Board Exam 2020: Board exams are believed to be a stressful period for both students and parents. When students are stressed about their preparation and revision, at the same time getting good grades pressure from family and school is burdened on them.
Parents have a great role to play in helping their child prepare stress free for board exam. Parents can help kids beat stress during their exam preparation by helping them plan a study schedule, revision process, and utilize breaks . Studies have shown that stress before and during exams has a an impact on performance of children. Now the million dollar question is how parents can help their children prepare stress free for board exam?
Here we will discuss tips for board exam and the tactics that parents can use to help their children manage board exam stress.
Board Exam 2020: How students can overcome exam phobia?
Board exam 2020 are set to begin in the month of February. You need the smartest board exam preparation strategy to score well. Board exam preparation isn’t a rocket science and thus can be done in 2 months with dedication and hard work.
How to Study For Board Exams
- Plan your studies; include breaks to keep yourself stress free.
- Students should stick to NCERT books and school notes for preparation of board exams.
- Check the model paper released by the board to understand the new exam pattern.
- Practice model papers and sample papers only after you have completed the NCERT.
How to Score Good Marks in Board Exam – Class 10th and 12th?
During this period of exam when only few months are left for the exams to start, students face a lot of pressure. The pressure to perform well in exams and pressure of being compared with their peers. This reduces the productivity and negatively affects candidate’s performance. Don’t let this exam fever impact your result.
Below listed are few tips to be followed in exam hall to score good marks in board exams.
- Stay calm in the exam room. Take a deep breath before entering the exam hall.
- Take time to read the question paper and then decide from where to start answering.
- Write perfect answers in your board exam. The first answer on the answer sheet should be the best answer followed by remaining. Your answer sheet should reflect the hard work you have done.
- You should write clean, good handwriting is easy to read and doesn’t take much time of examiner to understand the answers.
- In board exams, marks are given for steps, in subjects like Maths. So make sure you write the solution step wise to score full marks.
- In Biology subject, diagrams are important. You score more if you add relevant diagrams to your answers.
- Writing filler answers is a practice that you must avoid.
- Keep yourself focused on the exam throughout the duration of exam. /
How Parents Can Help?
Now let’s take a look at how parents can help their child get good marks in board exams.
1. Don’t burden your kid
Avoid stressing your children to perform better than their peers and score 90% or above. We know that parents are equally stressed, even more about their children, but don’t let your stress be a burden on your kid. Understand that your child is already stressed and needs the right motivation from you.
2. Expect the right
As a parent, you must understand that every child is different and has different capabilities. Accept and trust the abilities of your child. Don’t push over the limit that your child feels the pressure.
3. Help prepare a study schedule
Help your child make a perfect study plan. Include the breaks to make it effective. Talk to your child to understand his/her level of preparation. If he/she is weak in a particular subject, help him and allocate more time for that subject.
4. Keep your Child away from social media and electronic devices
90% of school kids have their own mobile phones nowadays. Parents need to keep their kids away from digital distractions during the board exam preparation. However utilize the breaks to interact with the kids and play some outdoor games with them.
5. Give them the right study environment
Prepare a study space for your child. The space should have proper ventilation and light, as well as the needed school supplies. Keep a check on your child during study but that should not be very often. Give your child the required space to prepare for the exam.
6. Nutrition is Important
Feed your child healthy food. Don’t let your child skip meals for study. A healthy diet is important to keep the energy levels up and working. Prepare healthy treat for your kid at home, avoid giving junk food.
7. Don’t let your kid compromise on sleep
Sleep is important to refresh the brain. Your child might have sleepless nights before exam due to exam pressure. Ensure that your kid takes 6-8 hours’ sleep. Having a good sleep, a day before exam is very important to keep the stress levels at minimum.
The Bottom Line
Now you know how your kid should prepare for board exam and why you should have realistic expectations with the kid. Your support will keep the child stress free and help him/her score good marks in board exam.
Be supportive and let your child score as per his/her capabilities.