Jobs For Women in Defence Sector in India


Women in Defence Sector in India

Just a few decades back it was difficult to imagine woman serving in defence jobs in the country, as all such jobs were only available for men. Though police and similar law enforcement entities had women employees, women were not allowed to take up risky and tough assignments in the country.

With the wave of women defence sector empowerment having a noticeable effect on things, a majority of Indian defence departments are now allowing women to join their ranks in serving the nation.

Apart from the three primary armed forces of India viz the Navy, the Air Force and the Army there are some paramilitary forces too that are involved in the defence of this country.

The paramilitary forces are under the home ministry and have a large responsibility on them.

They are responsible for guarding borders, important industries, and transportation depots and in some cases, helping the local police force in maintaining law and order. Here are some Indian paramilitary organisations that allow women to join and serve.

Border Security Force or B.S.F as it is called for short, is a paramilitary organisation responsible for guarding Indian borders. In special cases they are also deployed to resolve the country’s internal security issues.

The B.S.F invites applications from women for a multitude of posts. The best thing is that the Border Security Force has also started deploying women on international borders.

The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is used by almost all states of the country. This is the oldest paramilitary force of this country. It recruits women at various positions and has three battalions that are entirely and exclusively staffed by women.

The Central Industrial Security Force is responsible for guarding key industries and transportation facilities of the country. All the airports and metro stations are guarded by the C.I.S.F.

Women are recruited along with men across different ranks in this organisation. Head Constable and Sub Inspector are some of the posts which have large vacancy for women.

Besides above three paramilitary forces, Indian Coast Guard recruits women candidates, at only officers’ position in General duty, General Duty (Navigation / Pilot) and General Duty (Short Services/ CPL Holders) branches.

The Indian Air Force, Army and the Navy also have started recruiting women candidates, thus giving a boost to women empowerment in the country. Though the army doesn’t generally allow the posting of women in combat positions, they are employed in other logistical and organisational departments.

Generally women are employed on a short service period but on the basis of their rank and past records they can get a permanent commission. Women can also serve as a non-technical or technical officer in Indian Army.

Female technical graduates can apply for engineering positions in the Indian Army. Recruitment is generally done through NCC (National Cadet Corps) and UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). The army also employs female law graduates.

Women defence sector can join the Air Force. Though the women are not allowed to fly fighter aircraft, they can fly transportation aircraft or helicopters provided they are posted in the flying branch.

Women are also appointed in Indian Air Force as ground duty officer, technical officer, and navigator. Recruitment is through the AFCAT, Air force common admission test.

Technical jobs are also available for women and they need to have a 60% aggregate throughout their graduation to apply for it. Apart from these the Air force also employs women in its meteorological branch.

The Navy employs women in the capacity of air traffic controllers, law officers, education officers, and observers. Additionally various technical navy jobs are also open for women. The technical jobs generally deal with naval architecture.

In the present scenario, women can build their career in different fields in Indian Defence Sector. They can choose the defence career according to their interest and qualification.

Women have found to have more interest in defence services, may be because of their courage and their commitment towards the nation.

Women find themselves comfortable in defence jobs, because they contribute their full life in fighting against the evil for protecting their family and their self-esteem.

So, all female candidates interested in serving the country by joining defence services, should stay updated with latest job notifications, qualification details, and application deadline.

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