Subject Wise Preparation Strategies to Crack CDS Exam

Crack CDS Exam

Clearing the CDS exam is the dream of many young Indians. UPSC conducts the CDS exam twice in a year. The CDS (I) 2019 exam has been conducted in February and CDS (II) 2019 will be conducted in September 2019.

In the CDS exam, the questions are asked from English, General Knowledge, and Maths. The CDS exam syllabus for English and Maths is limited but the syllabus of GK is unlimited and vast. To ace in the preparation for CDS exam, you need to be updated about all the important topics of GK, English, and Maths.

In today’s post, we will discuss on the subject wise preparation strategies to crack CDS Exam.

Preparation Strategies for CDS 2019 English Language

English is an important topic of CDS Exam. CDS (II) 2019 important topics from English are as follows; Sentence correction, Reading comprehension, Jumbled sentences, Fill in the blanks and Finding errors & omissions etc.

To prepare for the English section of the CDS exam you need to work on your grammar first. All the above-mentioned topics can be covered with strong grammar. A habit of reading English books will also help you to clear the English section of the CDS exam.

Many aspirants are afraid of English but in reality, it’s not a tough language at all. You can ace on this topic by following some tips and tricks;

  • Develop a reading habit and start it with a national newspaper reading. While reading the newspaper, keep a notebook with you and write all the difficult words in it. Later on, find the meanings of the mentioned words to improve your vocabulary.
  • Understand English grammar instead of mugging it up. You should have the basic knowledge of Tenses, verb-subject agreement and degrees of the verb. This will help you in finding errors and sentence correction.
  • Practice in English will make you master in it. Revise the topic you prepared the previous day and try mock tests.
  • While revising the topics and after the completion of mock tests, you need to look at your mistakes as well and try not to repeat them.

Preparation Strategies for CDS 2019 Maths

We all know that Maths is a scoring subject but still it’s difficult to get expertise in this subject.  The CDS Elementary Mathematics paper contains 100 objective type questions of total 100 marks. The standard of questions asked in the CDS Maths exam is similar to matriculation.

Following tips will help you in preparation for CDS exam.

  • The syllabus of Maths is vast and you should have the proper knowledge of its syllabus.
  • Make notes of formulas, theorems, and shortcuts in a separate register so you could revise it whenever you want to.
  • Practice more questions related to speed, distance and time, learn Math Formula for Area & surface area. In recent years many questions have been asked from these topics.
  • To get success in Maths you need to practice it a lot. You can take help from online mock tests and sample papers.
  •  Do not pick any new topic at the eleventh hour of preparation for the Maths exam. This will not go to help you on the exam. Whatever you have finished so far, revise that only.

Preparation Strategies for CDS 2019 for General Knowledge 

Questions related to current affairs, history, geography etc are asked in this section of the exam. Following tips can help you to prepare for the General knowledge for CDS 2019.

  • Take help from History, Geography and civics books of NCERT to prepare for General Knowledge. You can make small notes on important dates, event and other from these books.
  • Read the newspaper daily and make notes of important awards, event, and others.
  • You can take help from the one-liners available on many online platforms. Books based on general knowledge and current affairs can also help you to enhance your knowledge of GK.

The Bottom Line

To score well in the CDS exam you need to be calm in the exam room. It’s also important to read the questions carefully before attempting it.  While attempting the question paper do not stick on any of the questions. If you cannot understand any particular question then move on to another one quickly.

Apply all the above-mentioned suggestions in your preparation for CDS exam and score well. In case of any other doubt related to CDS or any other exam, please feel free to reach us through the comment box below.


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