Why Students Need to Meditate


What is the point of sitting quietly in a secluded place, possibly with your legs crossing each other, your hand lying on your thighs, eyes shut and doing nothing? This is the image a lot of people have in their minds when they think about meditation. The old art is, in our contemporary world, fast becoming extinct. Not only is the extinction creeping in, but because people are not practicing and we do not know what is it any longer.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is not the effort to concentrate or fix one’s gaze on an object or idea for a very long time. It is neither imagining something that gives us inner peace or satisfaction. And it is obviously far from being a form of exercise; practising some posture or a rhythmic heartbeat. Experts say meditation is an act of thoughtless awareness. Such a paradox! It is a state of awareness; not a state of doing. To be meditating is to be in a state of reflective deep peace when the human mind is silent and calm, yet fully alert. Meditation ushers us into the beginning of an inner transformation that takes us to a higher level of awareness, thus, helping us to fulfill our true human potentials.

By the definition and description above, meditation sounds like an overly spiritual and a high order task for specific people, mostly the religious, who are called into the art. This is far from the truth. Meditation is good for all. Everyone must take some time to meditate. Meditation is one of the few human activities that influence various facets of the human life – spiritual, emotional, physical, and psychological.

Meditation – A necessity for Students 

For students especially, I dare say that meditation is a necessity. Interestingly, it is one of the things that most students know nothing about or, even when they do, totally neglect. Meditation is priceless to the student.

The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation helps to improve the concentration of students. As it is mentioned earlier, meditation is not all about concentration. However, concentration is a product of the act. When one is able to transcend into that state of thoughtless awareness, he comes out being able to concentrate better. For students, this translates into being able to focus in the classroom and other school-work no matter how long and mentally straining they might be. Meditation stretches the capacity of the brain to focus. This importance of meditation to the student goes beyond his or her student life and it has a great potential to be useful in the student’s work period as well.

In addition to the above, meditation helps to reduce stress. The quantum of stress students go through is not healthy, most of the time. It is because of this that students need to find activities that would help them to reduce stress. As a result, meditation is the key to that. Taking time off a busy day to connect to your inner self is one of the best investments any student can make.

Meditation ensures the overall emotional well-being of students. It is thought that motivation improves creativity, happiness, and peace of mind. All these are important to guarantee the emotional well-being of the student. It also helps one to always have a positive outlook on life. Therefore, students must meditate.

The Bottom Line 

When the effort of meditation is made, there is one big truth to note. It is important to reiterate that, meditation is an effortless activity. True meditation helps one to focus only on the present and let go of the unchangeable yesterday, as well as the undetermined future. Do not force your thoughts; let them flow in and allow them to flow out by themselves. Finally, when you start, don’t give up.


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