Medical Requirements for NDA

NDA Medical Requirements

To appear in NDA 2019 exam candidates need to fulfill many requirements set by UPSC. Two most complicated requirements to join NDA are Age limit and Medical Requirements for NDA. Here in this page we will discuss the medical eligibility for NDA and the reasons for rejection in NDA.

Here, we discuss

  • Medical standards for NDA
  • Commonly Found Defects/Ailments
  • Height/Weight Standards for Air Force or Army
  • Height/Weight Standards for Indian Navy
  • Other Medical Requirements for NDA
  • Extra physical test for the pilot in the Air Force
  • Eyesight Eligibility for Air Force Candidates
  • NDA Air Force Medical Permanent Rejection
  • Eyesight Eligibility for Naval Candidates
  • Maddox Rod Test
  • Physical Condition for NDA 
  • NDA Tattoo Policy 
  • NDA Medical Permanent Rejection

To fill NDA 2019 application form for NDA-I, your date of birth should be in between of 2nd July 2000 to 1st July 2003. Candidates possessing date of birth in between 2nd January 2001 to 1st January 2004 are permitted to write the exam of NDA-II.

To clear NDA exam, you should also know about the Medical Requirements for NDA. Here are details of physical medical requirements to join NDA.

Medical Standards for NDA

Many NDA aspirants have the question in mind about the physical medical requirements for NDA. Here in this post, we have compiled the answer of what are medical requirements for NDA.

Commonly Found Defects/Ailments

NDA conducts the medical examination in a military hospital in order to speed up the process of shortlisting the candidates.  This medical examination is conducted after the recommendation of SSB. Here is the list of a few very common ailments that can be a reason behind the unsuitability of the candidates.

  • Wax (Ears)
  • Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
  • Phimosis/ Hydrocele
  • Overweight or Underweight
  • Under Sized Chest
  • Piles
  • Tonsillitis
  • Gynaecomastia
  • Varicocele

To join National Defence Academy candidates need to be physically and mentally fit to handle the training and post-training pressure. The height and weight requirement are different in NDA for Army, Navy and Air Force. Below we have discussed the medical standard for NDA (height and weight) for Army, Navy and Air Force.

  • To join NDA the minimum height of the candidate should be 157 cm. to join air force the minimum height limit is 162.5 cm.
  • For Ghorkha candidates and candidates from the hill areas of India like Garhwal, Kumaon and North-Eastern areas of India, the minimum heights will be 5 cms less than the NDA height standard for other categories. For the candidates from Lakshadweep, the 2 cm less height from the standard height will make them eligible to apply for NDA.

Height/Weight Standards for Air Force or Army

Height (Cms)Weight (Kgs)
Without Shoe16-17 Years17-18 Years18-19 Years

Height/Weight Standards for Indian Navy

Height (Cms)Weight (Kgs)
Without Shoe16 Years18 Years20 Years
  • Here candidates can note that if they have a variation of ±10% in their weight from the standard and average weight then it would be considered normal and they will remain eligible for NDA.
  • Candidates with heavy or thin built may get some relaxation on merit.
  • If the medical board certifies that candidate is likely to grow then he may get relaxation of 5 cm for the Navy and 2.5 cm for the Army and Air Force in standard height.

Most of the NDA aspirants think that height and weight are the only required physical aspects to get selected in the National Defence Academy, which is not true. To join NDA, the applicants must fulfill educational as well as physical & medical requirements. Apart from height and weight, there are a few small requirements also exist. NDA aspirants can get detailed insights about the defence career and work opportunities through defence career counselling. If an aspirant is not aware of these minor but important physical and medical requirements, all his preparation can get in vein as NDA is really strict regarding physical ability. Candidates preparing for NDA and planning to take this year’s exam must check if they fulfill NDA’s medical requirements, also they can get their queries answered by a career counsellor.

Other Medical Requirements for NDA

Apart from standard height and weight, there are a few more physical medical requirements to join NDA. Let’s have a look at them.

Extra physical test for the pilot in the Air Force

Leg Length99 cms120 cms
Thigh Length65 cms
Sitting Height81.50 cms96 cms

Eyesight Eligibility for Air Force Candidates

Uncorrected without glass6/6, 6/9
Corrected with glass6/6 (only for Hypermetropia)
Myopia LimitNil
Hypermetropia Limit+2.00 D Sph
Manifest MyopiaNil
Tinoscopic Myopia0.5
Color VisionCP-I (MLT)
Astigmatism+0.75 Cyl(Within +2D max)
Near VisionN-5 each eye

Visual Standards for Air Force in Detail

The visual standards for Indian Army mention that myopia should not be more than 3.5D and hypermetropia not more than 3.5D including Astigmatism.

Indian Air Force – Visual standards

For Ground Duty (Technical)
Myopia: -3.50 D Sph
Hypermetropia: +3.5 D Sph
Astigmatism: ± 2.50 D Cyl

For Ground Duty (Non-technical)
Myopia: -0.5 D Sph
Hypermetropia:+2.0 D Sph
Astigmatism: +0.5 D Cyl

For Education & Logistics

Myopia: -3.50 D Sph
Hypermetropia:+3.5 D Sph
Astigmatism: ± 2.50 D Cyl

NDA Air Force Medical Permanent Rejection

  • Candidates who wear the spectacles habitually will not eligible for AF.
  • Candidates who have undergone cataract surgery with or without IOL implants will also be not eligible to apply for Air Force.
  • For Indian Air Force (IAF), candidates must possess a good binocular vision.
  • Candidates who have undergone LASIK surgery or laser treatment for eyes are declared unfit for permanent commission in flying branch in IAF.
  • Candidates with color-blindness will face rejection in NDA.

Eyesight Eligibility for Naval Candidates

Uncorrected without glass6/6
Corrected with glass6/6
Limits of Myopia-0.75
Limits of Hypermetropia+1.5
Limits of Color PerceptionI
Binocular VisionIII

Maddox Rod Test

At 6 MetersExo-6 Prism D
Eso-6 Prism D
Hyper-1 Prism D
Hypo-1 Prism D
At 33 CentimetresExo-16 Prism D
Eso-6 Prism D
Hyper-1 Prism D
Hypo-1 Prism D

Physical Condition for NDA 

A healthy and strong physical condition is a must for NDA aspirants. Below mentioned routine can help you to stay healthy and fit and never face rejection in the NDA medical.

  • Running 2.4 km in 15 minutes
  • Skipping
  • Push-ups and sit-ups (minimum 20 each)
  • Chin ups (minimum 08)
  • Rope climbing 3-4 meters.

NDA Tattoo Policy 

Tattoos are common nowadays and if you are planning to get inked and your aim is to join NDA then to know about the NDA tattoo policy is a must. Candidates belonging to a tribe or community where having a permanent tattoo is a part of the culture, are permitted to join NDA, as per the NDA Tatto policy.

Other candidates having a tattoo on the inner face of forearms like from inside of the elbow to the wrist of both the hands and reverse side of the palm/back (dorsal) side of both hands are permitted to join NDA.

The condition for these aspirants is that the nature of tattoos should not be offensive. The NDA tattoo policy says that NDA does not permit indecent, sexist or racist tattoos.

Vision Standards For NDA

You should be able to read distant vision chart: Better eye (6/6), worse eye (6/9) with or without glasses. Myopia should not be more than 2.5D and hypermetropia not more than 3.5D including Astigmatism.

For TES Entry – vision requirements are: Distance Vision (Corrected)- Worse Eye (6/9), Better Eye (6/6). Myopia should not be more than 2.5 D and Hypermetropia not more than 3.5 D including Astigmatism.

For TGC Entry – Distance Vision (Corrected)- Worse Eye-6/18, Better Eye-6/6. Myopia should not be more than 3.5D and Hypermetropia not more than 3.5D including Astigmatism.

NDA Medical Permanent Rejection

Here are a few bodily defects that makes a candidate face NDA medical permanent rejection.

  • Granulomatius disease of spine
  • Arthritis/spondylosis
  • Scoliosis more than 15 degree as measured by Cobb’s Method (10 degree for Army)
  • Herniated nucleus pulposes
  • Sacaralisation Disease
  • More than mild Kyphosis/Lordosis
  • Spondylolisthesis/Spondylosis.
  • Compression fracture of Vertebra
  • Atlanto-occipital, and atlanto-axial anomalies
  • Cervical ribs with demonstrable neurological or Circulatory deficit
  • Presence of Schmorl’s node at more than one level
  • Incomplete Sacaralisation Unilateral or Bilateral
  • Spinabifida other than SV 1 and LV 5
  • The signs of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels comes under NDA medical permanent rejection.
  • Enlargement of liver or spleen.
  • Any evidence of disease of internal organs of the abdomen will be a cause for rejection in NDA.
  • Urine examination will be done and if any abnormality is detected it will be candidates’ rejection in NDA.
  • Any disease of skin which is likely to cause disability or disfigurement will come under NDA medical permanent rejection.
  • Flat-foot falls in NDA medical permanent rejection. Flat-foot means having no arch in the inner & central portion of the foot. The condition could be acquired or congenital.
  • Candidates with Knock-Kneesare unfit for NDA, Knock-Keens is not having 1-5 centimeter gap between the knees when standing straight with heels joined.
  • Bow-Legs comes into NDA medical permanent rejection. It means  having too much gap, greater than 8 cm, between the knees when standing straight with heels joined.
  • Candidates with pigeon-chest are unfit for NDA. If you have the central axis & lower portion of the rib-cage bulging out than you are considered as pigeon-chested.

Medical in NDA: Why it is Important?

NDA stands for National Defence Academy. It takes the 12th pass out intelligent and physically fit candidates on board after evaluating them and turning them into officers in Army, Navy, or Air force. To get admission in NDA, the candidate must fulfill all the physical requirements like height, weight, etc.

After passing out NDA, the candidates will be part of Indian Defence, so they must be strong enough to face difficult challenges. Moreover, the NDA training needs good physical strength in candidates so that they can fight in every situation and condition. Aspirants can take help from the defense career counsellors to get detailed information about the required physical and medical requirements to get admission in NDA.

To save the nation, you need to physically and mentally fit.

What is the Career Growth in NDA?

Those aspirants who come from a civilian background ask usually ask this question during defense career counseling. After NDA, the candidates joins Army, Navy, or Air Force, so the growth for all will be different. Here is the information about career growth in NDA;

After passing out the NDA, the cadets join the army on the Lieutenant post. After two years, they get promoted to Captain post. Lieutenant Colonel Position is earned after serving the army for 13 years, and Colonel position is based on selection. The time scale for this post is 26 years. After this, all the posts are fulfilled based on selection.

In the Air force, the cadet starts their career from the post of Flying Officer. The Group captain post is earned after serving the Indian air force for 26 years. However, the Group captain and all the senior posts than this are also filled based on selection.

In the Navy, the on commission post is Sub Lieutenant, and candidates will get the promotion from this to Commander post in 13 years. Captain post is offered based on selection or after 26 years of service. After this post, all other senior posts are on selection based, including Commodore to Admiral.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1 – Can a person suffering from psoriasis can join NDA?

Answer – Candidate with psoriasis can be considered unfit for NDA as it is a chronic skin condition that can relapse or recur. Skin is checked for any allergies and skin diseases before you join NDA. A soldier is required to be in the best condition without any major diseases that becomes a hurdle in the duties.

Question 2 – I have stitches on my hand?

Answer – If you have just stitches they won’t be a problem, but if you have any metal plate implanted, or some other major issue, than we can’t say about it. We will suggest you to appear for NDA exam and you can put the question in your medical. There might be chances of getting selected. All the best!

Question 3 – I had an open heart surgery years ago, am I eligible for NDA?

Answer – History of spinal fracture/prolapsed intervertebral disc and surgical treatment for these conditions entail rejection in NDA. As far as your case is concerned. NDA medical requirements does say that no signs of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels, with normal BP makes a candidate eligible for NDA. We are not sure about your eligibility for the exam. Please contact the examination authorities for exact information.

Question 4 – Can I apply for NDA after a laser or Lesik surgery ?

Answer – Candidates who have undergone laser treatment or lasik treatment for eye are not eligible for NDA.

Question 5Is osgood schlater disease or surgery of shoulder dislocation a hurdle in NDA?

Answer – Shoulder dislocation might not restrict you from getting selected for NDA is you have overcome that completely and are physically fit to undergo rigorous training. However osgood schlater disease might restrict you, we would suggest you to contact exam conducting authorities for the same.

Question 6 Is joint Knees or Knock knees candidate eligible for NDA?

Answer – Knock knees or joint knees makes you unfit for Indian defence forces or Indian army. You will be declared unfit at the time of medical examination during the SSB interview. We suggest you to write the conducting authorities to know more on this.

Question 7 – Is a candidate with flat foot eligible for NDA?

Answer – Flat-foot falls in NDA medical permanent rejection. However, you can contact the exam conducting authorities for details.

Question 8 – I have underwent a surgery of clubbed feet or I have clubbed feet, what is my eligibility for NDA?

Answer – As per the notifications released by the exam conduting authority, all cases of Talipes (Club Foot) are not eligible for NDA.

The Bottom Line

Here in this page we have compiled all the details related to medical standards for NDA. Now when you know the medical fitness required for NDA Air Force, Army and Navy, you should know if you are eligible to apply or not.  If you have some query related to this then you can write to us through comment box.

We are conduction a FREE WEBINAR on NDA exam, medical requirements and how to prepare tips. Interested can book a seat for them by filling the form.

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    • Candidate with psoriasis can be considered unfit for NDA as it is a chronic skin condition that can relapse or recur. Skin is checked for any allergies and skin diseases before you join NDA. A soldier is required to be in the best condition without any major diseases that becomes a hurdle in the duties.

    • If they are just stitches they won’t be a problem, but if you have any metal plate implanted, or some other major issue, than we can’t say about it. We will suggest you to appear for NDA exam and you can put the question in your medical. There might be chances of getting selected. All the best!

    • History of spinal fracture/prolapsed intervertebral disc and surgical treatment for these conditions entail rejection in NDA. As far as your case is concerned. NDA medical requirements does say that no signs of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels, with normal BP makes a candidate eligible for NDA. We are not sure about your eligibility for the exam. Please contact the examination authorities for exact information.

    • All the candidates who can read in a distant vision chart 6/6 in normal eye and 6/9 in worse eye with/without glasses are eligible. Myopia above 2.5 D and hypermetropia over 3.5 D including Astigmatism is accepted. Internal examination of the eye is performed by means of ophthalmoscope. A candidate must have good binocular vision.

      Now to answer your question, candidates who have undergone laser treatment or lasik treatment for eye are not eligible for NDA.

    • Hi Harsha, candidates with minor ailments/defects like tonsils, overweight/underweight,deviated nasal septum are eligible after they overcome these defects. Removal of tonsils is not a case for medical rejection in NDA. All other details are discussed in the article, please go through.

    • NDA physical/medical standards say nothing about ganglion cyst. Ganglion cyst shouldn’t be a criteria for rejection. However, please read the physical/medical standards before applying. We wish you all the luck.

    • Rajnish, the visual standards for Indian Army mention that myopia should not be more than 3.5D and hypermetropia not more than 3.5D including Astigmatism.

      Indian Air Force:
      You are not eligible for Flying Duty. For the rest we have mentioned the visual standards below.

      For Ground Duty (Technical)
      Myopia: -3.50 D Sph
      Hypermetropia: +3.5 D Sph
      Astigmatism: ± 2.50 D Cyl

      For Ground Duty (Non-technical)
      Myopia: -0.5 D Sph
      Hypermetropia:+2.0 D Sph
      Astigmatism: +0.5 D Cyl

      For Education & Logistics

      Myopia: -3.50 D Sph
      Hypermetropia:+3.5 D Sph
      Astigmatism: ± 2.50 D Cyl

    • Hi Yuvraj,

      Shoulder dislocation might not restrict you from getting selected for NDA is you have overcome that completely and are physically fit to undergo rigorous training. However osgood schlater disease might restrict you, we would suggest you to contact exam conducting authorities for the same.

    • Hi Utkarsh,

      Knock knees or joint knees makes you unfit for Indian defence forces or Indian army. You will be declared unfit at the time of medical examination during the SSB interview. We would suggest you to write the conducting authorities to know more on this.

  1. Sir I have sebaceous cyst on scrotum skin it is non communicable and benign… But i am getting a laser removal will it affect my ssb medical… please help I have medical after the lockdown opens

  2. Sir I have sebaceous cyst on my scrotum skin and it is non communicable and benign… I am getting a laser removal will it cause any hindrance to my SSB medical… Please help I have medical after the lockdown is over

  3. i am suffer from flat foot but i do anything like jumping, running, skipping ,sit-ups and all other activities, then i am eligiable or not

    • Hi Atul,as mentioned in the article above, Flat-foot falls in NDA medical permanent rejection. However, you can contact the exam conducting authorities for details.

    • Hi Hritik,

      For NDA – You should be able to read distant vision chart: Better eye (6/6), worse eye (6/9) with or without glasses. Myopia should not be more than 2.5D and hypermetropia not more than 3.5D including Astigmatism.

      For TES Entry, vision requirements are: Distance Vision (Corrected)- Worse Eye (6/9), Better Eye (6/6). Myopia should not be more than 2.5 D and Hypermetropia not more than 3.5 D including Astigmatism.

      For TGC Entry: Distance Vision (Corrected)- Worse Eye-6/18, Better Eye-6/6. Myopia should not be more than 3.5D and Hypermetropia not more than 3.5D including Astigmatism.

      If you meet the above criteria, yes, you are eligible to join.

  4. I have a question sir ! , In standard 8 ,I got my tailbone fractured . It is healed but in little bit wrong angle will it be a problem for me to pass medial test for nda ???

  5. I Have red stretch marks on some parts of my body . So I am eligible for apply or not please tell me because join army as an officer is my childhood dream

    • As per one of the notification released for NDA, candidates who have undergone splenectomy are unfit, irrespective of the
      cause for operation. Splenomegaly of any degree is a cause for rejection.

    • This is what notification says “All cases of thyroid swelling having abnormal iodine uptake and abnormal thyroid hormone levels will be rejected. Cases of simple goitre with minimal thyroid swelling, wHo are clinically euthyroid and have normal iodine uptake and normal thyroid functions may be accepted.”

      You might face rejection in the NDA Medical.

  6. My upper front teeths are inner side and… lower teeths are outer side…so can I get rejected in medical test of NDA??

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