Benefits For NCC Certificate Holders in CDS Recruitment

Benefits of NCC

NCC ‘C’ Certificate is considered as the most beneficial certificate in the defence sector jobs but the other two certificates also have their own benefits in defence recruitment.

The benefits of NCC are not limited up to jobs in the defence sector. But in defence, the importance of NCC training is increased because, in NCC, cadets learn many basic things that can help them during the training of defence sector jobs.

NCC cadets get the certificate after the completion of each stage of their training. These certificates are as follows;

  • NCC ‘A’ Certificate
  • NCC ‘B’ Certificate
  • NCC ‘C’ Certificate

Out of all the three certificates, NCC ‘C’ certificate is the most significant one.  But like I said earlier each certificate has its own value.

The ‘C’ certificate is given to the cadets after the completion of NCC training in graduation level. At this level, the NCC training becomes a bit advanced and focused towards the defence sector jobs. In short, we can say that NCC is the basic training for the cadets who want to join Defence services for their career.

An NCC cadet is always more trained than other candidates during the training in defence services.  Therefore NCC certificate holders get advantages in the defence sector, especially in CDS recruitment. 

Benefits of NCC Certificates in CDS Recruitment

Here are the details of the benefits that you can avail if you are an NCC certificate holder and preparing for CDS Exam.

  • If you have the ‘C’ certificate of NCC then the journey of CDS becomes less tough for you. In CDS the recruitment is done through the following three steps; written exam, SSB Interview and medical examination. An NCC ‘C’ certified candidate can reach directly to the SSB interview round and then medical examination. Candidates have to apply like all other candidates by filling the form. There are also NCC Special Entry jobs that you can apply for. All the notifications are released on the website of Join Indian Army. You should also know that the NDA SSB interview and CDS SSB have many things in common.
  • Candidate having NCC ‘C’ certificate should also have a graduation degree from a government recognised university with minimum 50% marks. Then only you can avail the benefits of NCC ‘C’ certificates.
  • NCC Cadet should get A or B grade in NCC ‘C’ certificate to reach directly to the SSB interview round. Remember the procedure to apply is same for all. In case if there is no direct entry, you still get the benefits at the time of interview.
  • Apart from the exemption from the written exam in CDS, there is another benefit that the NCC certificates can offer to the NCC cadets. The defence sector has reserved seats for NCC Cadets in IMA. But clearing SSB interview is a must to get a seat in IMA.
  • If you have the NCC certificate and still want to appear in CDS written exam then you might get some benefits in marks because of the NCC certificates. Rest of the process of CDS recruitment will remain the same.
  • In Short Service Commission (NT) there is NCC Special Entry Scheme for both Men & Women (including Wards of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel).

The Bottom Line

Apart from all the aforementioned benefits of NCC certificates in CDS recruitment, this training helps the young students to have a disciplined life. NCC cadets have some intrinsic qualities that help them to do well in all types of career. You need to be serious for NCC training to get benefited from it.

In case you have any query related to NCC Certificates and defence job or any other topic then please drop it in the comment section below. Our team will answer your query.


  1. Firstly thank you very much for for the information.
    Secondly, I would like to know the updates of CDS exam for the year 2019. I have my NCC ‘C’ certificate with A grade and I would like to joint in defence service but need a guidance to reach out my goal. We northeast youth face difficulties in reaching our goal for serving our country due to transportation problems and all. So, I would like to ask for you guidance for the very reason.
    Thank you.

    • For CDS II Exam 2019 the notification will be released in June 2019. Online applications will start in first week of July 2019. Exam will be held in September 2019. We will update on our blog as soon as the registration starts. Stay tuned and let us know if you need more help.

  2. how many vacancies are there in CDS for mens and is there a benefit in CDS for the student whose father is in army and he has a ncc c certificate

    • The number of seats varies, complete detail will be available in CDS Exam Notification, released by the UPSC. The number of seats in the official notification will include reserved seats for NCC candidates.

  3. THANK YOU so much for the info
    I got ‘C’ grade in NCC ‘C’certificate but I want to write CDS I’m I eglibile for IMA FOR THOSE FEW NCC VACNACY??

    • NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders with A grade with age between 19-25 years can directly go to the SSB interview, skipping the entrance exam. B grade can also apply but C grade in NCC ‘C’ certificate don’t have much value. However, 32 vacancies are reserved in regular course of IMA for NCC ‘C’ certificate holders, irrespective of their position in the merit list, subject of passing the entrance exam and clearing the SSB interview.

      To answer your question, yes you can apply for those few IMA NCC vacancies.

  4. Thanks for all information sir

    I want to know that how many marks given to the C certificate holders in cds written exam

    • Hi Deepak, There are not much direct benefits of NCC ‘C’ certificate in the CDS written exam, The value of NCC ‘C’ Certificate depends on the grade you have achieved in the certification. There are grade A, B and C in ‘C’ certificate. If you have grade A or B, you can apply directly for SSB round and need not to appear for CDS written exam.

      Also, if you have a C grade in NCC ‘C’ Certificate, and you clear the CDS exam, then your certificate will add to your impression on the SSB panel.
      We will discuss the benefits in detail in one of our post that we will publish soon. Stay tuned.

      Here you get complete details:

    • To answer your question, you get direct SSB interview if you have NCC ‘C’ certificate with minimum B grade, you are eligible as you have A grade. Entries are filled twice a year on the site Join Indian Army. All you need do is fill the form online and follow the procedure. You can directly apply for various positions in Indian Army from here Check your eligibility and choose the NCC certificate you have.

  5. Hey i am an under officer in ncc nd i want to join ota chennai from ncc special entry so can you tell me what r being done in medical examination of cds for ncc cader ??

    • Medical Examination of Female Candidates include:
      General methods and principles of medical examination of female candidates will be the same as for male candidates. However, special points pertaining to medical examination of female candidates are:
      1. A detailed menstrual and gynaecological history in the form of a questionnaire is to be obtained from the candidate. A detailed physical and systemic examination will be carried out of the candidate and she should be examined by a lady Medical Officer or a lady Gynaecologist or male medical officer in the presence of female attendant.
      The examination will include the following inspections
      (aa) External genitalia.
      (ab) Hernial orifices and the perineum.
      (ac) Any evidence of stress urinary incontinence or genital
      prolapse outside introitus.
      2. All married candidates will be subjected to speculum examination for any prolapsed or growth on cervix or vagina. In all unmarried female candidates, speculum or per vaginal examination will not be carried out.
      3. Ultrasound scan of the lower abdomen and pelvis is mandatory in all female candidates during the initial medical examination.
      (aa) Any abnormality of external genitalia will be considered on merits of each case. Significant hirsutism, especially with male pattern of hair growth along with radiological evidence of PCOS will be a cause for rejection.
      (ab) Following conditions will entail female candidates being declared unfit.
      (aaa) Primary or secondary amenorrhoea
      (aab) Severe Menorrhagia or/and severe dysmenorrhoea
      (aac) Stress urinary incontinence
      (aad) Congenital elongation of cervix or prolapsed which comes outside the introitus even after corrective surgery.
      (aae) Complex ovarian cyst of any size.
      (aaf) Simple Ovarian cyst more than 06 cm.
      (aag) Endometriosis and Adenomyosis.
      (aah) Submucous fibroid of any size.
      (aaj) Broad ligament or cervical fibroid of any size
      causing pressure over ureter.
      (aak) Single fibroid uterus >3 cm in diameter or Fibroids>2 in number, >15 mm in diameter or fibroids causing distortion of endometrial cavity.
      (aal) Congenital uterine anomalies except arcuate uterus
      (aam) Acute or chronic pelvic infection
      (aan) Disorders of sexual differentiation
      (aao) Any other condition will be considered on merits of each case by the gynaecologist Pregnancy. Pregnancy would be a cause of temporary rejection. The individual would be advised to report again to the hospital 24 weeks after an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. In case of an MTP/abortion the review will be carried out after a period of minimum four weeks and upto 12 weeks. However, in case of caesarean section delivery, the candidate would remain
      unfit for a period of 52 weeks. The individual would then be examined by the Gynaecologist and assessed regarding her fitness. In cases wherein, a time
      period of more than six months has elapsed, post her initial medical examination, she would be subjected to repeat complete medical examination
      as per the existing regulations.

      physical measurements, vision and hearing standards are also checked.

      The following investigations are carried out mandatorily during Special Medical Board, however, Medical Officer/Medical Board examining a candidate may ask for any other investigation as required or indicated :-

      (i) Complete Haemogram
      (ii) Urine RE/ME
      (iii) X Ray chest PA view
      (iv) USG abdomen & pelvis

      The following are usual causes for rejection, the list is not exhaustive and Medical Board is the final authority on fitness.
      (i) Sinus, fistulae and hernia, cyst, hyper/hypo pigmented patches, swelling, naevus, vascular malformations scars anywhere on the body.
      (ii) Head and neck : Muscolo-skeletal deformities which can interfere in using safety gear, cervical rib.
      (iii) Chest. Musculoskeletal deformities viz pectus excavatum, pigeon chest, rickety rosary, pleural effusion, parenchymal lesions of lungs, active or residual lesions of tuberculosis.
      (iv) Abdomen and reproductive system : Hernia, organomegaly, vascular deformities. Renal deformities, gall stones, renal tones etc. Deformities of reproductive system.
      (v) Upper limbs, lower limbs and spine : Hyper flexible or restricted movements of joints, Cubitus valgus, Cubitus varus, genu recurvatum, deformities of hands and feet, kyphosis, scoliosis, congenital deformities, like spina bifida etc.
      (vi) Skin : Vitiligo, scars, vascular malformations chronic skin diseases.

      Source: Notification released by UPSC for CDS Examination (II), 2019

  6. Hi sir im afnan i have completed ncc c certificate with b grade according to ur information written exam is exception for us i dont now the process how to approach to the interview directly so plzz tell me complete detail abt this process. If u don’t mind can u send information to my mail this is my mail address tq

    • NCC Special Entry is the only way to appear before the SSB without writing the exam. Also, you can apply for reserved seats for NCC ‘C’ candidates when announced.

      • I know that we can go directly to the ssb interview im asking that how can i reach to the interview is there any separate ways to apply?

  7. I know that we can go directly to the ssb interview im asking you is how can i reach or appear to interview is there any separate ways to apply for the ncc cadets?

    • No, there are no separate ways, you have to fill the form like other candidates. For more details you can contact the authority conducting exam.

    • NCC Special Entry is the only way to appear before the SSB without writing the exam. You have to fill the form with all the details and submit like every other candidate. Also, you can apply for reserved seats for NCC ‘C’ candidates when announced.

  8. Respected Sir/Mam
    My N.C.C. B Certificate is completed and i am pursuing with my C certificate and last year of graduation. So i know that i am eligible for C.D.S. exam but i want to know that will i am eligible to take take the advantage of N.C.C. in C certificate running.

    • Hi Rajat, we don’t think you can avail benefits of NCC C certificate if you are still pursuing it. As the benefits are for NCC ‘C’ certificate holder. If you are to complete you certification before applying or appear for interview, you might get the benefits. Please read the latest notification for more information.

    • Hi Shiv, All the recent notification for NCC Special Entry can be found here,, for CDS you need to apply like all other candidates, filling the details of your NCC certificate, and you will be informed if you are selected for direct interview.

  9. Hi I Rupali … IIhave given my NCC C Certificate cam but result is pending due to covid 19 so I don’t know the grade and I want to join Indian Army (Officers training academy , Chennai ) by Ncc special entry .
    I want to ask u that when will be the notification comes out to apply Ncc c certificate special entry directly before the SSB Interview .

  10. I am 19 years old. I have very severe cavities in my 5 front teeth and three of them have two big holes too . Will i get NCC C certificate and join defence or government sector jobs?

  11. Jai hind, I m suo. Priya upadhyay ncc C certificate holder, 2021 cds k xm m mujhe written xm nhi dena pdega agr mere pass c certificate h ??

  12. An ncc C certificate (A) grade holder .. cleared cds exam … Is there any benifit for ssb .. with c certificate .. to clear it


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