% marks in CBSE class 12th. Your preparation for accountancy will create a strong base to score good marks in the board examination. The presentation of your work should be clean and impressive.

To conclude all the suggestions in one tip, to score good marks in accountancy, invest more time to prepare for CBSE 12th accountancy and represent it explicitly in the answer sheet.


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