NITI Aayog Recruitment 2020: Apply Now for the Vacancies for Advisor

niti aayog recruitment

National Institution for Transforming India Aayog (NITI Aayog) releases the recruitment notification from time to time to recruit suitable candidates on available vacancies. Recently the Aayog has circulated the NITI Aayog Recruitment 2020 notification. All those candidates who are looking for Government jobs can grab this opportunity by applying for the released vacancies.

NITI Aayog has released various vacancies for the post of Senior Advisor and Advisor posts. Further, in this article, we have compiled detailed information about the eligibility criteria and the process to apply for the vacancies. First, have a look at the available jobs then read on to get more information.  

NITI Aayog Recruitment 2020: Vacancy Details 

  • Senior Advisor (Level 15): 01 Post
  • Advisor (Level 14):01 Post

Eligibility Criteria  

All those candidates who are looking to apply for the NITI Aayog jobs 2020 can check the eligibility criteria for the vacancies here. For appointment by deputation (including short-term contract) age of the applicant shall not be exceeding 58 years as on the closing date for receipt of applications.

For Senior Advisor (Level 15)

  • The required educational qualification to apply for this post is the Masters’ Degree in any discipline or MBBS or Degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized University.
  • If the applicant has passed in Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institute of Engineers (India), or Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Two years) Desirable Doctorate in any discipline or Master’s Degree in Engineering then he/she can apply for the vacant post of senior advisor in NITI Aayog.
  • Candidate must have Minimum 18 years of total experience.
  • Candidate working for 3 years continuously on Level – 14 in Pay Matrix or Pre-Revised Pay Band 4: Rs.37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs.10,000 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department are also eligible to apply for this post.

For Advisor (Level 14)

  • Candidate must be holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre or department; or
  • She/he has been into two years regular service in posts in Level – 13 A in Pay Matrix or Pre-Revised Pay Band 4 : Rs.37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs.8,900 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department;
  • Candidate with three years regular service in posts in Level – 13 in Pay Matrix or Pre-Revised Pay Band 4: Rs.37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs.8,700 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department will be eligible to apply for this post.  
  • The Essential experience to apply for this post is a minimum of 15 years experience (which shall include up to 3 years for Ph.D. provided no work experience is counted during those 3 years).

Crucial Dates to Apply

If you fulfil the criteria given above, then you can apply for the vacant posts till 02 March 2020. The application of the candidates should reach to the office of NITI Aayog till 5:00 PM on or before the dates mentioned above.

How To Apply For The Niti Aayog Vacancies

Candidates can apply for both of the vacant posts through offline. NITI Aayog has released the Performa to apply for the vacancies online. Candidates can download the Performa, fill it and send it to the office of NITI Aayog. The link to download the Performa has given in the next section of this article.

The application will also have the following documents to confirm that the candidate fulfils the qualification. The prescribed proforma i.e., Appendix I, must be duly signed by the candidate and countersigned by the Head of Office or any other officer authorized to sign.  

Here are the details of the required documents;

  • Up-to-date Confidential Report/ APAR Dossier of the candidate concerned or photocopies of the Annual Confidential / Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of the candidate for the latest available five years (duly attested);
  • Vigilance clearance in the prescribed detailed format signed by CVO of the department/organization;
  • Integrity Certificate signed by an officer of the rank of Deputy Secretary or above.
  • Cadre Clearance/NOC from the appropriate authority.  

Send the documents and filled application to the below-mentioned address;

NITI Aayog
Room No.303
NITI Bhavan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110 001

Important Links

  • To read the official notification released by NITI Aayog for Adnisot and Senior Advisor post, click here.
  • The details of the vacancy circular along with prescribed proforma are available in NITI Aayog‟s website. Click here for the details.   

The Bottom Line

We have compiled all the information related to NITI Aayog Recruitment. For more information about government jobs in India, stay tuned with us.  


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