What is People’s Plan Campaign 2021?

People’s Plan Campaign 2021

Giriraj Sing, the Panchayati Raj Minister, launched the People’s Plan Campaign 2021 on September 30, 2021. The tag line of the campaign is ‘Sabki Yojna Sabka Vikas’. Panchyat is the main authority in a village to implement the government schemes. Therefore, effective implementation of governments’ schemes at the root level in a village can ensure the progress of the country. The minister has also released a booklet with the detailed plan of the People Plan campaign 2021.

According to the minister, the People’s Plan Campaign 2021 can transform the rural areas tremendously. Panchayats play an important role in implementing democracy at the root level. India is a big and populated country that runs on democracy. The government of the country is elected by its people. In a country of diversity where most people live in villages, it’s difficult to connect each and every person with the government and its flagship schemes. With this new campaign, the government is planning to transform rural India. Its important to know about the People’s plan campaign for UPSC and other competitive exams. Let’s read more about this ambitious plan of government.

What is People’s Plan Campaign 2021? 

Panchayats are formed to implement the government’s scheme at the ground level, connect people with the government, decentralize the government and make them responsible for their work. This is why panchayats are known as grass-root democracy. Across the country, 31.65 lakh elected representatives work at the panchayat level and out of the 14.53 lakh are women. The presence of females at this level looks promising for other women. The government wants more people to connect with the panchayat and get to know about the government’s scheme. Panchayats are to participate in Panchyat Development Plan (PDP). It will help them for economic development and implement social justice. The planning process of PDP has access to all the schemes introduced by the central government. We have mentioned the details of the People’s plan campaign for UPSC and other competitive exam aspirants.

The minister said in his speech to elaborate the People’s Plan Campaign that it is conducted with better participation from people in each activity. Further, he said that the plan is to promote a sense of camaraderie and commitment to the common goals of the all-around development of villages. The government of India always wants to make the panchayats stronger and reachable to the people. With the People’s Plan campaign 2021, the GOI wants every village to achieve sustainable development in the near future.

Every Gram Sabha gets some fund from the government that has to be used for the betterment and development of the rural area and village. With the plan, the ministry wants the gram sabhas to be accountable for the meaningful use of the allocated funds. With the proper use of innovation and technologies, the Panchayats can also raise funds. The campaign is launched to make Panchayati raj more effective and efficient. The government is expecting the panchayats to use the flagship programs announced by the government to make their villages better. Here are the key points of the campaign;

Key Points for People’s Plan Campaign 2021 

  • A strong Panchayati raj was the dream of Mahatma Gandhi, so the People’s plan campaign has implemented on October 2, 2021. In the campaign, the gram sabhas conducted a meeting to prepare a panchayat development plan for the coming financial year 2022-23.
  • The gram sabha meeting deadline has been extended to 31, January 2022 and all the concerned departments and ministries are asked to help and support the participants of the program.
  • The People’s plan campaign is for all the gram sabhas in all the states in India, and all gram sabhas have participated in it.
  • The gram panchayats are instructed to involve more people in this campaign, and they are asked to take special efforts to involve SC/ST and women in this campaign.
  • Last year also this campaign was conducted and went well despite the spread of COVID-19. In previous years approx 2.56 lakh gram sabhas and panchayats uploaded their GPDPs on the portal.

Aim of Panchyat Development Plan 

The main aim of the People’s Plan Campaign is to make the smallest form of government, Panchayats, stronger, faster and reachable. Now because of the rules, more women involved in government work at the panchayat level. It motivates the other women to work for the betterment of the area, and that’s how the government promotes women’s empowerment. When a panchayat gets the freedom to develop its village, then not only a small area of the country develops, but it opens roads for various works.

The Bottom Line

Panchayats are responsible bodies to implement the government’s schemes at ground level. A strong panchayat is the backbone of a developed village. The more they will involve in the government’s scheme and development work, the better country will be. With the People’s Plan campaign 2021, the government has also increased the accountability of gram panchayats to raise their own revenue. It will help to reduce the unemployment in the country in villages. Vibrant Gram Sabha dashboard has also been launched for the gram sabha to initiates and participates in the meetings. With this step, the government wants to make panchayats a stronger form of democracy.


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