The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Book Summary

Four Agreements Book Summary

There are many secrets to living an authentic and fulfilling life according to four agreements outlined by the renowned Mexican shaman, Don Miguel Ruiz. “Be impeccable with your word,” don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best—these are just four of the twenty-five concepts described in this New York Times bestselling book The Four Agreements. It’s a read that not only invites readers to transform their lives but also inspires them to work on themselves daily in order to reach true fulfillment and joy. The Four Agreements is a powerful book written by the acclaimed Toltec master, Don Miguel Ruiz. Follow along with our summary of his bestseller and find out how these four agreements can improve your life today.

Why to Read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz?

The book is a guide to personal growth written in narrative format. It departs from the idea that the reader needs to work on changing their thoughts and altering their perception of reality, but rather they need to work on changing their life’s agreements with themselves. In this way, it is more about personal responsibility than anything else.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz 

  • The first Agreement: Be Impeccable with your Word
  • The second Agreement: Don’t take anything personally
  • The Third Agreement: Don’t make assumptions
  • The Fourth Agreement: Always do your best

The first Agreement: Be Impeccable with your Word

Be impeccable with words because that is the way to experience less negative energy in your everyday life. Bein impeccable with words means less conflict with the people surrounding you. The biggest benefit of doing so is, you will speak optimistically and compassionately to yourself, which will help flourish the self-love.

The second Agreement: Don’t take anything personally

In order to do this, you need to identify everything that someone says as a projection of themselves and not a reflection of you. This Agreement also means that the only person you can change is yourself.

The Third Agreement: Don’t make assumptions

Don Miguel Ruiz says you must find the courage to ask more questions, as it works as an  antidote to misunderstandings and conflicts. Before making any assumptions or jumping to any conclusion, ask more questions. In a nutshell, get the answers to your assumptions and questions that can lead to misunderstanding.

The Fourth Agreement: Always do your best

The fourth agreement you must make with yourself is the promise that you will always do your best to do your best. The fourth agreement is about moderation. Be moderate in everything that you do. That includes your time for solitude, taking care of your body/exercising, spending time with others, and so on. Don’t overdo anything! This keeps the cycle of dissatisfaction with ourselves and others from continuing endlessly.

Wrap Up 

When you practice living by Don Miguel Ruiz’s four agreements, your life will start changing for the better. You will feel more confident. And also you will feel the mental, emotional, and physical freedom.


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