CBSE Class 10 Board Exam Pattern 2021-2022

CBSE Class10 board exams 2021-22

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced major changes in the board exams 2022. Unlike one board exam like previous years, the academic session is now divided into two terms, under which the board conducting exams for class 10th will conduct exams at the end of each semester. Also, the exam pattern has been changed. As per the new CBSE exam pattern, exams will contain multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and the duration of exam will be 2 hours.

What Class 10th Students Should Know?

CBSE class 10th students should need to understand changes to board exams 2021-2022 pattern syllabus, exam schedule, and paper format. Let’s take a look at some of the key things that will help you prepare intelligently for the two terms (1st and 2nd semester exams).

  • Students will have to prepare from the bifurcated syllabus for both the terms.
  • The CBSE Class 10 Board Exams will be conducted at the end of each term on the basis of the bifurcated syllabus.
  • Results of both term 1 and term 2 semester exams will contribute to the final score of a student.
  • Marks of Internal Assessment will be used to calculate the overall scores like previous years.
  • New guidelines might be released by the board in order to bring transparency to the internal assessment conducted by the schools.

CBSE Class10 Term 1 Board Exam 2021-2022 Pattern

  • The exam will be Objective type with multiple choice questions (MCQs), where questions will be based on 50% of the entire syllabus.
  • Maximum marks a student can score in objective type exam will be 50.
  • Duration of exam will be 90 minutes.

CBSE Class10 Term 2 Board Exam 2021-2022 Pattern

  • Term 2 board exam will be a descriptive type exam.
  • Question paper will have various types of questions including open ended-short answer/long-answer, case-based/ situation based answer type. Question will be based on the remaining half of the syllabus.
  • Maximum marks to be obtain will be 50.
  • Duration of exam will be 2 hours.

Term 1 and Term 2 Exam Alternatives If Pandemic Impacts 

  • If both term 1 and term 2 exams are conducted successfully at schools/board centres, in this case the final theory marks will be equally distributed between the two exams.
  • If the coronavirus pandemic forces a complete closure of schools during term 1 exams in November-December 2021 and the term 1 exams are not held in schools but Term II exams are held at CBSE centres, then the Term I exams will be conducted in online or offline mode from students location. In this case, the weightage of Term 2 exam will increased and of Term 1 will be reduced for declaration of the CBSE Class 10 Final Result.
  • If the situation is reverse, where Term 1 exams are held at centers while the Term II exams are not, in this case the final results will be based on the student’s performance in Term 1 exams and internal assessments.
  • If both the term 1 and term 2 exams are not conducted at schools/centres in that case the CBSE Class 10 Results 2021-2022 will be declared on the basis of the internal assessment/project work/practical/and theory marks of both term exams taken by the student from home.

Internal Assessment Scheme for CBSE Class 10th Academic Year 2021-2022

  • CBSE Class10 students will be required to undertake the internal assessment throughout the year.
  • The criteria of internal assessment is same like earlier.
  • The internal assessment will include 3 periodic tests, portfolio, subject enrichment activities, practical work for selective subjects, project work and speaking listening activities for language subjects.

Wrap Up

CBSE Class 10th students must be prepared for the new pattern and the syllabus in order to score good and be exam ready. To help you, we have shared the important information related to CBSE board exams 2021-2022. Good Luck!


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