Board Exam 2019 – 8 Things To Do To Be Confident in Exam Hall

Board exam hall tips

Exams are always tough and when it’s about the board exam then pressure reaches on its peak. Many students will agree on this that they could not perform well in the exam because of the pressure of the exam. Luckily, we know about some tips that can help you in the exam hall and we would love to share them with you.

The board exams are decision makers for the future career of the students so its obvious for the students to feel the pressure of performing well in the board exams. But when this pressure starts affecting your performance then it has to control. Students come under pressure in the exam hall because of a lack of confidence. Being confident while writing your answers in the exam hall helps the students to score good marks.

Here we have mentioned 8 things that might help you to be confident in the exam hall.

How to be confident in the exam hall

A confident student can handle a difficult paper more easily than a not so confident student. In board exams, few questions can confuse the students and it becomes tough to produce the right answer to those questions but if a student is confident then he can solve it in less time with accuracy.

So let’s know about the 8 things that will help you to be confident in the exam hall

1. A Sound Sleep of 7-8 hours

The night before the exam is as important as the exam day. In the night you will have to give a finishing touch to your exam preparation. In order to keep something for a longer time in your mind, do not pick an alien topic to prepare for the exam. Many students do this mistake; they pick the toughest topic just before the night to the exam so that they can remember it in the exam hall.

This last-minute preparation resulted as goofed up knowledge and student loses his confidence. The night just before the exam is to revise everything you have learned so far. In order to revise everything, do not compromise with a sleep of 7-8 hours else you will keep yawing in the exam room.

2.  Be An Early Bird

On the exam day get up earlier than the usual days. If you can get as early as 4 am then you can get some extra time to revise a few topics and if your body clock does not support you then don’t force it.

You need to start your exam day with proper planning. No matter how tough your subject is, do not skip your breakfast. You cannot think much with an empty stomach. Before leaving for the exam, check if you have your ID cards and other important documents and stationery with you or not.

3. Banish Negative Thoughts

Do not think much about your preparation after reaching the exam hall. If you keep mumbling or reminding yourself that you could study for more hours or your preparations are not up to the mark then you are actually affecting your performance in the exam.

These negative thoughts can take your confidence away from you and you may forget the answers to some easier questions as well.

4. Avoid a Panic Friend

Well, it sounds harsh but during the exam, you cannot help your panic friend. Stay away from those students who keep talking about their nervousness about the exam.  Other students who talk about how long they have prepared for the exam should also be avoided during the exam for the sack of your confidence.

5. Deep Breathing

Tension reaches on its peak when the question paper comes in students’ hand. That moment is too crucial for many students and they can listen to their heartbeat easily. If you beat the exam pressure here then it will not be back soon.

As soon as you receive the question paper, take a deep breath and say that you can perform well. Even if you are not well prepared for the exam then also don’t be panic while holding the question paper in hand.

6.  Start With The Best Answer

Read the question paper calmly and start writing the answer of the question you know very well. It’s not compulsory for the students to start writing on the answer sheet in order.  When you start writing the answer to any random question of your question paper, write its number in clean and clear handwriting.

7. Pick Tough Questions Later

You can attempt to solve the tougher part of the question paper once you complete answering the easier part of it.  Do not skip any question asked in the question paper as when you start writing the answers then soon your mind starts remembering it.

8.  When in Doubt, Ask

If you have any doubt related to any question then feel free to ask invigilator. Do not assume anything. Writing the right answer after asking the concerned person is far better than writing a wrong answer based on your assumption.

Summing it up

A student needs a steady preparation to perform well in an exam. Last minute preparation cannot offer much but passing marks.  It is obvious and justified to become more cautious about the board exams as only passing marks could not help a student much. But while appearing in board exams a student should take it as an examination only not as a life.

A positive mindset can do wonder for you. Hope you have found the aforementioned tips helpful. Stay positive, be flexible and don’t measure your talent with your marks.


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