Why Students Should Include Exercise In Their Daily Routine?


Student life is very difficult as it has been known for years. Between attending lectures and submitting a heap of assignments, there is very little or no room for any other activity. But while it is a fact that student life is difficult and students must give off their best to excel in school, another undeniable fact is that students cannot go on with their “difficult student lives” if their bodies are not fit enough.

The Need of Exercise

Prevention is better than cure; although this is a cliché, it is fast becoming common knowledge that clichés are usually true. The point here is that it is better for students to keep their bodies fit than to wear them down and later seek remedies for it. The human body is sometimes like a machine. Regular checks on the machine; lubing where necessary, tightening the needed bolts, cleaning the parts that need to be cleaned and replacing the broken parts are all essential to giving the machine longevity. This applies exactly to the human body. It is important for students to regularly exercise. Parts of the body need lubing, some joints need tightening, some other parts need replacement and overhauling and exercising provides all these benefits and more to the student.

Exercise and Body

Exercising makes the body fit. Exercising is good for the muscles, the heart, the lungs, the brain and the joints and bones. A good exercise will ensure better blood circulation in a student’s body; it will ensure better breathing, strengthen weak bones and joints and again, make the brains sharper. Without these, all of them or any of them, it will be extremely difficult for the student to focus on school work and excel in the optimal way.

Apart from these general benefits of exercising, usually for students, the other benefits should make them do some push-ups every morning. Exercising helps to reduce stress. Working-out helps to reduce both mental and physical stress. Exercising increases the concentration of a chemical in the brain called norepinephrine that coordinates the brain’s response to stress. If students agree with me that school work causes tension, then here is exactly how to give that tension a nosedive!

Once again, exercising increases brain power. Scientists say that cardiovascular exercises help to create some brain cells that improve the overall functioning of the brain. Exercise is needed to boost the capacity of the human brain. Have you noticed that if you sit idle for a long time, your brain sort of slows down? Exercising is a brain booster! It keeps the mind alive and active.

Finally, exercising helps to alleviate anxiety. A 20-minute jog is more effective in reducing anxiety than many other method or activity which is prescribed. Working-out calms the body down. It more or less gives the body the chance to cool off and revitalize. In the process, it helps take away extra weight on the body, as well as extending to the mind and freeing the human thinking to focus on tasks at hand.

The Bottom Line

With all the above, there is no need to over-emphasize the need for students to include exercise in their daily routines. The benefits of exercising are golden to the student. Hence no student should compromise on it. At least twenty (20) minutes a day is enough. And always remember the nice Latin phrase; “mens sana in corpore sano”.

Mens sana in corpore sano, this Latin phrase means “a sound mind in a healthy body”. Besides the fact that this phrase sounds nice and catchy, the young student leaders, especially those vying for the health prefect position can emphasize a point with the phrase.


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