Last Minute Tips for UP Board 2019 Biology Exam

UP Board biology exam

There isn’t much time left for UP Board 2019 examination. Exams are to be held in a months time. During this time, it can be extremely difficult to start with preparation if you have not started with it yet. Hence, it is the time when you take up the preparation seriously especially with a subject like Biology. For a science student, the toughest examination is biology that can make students nervous about everything.

Now, is the time when students are completely focused on wrapping up their UP Board exam preparation and revising what they have learned. Hence, in such situation, one must be aware of the whole syllabus that will be covered in the examination. Then, make a list of important topic moving towards not so important one as per the pattern. This is the way one can easily know where they must start from to cover syllabus wisely and score well.

Plants generation and function – transportation, movement, nutrition, respiration and light synthesis.

Plant reproduction – Asexual fertility and pushpi plants.

Environment and ecology – ecosystem and its issues.

Kaddy production for food improvement.

This is very crucial time for UP Board students as the exams are very near. So here we have last minute preparation and revision tips for UP Board 2019 Biology Exam.

  • Revise – Since, it is the last minute preparation then you don’t have more time to go through every single topic. Take a deep breath and have a look at the headings of all the topic. If you have a hitch or feeling that one or more topics are not prepared well then have a quick look of the same. It is actually fine if you don’t know the certain topic. But you have to stay away from being confused.
  • Avoid late night study – If you have a biology exam tomorrow then shut your book around 10 PM and have a good sleep. If you want then you can wake up early in the morning to have a quick revision routine but waking up all night is not going to help you out. The more you sleep, the more you will be able to work on the topic. In addition to this, it is essential to eat healthy because that can give you all the energy you require.
  • Notes – They are the life savior when it comes to quick scan right before the UP Board 2019 Biology Exam. Have a brief summary of the units that can help you to get an idea about every chapter. This way you will get an idea on the topics that are covered up properly and what are missing out in the total stack. In addition to this, these notes can help in gaining some extra score since the topic will be fresh in mind.
  • Diagrams – Biology is full of diagram that can be extremely critical. It requires a lot of practice and on top of that, labeling it can take a toll on students. To overcome this situation, you can start with the important diagram that are expected to come in the exam, or have come in previous exams. Also, answering questions with diagram will help you score good in this subject. But try practicing the labeling part, as diagram only has a value if it has correct labeling. At the last moment, when the a neat and clean drawing is not possible, just have a look at the whole structure, focus more on labeling.
  • Experiments – Apart from the diagram, experiments are also essential in the biology along with basic terms and definition. It can be about hereditary or cell transportation system that requires your whole attention. In place of spending an hour on a single topic, make brief notes while learning about the whole setup. These notes will save your life at the last minute so that you can briefly check on the whole structure and get it done with. Writing and learning can be extremely helpful when it comes to knowing about terms.
  • Books – Biology is already a difficult subject. Hence, it is better to simply cover everything that is given in the course book instead of investing time in opting for reference books. Human body one of the topics that you should know about. However, check your syllabus and use NCERT books as they have all the things and topics in details already. If you feel that you need some extra help then you can take help of other book, or YouTube channels and sample papers. Along with this use sample papers as they will help you improve your time and speed and answer with accuracy in the UP Board 2019 Biology Exam. Even during the last minute, “U-like of biology” book can be helpful since it covers all the previous year question paper.

The Bottom Line

If you actually pay attention to these tips then there is nothing that can stop you from obtaining good marks. However, you need to keep your nervousness in check so that you don’t mess up the whole examination. Just breath and be as calm as possible. All the best!

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