7 highest paying government jobs for female

7 high paying jobs for women

Indian people are crazy about the government jobs. Indians do all the hard work to clear the exams and few even easily get ready to give a bribe to get a government job. All this craziness is for the security that government jobs provide. Men, women both give preference to a public sector job over a private job. Especially for women, government jobs are more preferable. Now the view of society has changed for a working lady and to bring more women on-board the government of India is also creating more government jobs for women.

We all have seen at least one member of our family on government job, or preparing for public sector jobs and his/her professional work life is completely different then those working in the private sector. The main reason for giving preference to Government job is that the government jobs give the good amount of leaves to its employees to enjoy family life which you don’t get it in private sector’s job. This is the reason that people still run after the government jobs. And the fixed working hours of 9 to 5 made it perfect for women to work in government jobs.

It is believed that the private sector pays a very good amount as salary to its employees. But now with the 7th pay commission, government employees get increased salary, along with other benefits. For example, the salary of a government engineer gets 49,559/- to 96,084/- per month. It’s just one example. Now women are entering in all man dominating industries so for them it’s easy now to find and get a high paying government job for women.

The best part of government jobs that the females employees get all the maternity benefits easily. Where in private sector job insecurity is always present especially at the time of extended maternity leaves. Like men, women too, want to earn a good amount as salary and today’s women growing professionally and thus are highly interested interested in joining high paying jobs.

Here we have invested our few hours to save your time of research in the 7 high paying government jobs for women in India.

1.  IFS (Indian Foreign Service)

I know that many of you were thinking about IAS as the highest paying government job. But let me tell you the fact that IFS providing the better salary. Moreover, by joining IFS you can roam around the world and visit to many people and learn so many things from them.  An IFS officer has so many stories to tell about different countries.

If we talk only about the salary part than let’s suppose that your work location is a country where the value of Indian rupee is higher than their currency than by default you will be able to have more amounts in your bank accounts. IFS job is best government jobs for women because in this job she gets a fair chance to prove herself not even in her own country but in other countries too.

2. IAS

The charm of Indian Administrative services is unbeatable. It’s an ideal government job for many man and women in our country because of its reputation. But one more thing IAS job offers and that is a handsome salary. An IAS officer gets up to 55,000/- as salary plus a big house to live in and vehicle.  Apart from this many other facilities are also provided by the government to an IAS officer.

Here I am reminding you one more thing that to clear IAS exam is not easy. This exam deserves all the handwork because once you clear it you get immense respect from the people and big responsibility towards the society. IAs is also considered the best government jobs for women in India because this job provides a chance to work for the betterment of society and other women.

3. Lecturer in Government College

Teaching is a noble and respected job. Teaching the considered as one of the best government jobs for women in India. This made teaching a high demanding job. The government wants to hire the best teachers to teach in government colleges. To get the job of lecturer in a government college candidate must have a strong profile like P.hd. The government pays a good salary to the lecturers of government colleges. This job is one of high paying government jobs for female. A lecturer can get up to 70,000 as salary and here I am not including other benefits.

4. Defense Officer

The defense ministry has a good record of giving good salaries to its employees. Earlier it was male dominating sector but now female candidates are also working in defense. It’s true that still few positions are still reserved only for male candidates. But now the army is also open now for women for many posts. By joining Airforce for ground duty or for flight officer women can earn a handsome amount as their salaries.  A flight officer gets 80,000 or more as salary.

Navy and army also have many options for women. In this sector salaries offered by the government is 20,000-60,000 depends on work profile with many other benefits and various pension schemes. The respected profiles from the defense sector are highly paid and perfect government jobs for women.

5. Banking Job

After teaching, banking jobs are most preferred jobs by women. The fixed timings, proper leave policy, and holiday benefits make the banking job perfect government jobs for women. The banking sector also gives the facility of VRS with a good amount at the time of retirement. And if we talk about the salary than there is no doubt that the banking sector is one of the high paying sectors. Both men and women in the banking sector get fair chance to earn a handsome amount as salary.

6. Government Engineer

If you have a B.E. or a B.Tech degree then no matter whether you are men or women, you will surely get a good salary from the government job. So if engineering is your passion then you have many chances to get a government job.  With a fixed hour’s job in normal situations and high salary, this job is to get a place in the list of perfect government jobs for women.

Engineers are required in all the government sectors. The government offers the salary from 22,000 to 70,000 and more (depends on the skills and experience). Many female students want to be an engineer, so a government engineer can be a good career choice for them. It is one of high paying government jobs for female. The railway is one of the department which offers very good salary and other benefits to its engineers.


The petroleum industry is one of the highest paying industries, not only in India but in the world. Few people think that ONGC is not a good career option for females, but the fact is that already more than 2,000 female employees are working with ONGC.  Here the female employees can get more than 1Lakh per month as their salary. Apart from salary, ONGC offered Rs. 125000 for furniture for a period of 7 years, Rs. 65000 for a laptop for 4 years, Rs. 13000 for mobile for 3 years and many other reimbursement and allowances.

After checking this list out you should not have any doubt on this fact that ONGC offers high paying government jobs for females.

The Bottom Line

Indian women are entering in all the industries. They want to work to earn money and respect. Now they are equal to men. But still many women in our country are struggling to get their basic rights. In this case, more educated girls should come out from their comfort zone and establish themselves as a role model to others.  Government is working to give a fair chance to the females to shine brightly by offering very good salaries, respected posts, and many other benefits. All we need to do is to put a career as the first priority for the females too.


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