SSC CGL 2019 Syllabus and Exam Pattern

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SSC CGL is one of the biggest platforms for the aspirants to get a government job, like every year this year also many candidates are waiting to appear in SSC CGL 2019 exam. The success in SSC CGL exam offers many jobs to the candidates that come with a handsome salary too.

Although the SSC CGL syllabus and exam pattern have been the same over the years. But it is always better to check the latest SSC CGL Syllabus and exam pattern to ace in it. Even the minor changes in syllabus and pattern can impact your score in the exam.

Let’s have a look at the SSC CGL 2019 syllabus and the exam pattern to help you plan the most suitable preparation strategy for the SSC CGL 2019 exam.

SSC CGL 2019 Syllabus

SSC conducts the Combined Graduate Level examination for the graduate aspirants to fill the vacant posts of Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ officers in different ministries. The SSC CGL exam is conducted in 4 tiers. We have already shared the best SSC CGL preparation strategy and books, interested can check. Here we are sharing the tier-wise syllabus for SSC CGL 2019.

· SSC CGL 2019 Syllabus for Tier-I

The exam of SSC CGL Tier-1 will include the question from following topics; Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, Reasoning, and English Language. Here is the complete SSC CGL 2019 syllabus for the aforementioned topics.

Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude

In QA section of SSC CGL the questions are asked from following topics; Simplification, Average, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Number system, Data Interpretation, Trigonometry, Profit & Loss, Mixture & Allegation, Ratio & Proportions, Problems on Age, Speed , Distance & Time, Work & Time, Algebra, Percentage, Geometry, Mensuration, Discount, Partnership, Sequence & Series, Permutation & Combination.

Syllabus for General Awareness

The questions related to current affairs, Indian History, Indian Culture, worlds and India’s geography, Environment, Economic and Polity are asked.

Syllabus for Reasoning

In reasoning the questions for following topics are asked; Analogy, Classification, Puzzle, Coding-Decoding, Matrix, Venn Diagram, Direction & Distance, Word Formation, Blood Relations, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Number Series, Seating Arrangement, Coded Inequalities, Statement & Conclusion, Data Sufficiency, Alphanumeric Series, Syllogism, Arithmetic, Tables, and Ranking.

Syllabus for the English Language

In the English Language section the questions will be asked from following topics;
Reading Comprehension, Synonym Antonym-Homonym, Spellings, Fill in the Blanks, Idioms & Phrases, Sentence Correction, Error Spotting, Cloze Test and Sentence Improvement / Sentence Correction / Phrase replacement.

· SSC CGL 2019 Syllabus for Tier-II

The Tier-II exam of SSC CGL 2019 exam will be conducted online. In this exam, candidates need to answer the MCQs. The questions asked in this exam from following topics;  Quantitative Aptitude, English Language and Comprehension, Statistics, General Studies (Finance and Economics). Here is the topic-wise syllabus of SSC CGL 2019.

Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude (QA)

In the Quantitative Aptitude section the questions are asked from followings;

Percentage,  Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit, Loss & discount, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Degree & Radian Measures, Trigonometric ratio, Regular Right Pyramid with a triangular or square base, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, Common tangents to two or more circles, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary Surds, Speed, and Time & Distance. 

Syllabus for English Language and Comprehension

To ace in English prepare the following topics;

Comprehension Passage, The phrase or Idiom meaning, Sentence Improvement / Sentence Correction / Phrase replacement, Fill in the blanks, Spelling error, Common Error / Error Spotting, Substitution, Synonyms / Antonyms, Active or Passive Voice, Conversion into Direct or Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence part, Cloze Passage.

Syllabus for Statistics

Here is the SSC CGL syllabus for statistics for Tier-2 exam.

Collection Classification and Presentation of Statistical Data, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Probability Theory, Correlation and Regression, Sampling Theory, Random Variable, and Probability Distributions, Analysis of Variance, Statistical Inference, Time Series Analysis and  Index Numbers.

Syllabus for General Studies (Finance and Economics)

 The syllabus for ‘A’ part of this exam includes Fundamental principles and the basic concept of Accounting.

 In part ‘B’ the questions from Comptroller & Auditor General of India- Constitutional provisions, Role and Responsibility, Finance Commission-Role and functions, Basic Concept of Economics and introduction to Micro Economics, Theory of Demand and Supply, Theory of Production and cost, Forms of Market and price determination in different markets, Indian Economy, Economic Reforms in India, Money and Banking and Role of Information Technology in Governance are asked.

·  SSC CGL 2019 Syllabus for Tier-III

The Tier-III exam of SSC CGL exam is a descriptive exam. This exam is conducted to test the written skills of the candidates in English/Hindi. You should practice Letter Writing, Essay Writing, and Application Writing to get good marks in this exam.

· SSC CGL 2019 Syllabus for Tier-IV

In tier –IV exam of SSC CGL computer skills are checked. To ace in this phrase of exam improve your speed of data entry and knowledge about computer applications.

SSC CGL 2019 Exam Pattern

Its also a must to know about the SSC CGL 2019 exam pattern in advance to score well in it. Here the tier wise description is given to that the aspirants can understand the SSC CGL 2019 exam pattern easily.

SSC CGL 2019 exam Pattern for Tier-I

The tier-I exam of SSC CGL is compulsory for all the applicants. Its a mandate exam for all the posts and its marks is added in further examination. Here are the details of the SSC CGL 2019 exam pattern for tier-I.

  • It’s an online exam.
  • In this exam, the 200 objective types of questions are asked for 200 marks.
  •  The exam is divided in following four sections; General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness/ General Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehension.
  • Duration of the exam is 75 minutes. 
  • Negative marking is applicable in SSC CGL 2019 Tier exam and .50 marks will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
  • It’s a must to clear tier-I exam to move to Tier-II exam.

SSC CGL 2019 exam Pattern for Tier-II

The difficulty level is higher in the SSC CGL Tier- II exam. Like Tier-I the Tier-II exam is also mandated for all the applicants. Here are the details of SSC CGL 2019 exam Pattern for Tier-II exam.

  • It is also an online examination.
  • The papers of Quantitative Ability and English Language & Comprehension are mandated for all the candidates.
  • The duration of each paper is 2 hours.
  • The paper of Statistics is valid for the candidates who applied for Junior Statistical officer.
  • The paper of General Studies in Finance and Economics are for those candidates who applied for the post of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts officer. 
  • In this exam negative marking is applicable. For every wrong answer in the English language, .25 marks are deducted. In all other papers, the penalty marks are .50.

 SSC CGL 2019 exam Pattern for Tier-III

  • The SSC CGL Tier-II exam is conducted in pen and paper mode.
  • In this exam, the candidate needs write to Essay/ Precis/ Letter/ Application etc in English or Hindi Language.
  • The duration of exam id 1 hour and it is conducted for 100 marks.

 SSC CGL 2019 exam Pattern for Tier-IV

SSC CGL Tier-IV exam is a skill test. This skill test is of two types; Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) and Computer Proficiency Test (CPT).

  • In Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) candidate need to type at 8,000 (eight thousand) Key Depression per hour on the computer.
  •  This test is conducted for passage of about 2000 key depressions for the duration of 15 minutes. 
  • DEST is for the applicants who applied for the post of Tax Assistants (Central Excise & Income Tax).
  • The Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) is conducted for the posts of Assistant Section Officer (CSS), Assistant Section Officer (MEA), Assistant Section Officer (AFHQ), and Assistant in Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Assistant (GSI) in the Ministry of Mines and Inspector (Central Excise), Inspector (Preventive Officer) & Inspector (Examiner) in CBEC. 
  • In CPT the Word Processing, Spread Sheet, and Generation of Slides skills of the candidates are checked.
  • Both types of exam are qualifying in nature.

The Bottom Line

So, now you have all the information related to SCC CGL 2019 Exam Pattern and Syllabus. If you have any other query related to SSC CGL 2019 exam or any other exam than please drop it in the comment section below.


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