The Resume That Are Easier on The Eyes, Are the Most Hired


Job hunting is really stressful for the job seekers whether they are experienced or freshers.   In order to get hired in a big and reputed company, the job seeker’s resume needs some major overhaul. To make your resume more attractive the job seeker spends many hours on it and recruiters judge it in just a few seconds. The biggest challenge for a job seeker is to create a resume which can lure the recruiter to call him for the interview.

Job seekers try many different tricks to highlight their resume among the hundreds of resumes. My experience as recruiter says that the resume that is easier on the eyes are the most hired ones.  In this post, I will share some tips with you that will help you to get hired.  Based on my experience as a recruiter the best tip I can give you is to keep your resume simpler and interesting. The readability of your resume is the key to the job of your dream.

How to Create a Resume to Get Hired

The digital platform has made the job search easy for the job seekers but the fact is that these job portals have increased the competition among the job seekers. When recruiter starts searching a suitable candidate then lots of resumes appear on the screen. So the first evaluation of your resume is conducted on the screen of the computer.

In the last few years, we have observed a trend of some out of the box resume. Not all the unique resumes look great on the computer screen. Below mentioned tips will help you in the creation of an out of the box yet interesting resume.

· Font for Resume  

In order to make your resume look interesting, don’t use some decorative font like Brush Script or Comic Sans. Using these types of fonts in a resume is actually a sin. These fonts are the murder of professional feel of resume. A bold font like Impact and narrow font like Arial Narrow are another bad font choice for a resume.

Fonts like Arial, Times New Roman are among the most used fonts for a resume but these fonts are also not a great choice for resume writing. The aforementioned fonts make your resume look boring and the recruiter gets the feeling that you are not a creative minded person.

If we talk about the best font for your resume then we will have to take the name of Garamond. This font let you include lots of stuff on a page without sacrificing the readability of your document.  Other great fonts you can use in your resume are; the sophisticated sans-serif, Cambria etc.

· Font Size for Resume

Like the font, the font size is also important for an attractive resume. If you have chosen and used a good font for the resume but the font size is too small or large then you have ruined your resume. When you type your resume then the font size should complement the font you have used in it.

In order to compose your resume on one page only, don’t go for a smaller font size. The font for your name should be slightly larger so it stands out in your resume.

Good readability should be the only focal point for you while choosing the font size for your resume.  The font for important information like your name, experience etc should be in large font size to it can be an eye-catcher.

· Font Colour for Resume

Job seekers usually get confused about whether they should use the colored font in their resume or not. To look different in the crowd of resumes you can use a color scheme or color font to make it attractive. Using colors in a resume for the senior posts is not recommended but if they use colors fonts like grey or brown instead of black then also their resume will look professional. 

If you are applying for a creative job then bright colors scheme can help you to get hired but you will have to use them in the right manner. But it should not be too bright to be a resume, end of its a professional document. For the other jobs, the safe and best combination of color is black, blue or green.

· Layout for Resume

Now, let’s talk about the best layout for your resume. To pick the best layout for your resume first know about the different resume layout then according to your experience chose the best one.   

No matter what type of layout you pick, do not use the graph to show your proficiency in any subject or language. The long and paragraphed texts can get your resume rejected in the very first sight so avoid them too. The use of pointer and bullets increases the readability of your resume. 

· Job Descriptive Keywords for Resume

If you are a job seeker then you cannot ignore the importance of keywords. Recruiters search for a suitable resume for their requirement based on the keywords. So do include them in the first paragraph itself and in short line.

Winding Up   

Now you know how you can make your resume look easier and attractive.  These tips will surely help you to get hired in the company of your dream. To get a call from the recruiter you will have to mention your contact details clearly. Do check your contact details twice after updating it.  The simpler and easier resumes catch the eyes of recruiter more than then colorful and readability-less resumes.  So make your resume simpler and easy to read to get hired.

A resume is your marketing documents so it has to be error-free and it should show every positive side of yours. If you have any question in mind which is stopping you from the creation of a great resume, drop it in the comment box below.


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