GATE 2022 exam pattern is out, and aspirants must check it for better preparation and performance in the exam. IIT Kharagpur has released the GATE exam pattern and its official brochure. The exam conducting authorities have included two new papers in GATE 2022. In GATE Exam 2022, Geomatics Engineering and Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering are included.
GATE 2022 will be conducted online, where the examinees have to answer 65 MCQs. They will have 3 hours for the exam. So the examinees need to be well informed about every change in the exam pattern. The exam conducting authorities haven’t made any major changes in Gate 2022 exam apart from these two new subject additions. Here have a quick overview of the GATE 2022 exam pattern;
GATE 2022 Exam Pattern: An Overview
An examinee needs to be well versed with the syllabus and exam pattern. It will help them in exam preparation and pace up their speed during the exam. When the examinee knows about the marking system and exam mode, they can prepare well and plan a full-proof strategy to score good marks in the exam. If you are to appear in the GATE exam 2022, we have some important information about its pattern. Let us know about them;
- Exam Mode: Computer Based Exam
- Exam Duration: 3 hours
- Total Questions to be asked: 65
- Types of Questions: Multiple Choice Questions and Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions
- Total Marks: 100
- Subjects: 27
- Sections in Exam: General Aptitude & Core Discipline or General Aptitude or Engineering Mathematics and Core Discipline
- Marking Method: 1or 2 marks to the students for every correct answer.
- Negative Marking: For MSAs and NATs, no negative marking. For MCQ, 2/3 marks will be deducted for every two wrong answers.
GATE Exam Pattern 2022: Paper Wise
We have given the main pattern of the GATE exam, but it varies from one exam code to another. In all GATE exams, the applicants have to take questions from General Aptitude. It’s a common topic for all the GATE examinations. In the GA section, the questions are asked from numerical, quantitative, and verbal ability. This section carries a 15% weightage of the total marks in the exam. In this section total of 10 questions are asked. GA’s 5 questions carry 1 mark each, and the rest 5 questions are for 2 marks each.
In other question papers of GATE with AE, AG, BM, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, ES, IN, ME, MN, MT, PE, PI, TF, and XE exam code general aptitude gets 15% marks weightage, Engineering mathematics gets 13% of total marks weightage and remaining 72% is for core subject of the exam.
For paper code AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, ST, XH, and XL Engineering mathematics is not a part of the exam. So, 15% of marks are to GA, and the rest 85% marks are assigned to the core subject of that particular exam. Scroll down the page to understand the exam code and its core subject;
GATE 2022: Subject Codes (Revised)
In the previous cycle, the students have given the GATE exam with a revised pattern. The authorities have created a provision for GATE aspirants to appear in the GATE exam for 2 subjects. Students can choose any two papers from the given list. We have also mentioned the previous and revised exam code in front of each subject, and it will help you understand the paper-wise exam pattern in a better way.
Name of Paper | Code of Paper | Revised codes of Papers (Second Paper ) |
Aerospace Engineering | AE | NM, XE |
Architecture and Planning | AR | CE |
Agricultural Engineering | AG | ES, GE, XE, XL |
Biotechnology | BT | BM, XL |
Biomedical Engineering | BM | BT, EC, IN, XL |
Chemical Engineering | CH | PE, XE |
Civil Engineering | CE | AE, AR, ES, GE, NM |
Computer Science and Information Technology | CS | EC, GE, MA, ST |
Chemistry | CY | XL |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | IN, PH, EE, CS, GE |
Electrical Engineering | EE | EC, IN |
Environmental Science and Engineering | ES | AG, CE, GE |
Ecology and Evolution | EY | XL |
Geomatics Engineering (New Paper) | GE | CE, GG, ES, MN |
Geology and Geophysics | GG | GE, MN, PE, PH |
Instrumentation Engineering | IN | EC, EE, PH |
Mathematics | MA | CS, GE, PH, ST |
Mechanical Engineering | ME | AE, CH, NM, PI, XE |
Mining Engineering | MN | GE, GG, XE |
Metallurgical Engineering | MT | PH, XE |
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (New Paper) | NM | AE, CE, XE |
Petroleum Engineering | PE | CH, GG, XE |
Physics | PH | EC, GE, GG, IN, MA, MT, ST, XE |
Production and Industrial Engineering | PI | ME, MT, XE |
Statistics | ST | MA, PH |
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science | TF | XE |
Engineering Sciences | XE | AE, AG, CH, ME, MN, MT, PE, PI, TF, NM |
Humanities & Social Sciences | XH | ST |
Life Sciences | XL | BM, BT, CY, EY |
GATE Exam Pattern 2022 For Paper Code AE, AG, BM, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, ES, IN, ME, MN, MT, NM, PE, PI, TF, and ST
GATE exam 2022 can be divided into three sections; GA, Engineering Mathematics, and core subject. Here is the exam pattern for the mentioned paper codes;
- GA: 15% marks weightage (total 10 questions)
- Engineering Mathematics: 13% (total 25 questions)
- Core Subject: 72% (rest 55 questions)
GATE Exam Pattern 2022 for paper codes CY, EY, MA, and PH
The Gate 2022 exam for mentioned codes will be having two sections; GA and Core Subject;
- GA: 15% questions (total 15 questions)
- Core Subject: 85% questions ( 55 questions)
GATE Exam Pattern 2022 for Paper Code (AR)
For the GATE exam for Architecture and Planning paper, the paper will have three sections; GA, Part A, and Part B. Part B will be having two more sections B1 and B2. Here is the exam pattern for this exam;
- GA: 10 questions
- Part A: 39 Questions
- Part B: total 16 questions
GATE Exam Pattern 2022 for (GE)
It’s a new paper introduced in GATE 2022. It will be divided into three sections. Here is the exam pattern for Geomatics Engineering;
- GA: 10 questions
- Part A: 39 Questions
- Part B: 16 Questions
GATE Exam Pattern 2022 for Geology and Geophysics (GG)
The exam will have three parts, and one of them is GA. Part A is mandatory for everyone, and part 2 will be having two sections; Geology and Geophysics.
- GA: 10 Questions
- Part A: 25 Questions
- Part B: total 60 questions
GATE Exam Pattern 2022: Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NM)
This one is a new subject added by the IIT Kharagpur for GATE 2022. It will be having two sections; GA and core subject;
- GA: 10 Questions
- Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering: Rest 55 questions for 85 marks
Now you know the exam pattern for the latest addition in GATE 2022. Rest information you can get by the table of paper code and paper-wise exam pattern. Now let’s understand the types of questions asked in GATE 2022.
Types of Questions asked in GATE 2022
In GATE 2022 exam, three types of questions will be asked; MCQs, MSQs, and NAT. Scroll down the page to know what kinds of questions fall in this category;
· Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
In multiple-choice questions, the candidate will get 4 options with the question, and out of them, one is correct. The candidate has to click in front of the correct option.
· Multiple Select Questions (MSQs)
These questions will also have four options as answers, out of which one or more than one can be the right answer. For this category of questions, no negative marking is applied. However, the candidate will also not get any marks for marking the partially correct answer.
· Numerical Answer Type (NAT)
The GATE aspirants will not get any choice in answers to NAT questions as they are not a part of MCQs. The questions will be numerical based and so the answers. The questions will be having information about the decimal place of the answer.
The Last Word
So, here we have mentioned the details of the GATE 2022 exam pattern with the addition of two more subjects. In case of any further queries related to GATE 2022, feel free to write to us. We will be happy to guide you.