Northern Coalfields Limited has released the employment notification for the candidates who are looking for government jobs. The announcement for NCL Recruitment 2020 has out, and the NCL is inviting the applications from the job seekers to work on the post of Paramedical Staff. Total available vacancies in NCL for Paramedical Staff are 52.
In this article, we have compiled detailed information about NCL jobs in 2020. To make it easy for the candidates to apply for the available vacancies in NCL, we have also given direct links. Interested candidates can check their eligibility from here and then apply online before 9 March 2020.
Important Dates For NCL Job 2020
- The last date for online registration and form submission is 10th March 2020
- Tentative date of downloading the admit card for eligible applicants is 15 March 2020
- The written test will be conducted tentatively on 29 March 2020
- Declaration of the result will be intimated through the official website of NCL
NCL Recruitment 2020 Vacancy Details
To keep you updated about the latest govt jobs in India here, we have given the information about available vacancies in NCL. NCL has released a total of 52 vacancies for Paramedical Staff Posts, have a look at the post-wise jobs in NCL;
- Staff Nurse – 14 Posts
- Pharmacist – 6 Posts
- Technician – 10 Posts
- Technician (Radiographer) (Trainee) – 7 Posts
- Physiotherapist (Trainee) – 1 Post
- Technician (Dietician) – 1 Post
- Jr. Technician (ECG) (Trainee) – 7 Posts
- Jr. Technician (EEG) (Trainee) – 1 Post
- Technician (Dental) (Trainee) – 2 Posts
- Audiometry Technician (Trainee) – 3 Posts
NCL Recruitment 2020 Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit
The minimum age limit to apply for the vacant posts should not be less than 18 years, and the maximum age limit should not exceed 30 years. However, candidates from the reserved category will get relaxation in the upper age limit. Candidates from SC/ST will get relaxation of 5 tears in the upper age limit. For OBC(NCL) Centre List, the maximum age is 33 years, candidates from PwBD (UR) will be eligible for ten years of relaxation in the upper age limit, and for PwBD OBC(NCL) Centre List the relaxation is of 13 years.
Educational Qualification
- For Staff Nurse – The applicant must be 10+2 passed with a Diploma in Nursing.
- For Pharmacist – The Candidate must have done 10+2 and D. Pharma.
- For the Vacant posts of Technician, Technician (Radiographer) (Trainee), Physiotherapist (Trainee), Technician (Dietician) – The applicants must have done Diploma in the concerned subject from a government recognized University.
- For the post of Jr. Technician (ECG) (Trainee), Jr. Technician (EEG) (Trainee), Technician (Dental) (Trainee), Audiometry Technician (Trainee) – The applicant must be 12th passed from a center or state Board.
How to apply for NCL Recruitment 2020
Interested candidates can apply for the ` aforementioned posts through online mode only. Applicants will have to send their online applications on or before 10 March 2020. The authorities have released the application form on the online website of NCL.
One candidate can apply against a single available post only. You can apply for the vacancies mentioned above by registration, fee payment, fill the form, and submit it. It is essential to visit first to apply for suitable jobs.
Further, you will have to click on the career tab on the home page of the website and then reach the recruitment tab. Here you will get a link of Notification for Direct Recruitment of various posts of Paramedical staff, click on it and then apply online.
Application Fee
- The application fee to apply for the vacant posts in NCL is Rs. 500 for candidates from UR, EWS, and OBC categories.
- SC/ST/PWD/ESM/Departmental Candidates can apply for the suitable post at free of cost.
Selection Process
The selection of the candidates will be made through a written test. Candidates will be called for the written test based on their declaration regarding their eligibility, as mentioned in the application form. For each post, a separate written test will be conducted. Here have a look at the exam pattern for the selection in Paramedical Staff in NCL;
- The written exam will have two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A will be having 70 MCQs on the technical section, and Part B will have 30 general questions.
- There will not be any negative marking on wrongly answered questions.
- The cut-off marks for the UR and EWS candidates are 50, and for the SC/ ST/ ESM/ OBC-NCL/ PwBD candidates, the minimum cut off marks are 40.
Important Links
The Bottom Line
In India, people give preference to government jobs. So to get the updates of the latest govt jobs in India, stay tuned with us. We will keep posting about the latest recruitment notifications released by the central and different state governments.