How to Do Super Quick Mathematical Calculations to Score Better in Government Exams


Government jobs are always in demand as Indian people prefer a government job to a private one. The reasons are pretty obvious. Even in the recent economic crisis that gripped most of the countries across the globe and caused many private Indian companies to reduce their staff, government jobs were safe and sound in India.

As the competition is tough, it is quite natural that most government jobs of this country are hard to get. Getting a government job in India isn’t at all a quick and easy process, it is rather a long term goal which demands a lot of preparation. The jobs are generally offered only to the candidates who clear an eligibility test. The test also acts as a filter because most of the test-takers are not able to clear it.

Tests are generally objective in nature except a few exceptions like the civil services test. An important and integral part of the tests is mathematics. Almost all the tests from the different government organisations have a mathematical component. Also as the tests may have sectional cut-offs, a good knowledge of Mathematics becomes quite essential to land a government job. The public sector companies either have their own tests or use the all India Graduate Aptitude Test to scout for potential employees. Similarly the banks of this country also conduct an objective multiple choice questions test. These exams have a fixed time duration and a large number of questions.

As the time limit in most government exams is almost insufficient when compared to their number of questions, candidates who can solve the problems in a shorter time duration are at advantage. In maths also it is necessary to make the required calculations and derivations within time. Generally maths questions are calculation based. Learning speed mathematics or using techniques to make their calculations more efficient and speedy is sure to help candidates a great deal. Practicing is one of the most key parts of the exam preparation process. Practicing problems regularly is surely going to boost the calculating speed and it has the additional advantage of students making fewer mistakes. Students can learn vedic math methods to increase their speed. When candidates are able to do their calculations faster in the exam, they save time for the tougher sections of the paper. This helps them in increasing their scores.

There are all kind of mathematical techniques to improve one’s calculation speed. For example to multiply a big number by 5 it is much easier to multiply the number by 10 and divide it by 2. Candidates should have the squares of all numbers upto 25 on the tip of their fingers as they are used very frequently. To check a number for divisibility by 3 all we have to do is add the digits of the number and see if the sum is a multiple of 3. Similarly there are a whole lot of other tricks for the different numbers. Checking for divisibility by 5 is easy as only a number with a zero or a 5 at its unit’s place can be divided by 5.

To do fast multiplication of a number with 11, say for example, you have to multiply 45 with 11. Find the sum of both the numbers i.e. 4+5=9, then place the sum between the two digits, hence the product of 11 and 45 is 495. In case, if the sum of number is more than 10, for example let’s find the product of 99 and 11, 9+9=18, we will keep 8 as the middle digit and carry forward 1, hence the final digit is 1089.

To multiply a three digit number with 11, for example 435 *11, you simply need to find the sum of first digit and second digit, i.e. (4+3=7), and sum of second digit and third digit (3+5=8), and Insert them between the first digit and last digit of the original number, which are 4 and 5 respectively. Thus the product is 4785.

To multiply any two numbers between 11 and 19, say for example you have to multiply 12 with 15. The first step is to add first number with last digit of second number and multiply the sum with 10, i.e. 12+5= 17 * 10 = 170, to the number obtained (170) add product of the last digit of both the original numbers i.e. 2*5= 10. The final number is 170 + 10 = 180.

To multiply a number with 9, say you have to multiply 61 with 9. All you need to do is to add 0 at the end of the given number, hence 61 becomes 610, to get the product subtract original number from 610, and you get the result which is 610-61= 549. Isn’t it easy?

Let’s move to division, if you have to divide a number by 5, let’s say you need to divide 5678 by 5. The first step is to multiply the given number by 2, you get 11356, and then move decimal point one step left to get final answer, i.e. 1135.6.

These small quick calculation methods are very useful and can save time of the examine. To learn more tricks, visit Opennaukri blog regularly. Let us know, what calculations are troubling you, will will give some amazing solutions for those.

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