9 Yoga Practices to Help You Score Well

Yoga for students

Exams are tough, and students have to deal with them like a pro. The pressure to perform best in all the academic and entrance exams can make the students frustrated. It is the time when young minds need to be happy, healthy and focused. Yoga practice can be a tool to help the students during exam time. Yoga has been helpful to many people, but how Yoga for students will help them? Let’s find out. 

The exam is the time when a student’s mind needs to be calm. Sometimes it happens that students learn everything, but their minds get blank in the exam hall. Lack of sleep, pressure to score good marks and tiredness are the reasons behind this. Yoga practice will make the students more focused and calmer. Yoga for students has some asanas that increase concentration, and they can be more focused. 

Yoga For Students 

Yoga is an age-old practise followed by people of Indus- Saraswati civilisation. It is believed that Yoga practised since the dawn of civilisation in the Indus Valley. Yoga is not only good for the body but the mind too. It brings harmony between body and mind. Various yoga asanas can help you to raise your concentration. After a long study session, you can have some yoga practice to be fresh and calm. Don’t be surprised after reading the word’ fresh’. Unlike heavy exercises, Yoga makes us calm and bring peace to mind. In Yoga for students, we have compiled about the yoga asanas that will help your mind more. Scroll down the page and know-how can you prepare your mind to handle the board and entrance exam pressure and increase memory and concentration; 


Let’s start to know about the yoga practice for students to increase memory and concentration with an easy yoga asana, Padmasana. It is also known as a Lotus Pose. The lost pose is a classic posture that people do for mediation. It brings calmness to your mind and offers relief to your body.

How to Do it:

  • Sit on a yoga mat with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Bend your right leg and put your foot on the left thigh and your bent left leg on put the left foot on the right thigh.
  • Place your back of the right hands-on right knee and left hand’s back on the left knee.
  • Touch your index finger with your thumb.
  • Now breathe steadily and let your mind be calm. Do not think anything and feel peace in mind.


Matsya is a Sanskrit word, and its English meaning is fish. The yoga asana is to increase focus resilience. When you panicked about the exam and could not keep anything in mind, the yoga asana works effectively.

How to Do it:

  • Lie on the mat on your back. Keep your feet together and hands relaxed on the sides of your body. Put your hands underneath your buttock. Both your elbow should be close to your waist.
  • Your legs should be on each other much like a padmasana pose. Now breathe in and lift your chest, and your head top must touch the floor. 
  • Be in the position as long as you can be with comfort. Once done, lower down the chest and come in a normal position. 

Bhramari pranayama (Bee breathing)

Bhramari is another easy and suitable yoga asana for students. It is one of the best asanas to increase the focus and cut down the unnecessary tension caused by overthinking. It gives a fresh start to your mind.

How to Do it:

  • Sit straight and be comfortable.
  • Close your eyes and your ears (with index fingers)
  • Take a deep breath and make a bee sound or humming sound. The high your sound will be, the more benefits you will get from this asana.


The yoga pose is also known as Hero Pose. Its best when you get tired while sitting in a place. However, we recommend you to keep changing your position after a particular interval. Die to exams the students spend more time in their study room. Their physical activities get minimal. The Virasana helps them to feel energetic.

How to Do it:

  • Kneel down on your yoga mat and sit in between your heels. 
  • Your back should be straight in this pose.  
  • Hold the position for 10 minutes, then come back to your normal position.


The pose is also known as the tree pose. To perform this yoga asana, you will have to stand in the form of a tree. The yoga asana will improve your concentration. The knees get strength in Vrikshasana. Students must practice this yoga asana to stretch their body and to increase concentration. Its slightly complicated at the beginning, but once you know how to make balance, you can perform the asana efficiently. 

How to Do it: 

  • Stand on the yoga mat with a straight back and arms. 
  • Slowly shift your weight on your left leg and raise the right one to put its sole on the left leg’s thigh. 
  • Fold your arms and make a ‘Nameste’ pose. 
  • Now raise your joint palms in the ‘Nameste’ pose above your head. 
  • Be in the position for few minutes and then repeat the same with the other leg.  

Nadi Shodhan

Nadi Shodhan pranayama also as Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique. Its practice relaxes the mind and makes it peaceful. The pranayama helps the students to handle the anxiety and fear of board exam. It takes only a few minutes to perform the pranayama. Let’s know how to do it.

How to Do it:

  • Sit comfortably on your mat and keep your back straight.
  • Your left hand must be on the left knee and palms in chin mudra. In this mudra, your thumb and index finger must touch each other.
  • Put the tip of the index finger and middle finger of the right hand in between your eyebrow.
  • The ring and little finger of the right hand on the left nostril and thumb on the right nostril.
  • Press the thumb to block the right nostril and breath from the left one, and after this, breath from the right nostril by blocking the left one.  
  • Continue this breathing practice for nine rounds. Take a deep breath with closed eyes.  


The padahasthasana is one of the most fundamental asanas, and students can perform it efficiently. It improves blood circulation towards the brain. It is easy Yoga for students to keep their mind fresh and backbone stronger.  

How to Do it:

  • Stand in the proper posture.
  • Inhale your voice and raise your hand to the sky.
  • Hold your breath for a second and exhale your breath.
  • Bend forward to touch your feet while exhaling. Try you don’t bend your knees.  


Kapalbhati, one of the common and accessible Yoga practise that can be performed by the students easily. The breathing techniques of Kapalbhati helps the students to be calm and tension free. It’s a perfect yoga practice for students to cope up with exams’ pressure.

How to Do it:

  • Sit on your yoga mat in padmasana pose.
  • Close your eyes and inhale deeply with both nostrils.
  • Expel the breath with force. 
  • Repeat the breathing technique 15 times. Gradually you can increase the breathing sessions. 


The yoga asana will help the students to handle the anxiety, reduce fatigue and headache. The yoga asana also boosts immunity, which is the utmost priority of students in the present time.

How to Do it:

  • Lie down on your yoga mats.
  • Keep your hands on your sides.
  • Keep your mind relax and free from any thought.
  • Stay in the position for 4-5 minutes.

The Bottom Line

Yoga is a proven technique to be more focused and calmer. The both of the qualities a student must have during their exam. We recommend you to practice yoga under supervision of a trained instructor.


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