Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC)Jaipur has invited online applications for the recruitment of Apprentice in Various Trade / Stream. Opening date of RRC Jaipur Apprentice online form 2019 is 8th November 2019. Interested candidates must ascertain eligibility and apply online before the end date.
Important Dates
- The RRC Jaipur Apprentice recruitment 2019 application starts 8th November 2019.
- The last date to apply online is 8th December 2019.
- Candidates can make payment of application fee on or before Dec 8, 2019.
- The date of exam is yet to be notified. n
Application Fee
- The application fee for candidates belonging to General / OBC category is Rs. 100.
- SC / ST / PH category candidates and all category female candidates are exempted from payment of fee.
- The payment of examination fee can be made through Debit/credit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking or through SBI E Challan Fee Mode.
RRC Jaipur Vacancy 2019 Details
- The total number of vacancies announced by RRC jaipur are 2029.
- Selected candidates will be recruited on apprentice position.
RRC Jaipur Apprentice 2019 Eligibility
- To be eligible for apprentice position in RRC Jaipur candidates shall not be less than 15 years in age and more than 24 years as on 8/12/2019.
- The candidates are required to have passed 10th class (high school) with ITI/NC VT Certificate in related trade.
The eligibility criteria varies with the post, candidates thereby read the RRC Jaipur Apprentice recruitment notification before applying online.
Selection Process
- For selection of candidates merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained by candidates in matriculation and ITI in the relevant trade in which apprenticeship is to be done.
- In case the candidates obtain same marks, then candidate with older age will be preferred. In case of same date of birth candidates, one who have passed matriculation exam earlier will be selected.
The Bottom Line
All the important information on RRC Jaipur Apprentice recruitment 2019 is discussed here. Topics discussed include important dates, application fee, eligibility and selection process. The link to apply online will be active from Nov 8, 2019. Candidates are advised to read the complete notification and instructions before applying online. In case you have a question, write it to us in the comment section below.