Foolproof Tips on How Students can Optimize the Lockdown Period


COVID 19 has wrecked havoc in the lives of many people and instilled fear among everyone round the globe. Lockdown, no matter how difficult it is to be home arrested, is the only solution to handle the current situation. Being a student, I can very well understand the anxiety and stress you pals are going through. Apart from the loss of studies, there are several things which we are missing out. No school/college and staying at home 24/7 is just becoming difficult to bear. Unable to meet our teachers and friends might sound normal, but trust me it is not. Teachers who care for us, friends who are stress busters are now connected through video calls only. There are no activity classes, no libraries, no gyms, no movie dates with friends, no shopping and no adventures as of now.

Imagine we were quarantined without internet and mobiles. Even the thought of it gives me goose bumps. Thanks to the era we are living in, we are blessed with internet and technology through which we can access an infinite pool of information and entertain ourselves in this hour of crisis. So considering the brighter side these are some tips which can be followed by students, to overcome stress and anxiety during the lockdown period.

Treasure the Family Time!

We are so busy with our studies, exams, friends and other activities that we are unable to spend quality time with the one who are closest to, our Family. The lockdown has given us an opportunity to create memories with our families. Help them with daily chores, have valuable discussions with them, speak your heart out before them. This is the best time when you with your family can engage in some old school games like chess, ludo, carom, business and many more.

Meditate and Reassess yourself

We students usually brag that we don’t have time to meditate, as the thought of it seems so boring, but trust me it’s the best way to give yourself some ‘me time’.  With the help of it you can eliminate negative thoughts, stress and anxiety. You may sit in a quiet place and breathe deeply, think about your strengths and negatives. You may simply plan what you want to do during the lockdown period. It would be easy for you to optimize your time if you set goals for yourself as per your interests.

Eat Good!

“There has never been a sadness that can’t be cured by good food.” The power of good food should not be underestimated. It can change your mood and may help eliminate stress to a great extent. You may also try and test the chef in you, cook something for your family and see their reaction. This would definitely bring a smile on your face.

Watch Movies!

You might be missing your movie dates with friends. Fret not, prepare a snack for yourself, select a good movie, and enjoy watching. Some really amazing movies which I would like to recommend are, ‘The Yes Man’, ‘Cast Away’, ‘Dr Strange’, ‘Serenity’, ‘Second hand Lions’ and the list never ends. These are some movies which gives a strong message. You can search many more of your choice and cut yourself from the negativity around.

Read good content!

You can read good novels fiction or non fictions, (books are definitely not my cup of tea). I just read with an intention of developing and improving language skills and vocabulary. So can you! This lockdown can be made productive by educating yourself.

Workout at home, Stay Fit

Well we always have an excuse when it comes to workout. Since you have an ample amount of time you can allocate a small portion for your body. Not only it would strengthen you to the core, but you will also be able to flaunt a perfect body before your friends and mates after the lockdown. I guess, this reason is more than enough to motivate you.


This is something I enjoy the most and is like a therapy to me. Since childhood we have been taught to plant a tree or water plants. Seeing a seed sown by you grow into a beautiful plant gives immense pleasure. Moreover you would be expressing your obligation to the environment at the same time.

Learn something ‘New’

You should never miss upon an opportunity to learn something new. Since you are getting a break from the routine you had before lockdown, you should make the best use of it. Make use of the self assessment part mentioned above. After assessing your interests you can work on it. You may learn dancing, singing, cooking, playing instrument, anything of your choice which gives you pleasure. Youtube is a great source. It is a tried and tested method by me, learning flute from Youtube helps me spend my time in a wise way. You can also make videos of yourself doing the newly learnt activity, share with friends and seek their opinion. This way you would remain positive and spread positivity.

Help others!

We have never witnessed a crucial time like this ever before. It is really important to stay out of the clutches of negativity. Being stressed and anxious will not help. Instead stay positive and calm and encourage your family and friends to be happy and hopeful.

Summing up

The adversity will end. We will come out of it as winners. Do not lose hope and don’t let negativity creep in.

“What might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.”- Lemony Snicket.

Make optimum use of the time you have in your hands in the lockdown period.


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