JEE Preparation Tips for Main 2020

JEE preparation tips

The JEE Main 2020 will have a new pattern this year as announced by the NTA and we think you must have a new preparation strategy too. We have already discussed the JEE Main 2020 Application process and provided link to download the JEE Main 2020 Brochure in previous articles. Besides, this information, aspirants should also know how to crack JEE Main 2020, the best books for JEE Main 2020 and from where to download NTA JEE Main 2020 Mock Tests for free.

Now when you know all the information on JEE Main 2020 January and April exam, it is time to plan and start preparing for the exam. Read on to know the success mantras for JEE Main 2020.

Tips For JEE Mains 2020 

To get admission in undergraduate programmes in 25 IITs, 31 NITs, and 28 GFTIs/CFTIs, you require a perfect plan. So here we are with the how-to crack JEE Main 2020 essential tips. NTA has released JEE Main 2020 information Brochure from where you can get all essential information on the JEE Main 2020 exam. The JEE exam is conducted by NTA twice a year and is the biggest undergraduate entrance test held in India.

Getting into IITs and other coveted institutes has become tough, not just, you need to crack JEE Main 2020 but also JEE Advanced 2020 to get an admission. If you have completed 12th class with good grades or are pursuing 12th you are eligible to apply. To get admission in institutes like IITs and NITs, you need a plan, scroll a little to find the JEE Main 2020 preparation plan.

This page is to help define a how to crack JEE Main 2020 preparation plan, get the free JEE Main 2020 mock tests, know important topics ad best books. For JEE Main preparation follow the below tips on How to crack JEE main 2020.

Crack JEE Main 2020 With These Tips

  • The first thing is to know the exam dates, this will help you frame a preparation strategy based on the time you have till final exam.
  • When you know the JEE Main 2020 important dates, the second step is to understand the JEE Main 2020 new exam pattern, syllabus, and difficulty level.
  • The third thing to do is to find right books, we suggest starting with NCERT books and once you are good with them move to other books.
  • Focus on understanding concepts/basics.
  • Make a time management strategy based on the analysis of your weakness and strength.
  • However, we know that the pattern of exam is changes, but not the complete syllabus so do previous paper analysis.
  • Revise daily and make notes of important.
  • Take JEE Main 2020 mock tests. This will tell you where you need improvement and will help to understand the time management for JEE Main 2020.
  • Stay confident and positive throughout the journey from JEE Main 2020 preparation to final exam.

Besides the above tips, here are the toppers tips to crack JEE Main. They have done it with the right strategy and mindset you can too.

How to Cover JEE Main 2020 Syllabus?

The very first thing is to remember no matter how vast the syllabus look, it will be easy to cover. Everything looks hard when we see it whole; breaking it down into parts makes it easy to understand. JEE Main 2020 syllabus shouldn’t look new to you as it comprises topics from 11th and 12th class, including Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. You are already familiar with the topics, divide them based on your knowledge and decide time for each section. Devote more time to what you feel is new.

Below we have highlighted a few important topics subject wise that will help you crack JEE Main 2020.

Mathematics – The important topics that you should not miss for JEE Main 2020 are Permutations and Combinations, Sequences & Series, Trigonometry, Statistics & probability, Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations, Vector Algebra, 3D Geometry, Sets, Relations and Functions.

Physics – The important topics from class 11th and 12th Physics that are important for JEE Main 2020 include Laws of Motion, Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Electromagnetic Waves, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Kinematics, Oscillations & Waves, Gravitation, Optics, Properties of Liquids & Solids, and Current Electricity.

Chemistry – Organic Chemistry is important for JEE, apart from that Electrochemistry, States of Matter, Complete Periodic table, Surface Chemistry, Atomic Structure, Equilibrium, Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure, Biomolecules, Polymers and Chemical Thermodynamics.

JEE Main 2020 Exam Pattern

The changes are introduced in the exam pattern of JEE Main 2020, we have already discussed the changes, highlighting them again for you. The mode of exam remains same like previous years. The previous pattern had Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) only but new pattern includes Numerical Value Type questions (NVTs). The Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics sections will have 20 MCQs and 5 NVTs.

The exam will charge penalty for wrong answers, for every write answers, four marks will be awarded and one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.

What Are The Best Books for JEE Main 2020?

NCERT Books are the Best Books for JEE Main 2020

NCERT Books of class 11th and 12th are the best books for JEE Main 2020. The first step of your preparation should always be to sharpen the concepts. With right concepts, you can answer even the hardest of questions with ease. NCERT books cover complete syllabus of JEE Main. Move to other books only when you complete the NCERT books.

Other Best Books for JEE Main 2020

The publishers who publish books for JEE aspirants; are H.C. Verma and Arihant Publications. There are others too but these two are the most preferred by JEE aspirants. Listed below are subject wise best book to crack JEE Main 2020.




Mock Tests for JEE Main 2020

Mock tests are an important part of preparation. More the number of mock tests you solve the better you preparation gets. JEE Main 2020 mock tests will not just make you aware of types of questions and exam pattern, but will also provide you hands-on experience of the exam.

Mock tests will help you understand how to manage time for exam, as they give you the feel of real exam. JEE aspirants should know that it is not important to solve all question, what matters the most is accuracy. The exam will penalize you for each wrong answer.

The Free Practice Sessions are also offered by NTA for aspirants appearing for JEE Main 2020. The mock test of JEE Main 2020 is available on the website of NTA and the last date to register for JEE Main January 2020 Practice session is December 31, 2019. Candidates can also download the JEE previous year paper along with answer key from the NTA website. Last year, almost 1.61 crore students made use of JEE Main 2020 Mock Tests offered by NTA. Don’t miss this opportunity, register today to give the needed boost to your JEE Main 2020 preparation.

Revision is Important for JEE Main 2020 Preparation

Our memory needs revision to remember. To crack the JEE Main 2020, along with the planning preparation strategy, draw a revision plan as well. Leave on area revision less. What you study daily you must revise. Make short notes to save time when revising. The best plan for success is study, revise and repeat.

JEE Main 2020 Preparation and Health of Aspirant

The intense competition to get admission in the best college after 12th have all the powers to demotivate you or lead to loss of focus. To keep the focus and stay motivated, we suggest aspirants to practice 10 minutes of meditation daily. Meditation not just gives the right frame of mind but also keep you stress free and confident. Eating healthy is another important thing to follow. Never compromise on your sleep hours, sour mind need rest to start fresh every morning.

Also, read – Are you stuck? You need career counseling.

The Bottom Line

We have discussed all the important points that can help you taste success. We hope these preparation tips will help you crack JEE Mains 2020 and keep you confident and stress-free. We have listed the best books for JEE Main 2020, but don’t choose them over NCERT books. The importance of understanding exam syllabus, pattern, mock tests, and revision is highlighted.

Crack JEE Main 2020 with the above-mentioned JEE preparation tips and we wish you all the luck for the exam!


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