Graduating in the Global Recession [Job Outlook]

job market for graduates amidst Covid19

Take a deep breath and stay calm while you read this, we are just taking a deeper dive into how the job market will look like for students graduating during COVID-19. This is just an opinion and the market might differ, the future may bring surprises. From the start of coronavirus from Wuhan, China to its spread across the globe, the job market has changed. With the lockdown and the increasing spread, the market looks even more scary. While many have started losing their jobs, the others are risk of not getting enough opportunities to apply.

You Are Not Alone in This

If you are graduating in the coronvirus time, you are not the only one in this situation of job crisis, those who have graduated and looking for jobs are also uncertain about the future. As the Covid-19 has started showing its effect on the job market, private sector has started downsizing and keeping the new recruitment on hold. The jobs market will be a surprise for all, however there will be some sectors that will rule the job market.

But at present the real picture is that from the end of March month, many companies in private sector have started cutting salaries, laying off employees, sending their employees on leave without pay or paying them as per hours. This situation of financial crisis has definitely put a lot of pressure on both employees and employers, as employees are worried about losing their job and employers are worried about their survival in the market.

What is the Impact of COVID-19 on recent graduates ?

The way you were planning to graduate is no more the same, are you not getting enough opportunities to do an internship? Is your job offer on hold now? Are you facing difficulties in finding new jobs? Yes, this is all due to the impact of increasing Covid-19 cases.

While students graduating in some fields will not face much challenges, other graduates planning a future in technology, retail, tourism, and hospitality will have to face hurdles to get a job, as the competition will increase and the jobs will be slashed.

How to Adapt to COVID19 Job Market  

The students graduating in the year 2020 will see the most uncertain job market. The first thing that the graduates must know is that the entry-level jobs they are seeking are the least fit in the work from home scenario. As a result, you need to change the way you look at a job. Want to know what sectors are offering jobs during corona virus period? The answer is, Healthcare, Logistics and E-commerce and a few more sectors are offering jobs in the corona time, and graduates might also change their choices to sectors offering jobs. But this won’t be that easy as it is to think.

Here we are telling you a few things to do to adapt to the Covid19 market:

Know what time to apply for a job

You might want to land at a job as soon as you graduate, but during this period of COVID-19 this will become difficult. As a graduate you will see the most unpredictable job market, so wait till the end of may or till the time things come back to normal.

Keep a control on your salary expectation 

You might want to settle at a job with a handsome salary, but Covid-19 job market would bring your expectations to ground. You should be prepared to be ready to compromise on salary to get a job in the sector of your choice at this time.

Make yourself comfortable working remotely

The flexibility matters a lot, so be technology-savvy and know the tactics of work from home strategies followed by the companies during lockdown. To get a job you must be flexible to be able to adapt to this new work rules and job market.

A Ray Of Relief for Job Seekers ( You Can’t Believe It) 

Here is some good news for job seekers during this time of job crisis. The jobs are being announced in sectors including companies in healthcare, education, eCommerce, Logistics. Companies like Amazon, Walmart, FlipKart, BigBaket are looking for new people to join their team making them enable to meet customer demand, with delivery essential at their doorstep.
Most of the vacancies announced by these companies are junior, entry-level and mid-senior jobs. Where some are permanent jobs, other are on a contract basis. Some of the most announce jobs are of sales people, deliver persons, account officer etc.

The Bottom Line  

No matter what job you enter, you will definitely experience the most unexpected experience of the work-life. The job market is hard to land at a job, but you must not loose hope. I know it won’t be easy, but you must never give up and stay strong. You will find a job, a little later, but I know you will. Don’t lose hope and keep trying. Above all, stay home, take care of yourself and other, maintain social distance, and practice the hygiene recommended by WHO.


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