Avoid These 15 Mistakes in JEE Preparation To Get Top Rank

Jee Preparation Mistakea

Do you aspire to crack JEE ? What is your reason to become an IITian?

JEE Mains, JEE Advanced are the two stages that students need to clear to get admission in IIT. Today we will tell you how to prepare and the mistakes that students do while preparing for JEE.

Every student is different and has different preparation strategy. There are students who work hard, study hard for years to get the desired rank, but still could not get it and there are others who work smart and get the top rank. Do you want to know the reason for that? This is all due to JEE preparation mistakes that JEE aspirants make. So read this article and try to avoid these mistakes and you will see a rank boost this year.

15 Mistakes in JEE Preparation

Here we will discuss common JEE prep mistakes made by aspirants. These mistakes are an obstacle in your oath to success. Read on to know the JEE preparation mistakes that you should avoid.

1. Neglecting the basics

You buy the best study material and spend a lot of money on books and other sources, but you ignore to work on your basics. No matter how good books you have, if your basic concepts are not strong, you will end up settling at a low rank.

So, we advice you to stick to your NCERT books for JEE Preparation, before moving to any other source. Over 60 percent of questions asked in JEE Mains are from NCERT textbook. Once you complete the NCERT, than move to advance books, as NCERT will build the concepts.

Preparing with advanced books isn’t the success mantra! Strong command on basics is what will help you solve the toughest of problems with ease.

2. Working Hard, Not Smart

It is important to work hard to achieve a desired goal, but it is fruitful when you do it in a smart way. Even the IIT toppers mention the importance of working smart, this means to put more efforts on your weak areas, have a proper plan to overcome the weakness, and do study with breaks. Working hard and smart does not mean studying for 10 hours in continuation, your brain needs relaxation, so ensure that your do include power breaks in your study.

3. Ignoring syllabus of class XI

This is one of the most common mistake made by JEE apirants, as they are more focused in class XII syllabus, they completely ignore the importance of class XI syllabus which makes a big part of JEE exam.

JEE exam includes questions based in class XI and XII syllabus and basic concepts, so work parallel on covering both the syllabus.

4. Isolating Yourself

Many students isolate themselves to stay focused on their preparation, but in smart preparation, you must maintain a study group, so that you can enter healthy preparation based conversations. Even if you come across an issue, you will get an answer from one of the students from the group.

Isolating yourself could be stressful and depressing at times, so we advice you to stay connected to your stress busters “friends”.

5. Leaving Difficult Questions for Later

The common practice among candidates is that they leave difficult questions for later. This is one thing that keeps you away from the rank you desire. So, when to come across a difficult question, give time to it, find solution and the concept used. Once you do that you now know the logic and this would make you able to do any such questions with ease.

Practice such difficult type of questions until you crack the solution and the basic concept used. This is one of the best ways to improve your scores in JEE Mains and JEE Advanced.

6. Not reading questions completely

It is a common practice among aspirants that they do not read questions carefully and completely, as they want jump to solutions to save time. But this practice makes you lose more marks, as you haven’t understood the question correctly yet. So, spend time on reading questions and you will know be able to solve it in a much better way. This should be your part of JEE preparation and you will follow the same for final exam.

7. Working on Speed, not on accuracy

Most JEE aspirants do not get the right answers even when they know the concept. And the reason is they are more concerned about speed, they want to be able to solve questions faster. But accuracy is the game changer, if you are speeding up, you must do it with accuracy. Many a times with speed you make silly calculation mistakes that becomes a big problem when you arrive at a wrong answer.

So practice for speed and accuracy, work on your calculation skills, as in JEE many questions are calculation based.

8. Not paying attention to classroom teaching

Students feel they are capable of preparing on their own and ignore school classes. But you must know that, the more you listen, the more you will grasp. So pay attention and you will remember atleast half of it, which will benefit you in the JEE as it is based on your school syllabus.

9: Not Focusing on Time Management While Giving Mocks

Mock tests are an important part of your preparation, they give you the feel of real exam. They prepare you for the best results, but a common mistake by students is that they do not work on their time management skill while appearing for mock tests. You must take mocks regularly after every section or chapter and along with that analyze and improve the time management.

10. More focus on one subject

This is common JEE preparation mistake that you must avoid. Students put more focus on one subject, without understanding that the weightage of Maths, Physics and Chemistry is equal in JEE Mains and Advanced. So, keep a balance between the three subjects while you are preparing as lacking in one will make you settle on a score that you don’t want.

11. Using Social Media a lot

Social media isn’t a complete no, but yes it’s one of the biggest distractions for you. So we suggest you to stay safe from the grip of social media. Keep your phone on silent mode away from your study table and check it only after you study hours during the break. Do not enter the social media attraction trap. If you want to score a top rank, you need to use social media in limits.

12. Taking too much Pressure

Usually JEE aspirants take too much pressure while doing the preparation. The pressure is of their performance, upgrading their knowledge and ability to solve quick and correct. Family pressure and social pressure. They are worried about their performance and how society will behave. So, we advice you to prepare stress free, your family is to support you talk to them through the preparation period and don’t think of the society. Those who succeed have a never give up attitude, stay stress free and work for their goal.

13. Compromising on sleep

You think studying for long hours in night will make you a topper, you are wrong! Sleep is important, your brain works much better if you take proper sleep of 7-8 hours. Yes we recommend this, but not oversleeping as it makes you lazy. Relaxing your brain is important, so do not compromise on sleep for JEE preparation. Work smart, use day hours more, to stay focused maintain a separate study area.

14. Saying goodbye to hobbies

Your hobbies are important! Do not say goodbye to them when preparing for JEE Mains and Advanced. Whatever your hobby is, just practice it during the study breaks, to make them effective. Staying connected with your hobbies keep your brain healthy and refresh.

15: Not revising the answer

Many students solve questions at a very good speed, but forget to recheck it for accuracy. So whenever you solve a question revise the answer to ensure it is correct. This is to be practiced during sample papers, mock tests and final exam. If you are able to solve less than you friends, don’t be disheartened, because what you have attempted and solved they are 100% correct as per your knowledge.

5 Mantras of Success for JEE

Now that you know what you should avoid while preparing for JEE, here are 5 hacks that you must follow for success.

  1. Set Your Goal – When you have a goal to achieve, you stay focused and motivated to reach that set target. Ask yourself why is this my goal? If you get the answer, you will achieve it too.
  2. Prepare a Realistic Timetable – Once you know what you want achieve, now is the time to plan a strategy to achieve it. For you, your study timetable is your strategy. Make a realistic timetable, which is achievable, do not put excess pressure on yourself, stay focused and study with breaks.
  3. Consistency – It is important to be consistent while doing JEE preparation, as mostly the aspirants start with full enthusiasm and confidence and slowly the levels go down. Keep yourself motivated, believe in yourself and your abilities.
  4. Healthy Lifestyle and Positive Attitude – A common practice usually followed by students is that they skip meals, switch to junk food to save time. This isn’t the right way, you need to have a healthy lifestyle to keep your brain and body working at its best. As well as you must have a positive attitude and a willingness to work for your goal.
  5. Study, Revise and Practice – The study becomes more effective with frequent revisions and practice. Your brain remembers things for longer with revision, and practice will help you own the skill. So study, revise, practice and do some more practice.

Wrapping Up

If JEE is your goal, you will be able to crack it by not making the common mistakes we have discussed. Give the much needed boost to your JEE preparation and score to get the rank you desire. Toppers are not different, they do same things differently, so it time to make your ways different.

Those who are awaiting JEE dates for the year 2020, they must know that JEE Main 2020 is scheduled in July and JEE Advanced in August.

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