Here is What To Do When Your College is Closed

engineering collage India

Most of the colleges in India are closed due to the outbreak of coronavirus and students don’t know how to utilize this time. You can use the time to prepare for next semester or for further career, depending on what you feel is more important. Here we will guide you on how to use these college time for your studies at home.

Students in their college usually appear for entrance exams for govt jobs or try to get a private sector jobs. Both these sectors have their own selection process to recruit candidates. The below strategies will help you prepare for both as well as utilize the time off from college.

  • This is ideal time to understand your academic goals. Go through whatever you have read so far in your college. What you have learned here plays important role in defining your career ahead.
  • Prepare for your dream job, as you know that selection process of most of the jobs in India tests candidates aptitude, reasoning and general knowledge skills, so you can devote your time preparing them.
  • This is a perfect time to brush up your GK, read old newspapers along with the daily news, or follow our current affairs section.
  • Use YouTube for improving your knowledge. There are many educational channels on YouTube that can help you prepare for govt exams or any other exams that you are focusing on. Find a channel and follow it.
  • Practice Reasoning and Aptitude to grow your skills. You can only master these topics with practice.

Take Benefit of This ‘Me Time’

When we are in college life we don’t know the importance of ‘me time’ but we understand how valuable it is when we enter job life. So here is your chance to understand who you are and what are your future goals. It is important to have life goals, so this is a perfect time to plan your future.

Here are the tips:

  • Give time to yourself, meditate for 10 minutes a day. If you are not familiar with it, start with sitting at a place quietly for 10 minutes trying to think about nothing.

Also Read – How To Get Started With Meditation

  • Do yoga at home, if you are beginner start with prayanam, anulomvilom and surya namashkar. This will keep your mind fresh and the body fit. There are many yoga poses that help improve your concentration power.

Also Read – Yoga Poses for Concentration

  • Discusses your career goals with the family and take their advice on the same. This will not only make your family know about your career choice but will also help them plan on finances for the same.

Wrapping Up

Taking a few of these tips in action will help you make the most of this time. We also encourage users to follow the advice announced by World Health Organization (WHO) to stay safe.


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