COVID-19 has completely changed our life at all levels, and the fight against this pandemic is still on. The death rates and number of infected are increasing everyday, as no vaccine is available yet. This intense situation is stressful for everyone, but have you every thought of to what extent your kids are threatened by this global pandemic and how they are dealing with this stress?
Before the stress hormones start creating havoc inside your kid, parents be the saviors! Yes, you can help your kids fight the lockdown stress. Follow these surefire tips to keep your kids mentally, emotionally and physically fit during this lockdown period.
Draw Routine for Your Kids
COVID had put locks on schools, colleges, temples, malls and has confined kids and parents to home, which is a sudden change in their daily routine. We adults can understand the situation and beat the stress, but children aren’t that smart yet! During the lockdown period you need to keep your kids focused and mentally well, the ideal way is to prepare a routine for them. Make their learning a fun experience at home, as well as take care of their eating, sleeping and playing. Include immunity boosters in their diet and watch their sleep hours. In a nutshell, make your home your kids home, school and playground.
Be The Friend Your Kids Need
During this lockdown, your children need friends, as they cannot go to school and play grounds. So, you become your kids friend with whom they speak their heart out. Talk to them but listen more, this will keep them stress free. Also, try keeping them connected to their friends, relatives through virtual channels of communication.
Become Exercise Buddies
Let your kids be your exercise partner, be it yoga or cross fit. Exercise is good for brain health, its the easiest way to keep your body and brain healthy. This lockdown exercise regime is beneficial for you and your kids, also this will be a new good habit he will develop with you.
Do Not Spread Tension
Coronavirus, the increasing number of cases and its worldwide spread is all over media that already has an impact on children. During this hour of stress, your words play a great role. So watch your words, spread positiveness and explain your kid what COVID-19 is and why social distancing matters. Don’t give them too much information, as it might lead to anxiety issues.
Switch to Dance/Music Therapy
Listening to music or helping your kids learn a new instrument will keep you both busy as well as when the lockdown is over your kid will come out with a new skill. The other way is to dance out the stress. A 20-30 minutes of dance fun will work as a mood booster for your family.
The Bottom Line
This situation is new to everyone and we all are learning how to fight it. Social distancing is to fight coronavirus, but to fight the stress, follow the 5 hacks discussed. Just remember be kind to your kids. Hard times does last and COVID-19 will too.
Stay home, stay safe and follow the guidelines sketched by the government.