4 Self-Improvement Books to Read before You Graduate

best books for students

If you’re graduating and going out into the world with what might be considered the most difficult job market to date, make sure you start preparing for your professional life early. Here are five personal development books that should be on your list!

The Secret

The Secret is a famous self-development book that has now been made into a movie and it’s currently the best selling book of all time. The book was released on July 29, 2006, became a New York Times Bestseller in the US and Canada in less than three weeks, and has sold over 39 million copies since the first publication in 2006. The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, is a book that explores the different ways society teaches us to be unfulfilled, and how we can shift our focus in order to live fulfilling lives. One thing that I like about this book is that it simplifies some of the complicated material societies try to push on us into easy-to-follow lessons. I think it can actually show people how they might work with whatever current situation they are dealing with right now.

Think and Grow Rich

“Think and Grow Rich” is the cornerstone of many self-improvement lessons that people have to learn the hard way. With over one million copies sold, this book is required reading for any person contemplating life changes. Some of Napoleon Hill’s philosophies include ‘compliance with our own inner directives,’ avoiding a pattern of always chasing happiness, never wasting one’s time or talents, and making decisions based on facts rather than opinions. Think and Grow Rich is a motivational self-help book by Napoleon Hill. Written in 1937, it’s an American classic that outlines around 60 basic principles every individual should follow in order to achieve their goals and dreams. These principles are widely recognized as timeless truths despite the fact that they were written before many modern-day people were even born.

Awaken the Giant Within

Amidst the oft-cited advice such as keep learning, reach outside your comfort zone, and never stop growing, so many of us find it difficult to explore the wide world that life has in store for us. The self-help genre is a good place to start looking. One easy solution is to pursue some of these titles before graduation day arrives next year. Awaken the Giant Within, by Tony Robbins, is a great book for anyone who needs to start accepting responsibility and take more control of their life. It looks at how we all have potential that many are still struggling to reach. The high achievers among us tend to whip themselves into a frenzy with negative self-talk and this book offers some truly brilliant insights on how we can stop fighting ourselves so hard and break through those limiting beliefs that get in the way.

As a Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen is thought to be a guide for aspirants in business who are trying to improve their thinking. It includes a list of what needs to happen on the path towards success. One important aspect that Allen discusses is controlling your thoughts and mind. As a Man Thinketh is a novel published in 1903 by Scottish writer James Allen. The book is renowned as having one of the most profound and beneficial mass-market impacts on Western culture, emphasizing the power of thoughts of man over circumstances that he experiences. It was originally intended for this purpose as handouts to be given out with Allen’s lectures, however when later mass-produced, Allen decided to publish it with few modifications.

Wrap Up

There are countless benefits to learning personal development topics ahead of time. Knowing what not to do and what is expected can help make your life a lot less stressful and much more fulfilling. It’s always fun to learn about yourself, before others start teaching you what is right.


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