CBSE Board exam is an important event for all the CBSE students. Students need to put extra efforts in their studies to score well in the board’s exam. Board exam for 10th and 12th both classes comes with pressure and it’s obvious to be nervous about them. If you will take this nervousness with you in the exam hall, then you cannot perform your 100% in CBSE boards exam.
CBSE board exams differ from your school exams. Here the number of competitors increase and the result of exams decides your future career. In board exams, its mandate to show-off your knowledge perfectly on the answer sheet. If you know the answer to any question asked in CBSE exam and you couldn’t write it properly, then you will not get any marks.
So let’s know about the tips and tricks to write the perfect answer in CBSE Board exams.
· Don’t Panic
It may be possible you couldn’t recall the answer of the very first question asked in the CBSE question papers but it doesn’t mean that you cannot write the answers of other questions as well. So one of the most common tips to write the perfect answer in CBSE Board exams is to be calm while reading the question paper. Don’t get excited about an easy question paper and don’t panic for a tough one. In the panic state, you may forget the answers of other questions.
· Don’t Write Everything in Answers
Students believe teachers give full marks to the lengthy answers which is nothing but a myth. In CBSE exam, most of the questions need answers within a mentioned word limit and when you over cross that limit it shows your average knowledge. So, write the answers and keep the words limit in mind. You can choose short sentences to write the answer strategically. For CBSE board exams your answer should be concise and to-the-point.
You can write smart answers in CBSE exams by starting it with a generic line about the subject. Use figures, examples, theories, and quotes where they are required and highlight them. give the perfect finishing touch with a concluding line to the answer.
· Use Simple Language
While writing the answers in the CBSE Board exam, use simple language and make small sentences. The language of your answers should be easy to understand. Academic style of writing will help you form attractive sentences for difficult subjects like geography, bio, and history, etc. While writing the answers avoid the use of contractions such as wouldn’t, couldn’t, should’ve. There full forms like would not, could not or should have been more suitable for the board exams. Keep one more thing in mind while writing the answers, English used differently for writing and reading purpose. Many students overuse ‘like’ and other a few words as they write in the way they speak. So avoid it and stick to academic English only.
· Choose Questions Wisely
When you get a choice in a question paper to write the answer to one question out of two or three, then give a careful reading to each question. Many times student writes answer of one question from the choice and then thinks another question was easier than this. Create a mental picture of the answers while reading the choices of questions and then pick one.
· Attempt all the Questions
You should attempt all the questions asked in the question papers. Don’t leave even a single question because of lack of time or unavailability of the answer in your mind. Read that difficult question twice and try to concentrate on its answer. If you couldn’t recall the answer then try to recall the chapter and write just a few words as the answer to the question.
The Bottom Line
Once you finish your paper, revise your answer sheet to check that you have skipped no question. Rechecking your answer sheet will help you find out the mistakes you have made while writing the answers.
So students use these tips to write perfect answers in CBSE Board exams. Be stress free while attempting the question and learn to prepare in appropriate way for CBSE exams.
If you have any question in mind related to CBSE exam, then write it in the comment box below, we will answer your query soon.