Career Guidance for Students, Freshers & Experienced Professionals

Career Counselling

The present education system is adopting new topics to introduce to the students and expanding itself rapidly. With the expansion of education, many new job opportunities are creating, and now the students have more option to make a career of their choice. Overall choosing a career has become a more complex process in the present time. Students have so many career options to choose from, so they easily get confused. An unbiased career counselling to all can help them to choose a suitable career.

The traditional way of career guidance doesn’t work now. Earlier, the parents used to give career guidance to the students, but now they prefer to take professional advice. Career guidance helps the students to choose the right career path. Career counselling for experienced and professionals helps them to make crucial decisions like switching the profession and upgrading their skills. So both the students and the working professionals need counselling to make career-related decisions.

In the absence of formal career guidance, the students rely on their parents and family members. The elders could not see a future career if they could not make their career in a particular field. So career counselling becomes essential to choose a suitable professional career.

Often in school and professional lives, people get confused in making the right decision. Unbiased and professional advice becomes beneficial at crucial times. For students, whether it’s about choosing the right stream or lack of concentration and for professionals it can be a job change or re-starting the professional life, expert advice offers desired help. There is a notion that only students can approach a career counsellor, but career guidance for experienced and professionals is as necessary as it is for students. An individual can be confused at any point of life, whether in school or professional life.

Though Career counselling is the best way to clear the doubts about career-related queries, few people still don’t understand how it works and what it can be its benefits. Please keep reading to know more about career guidance and how it helps students and professionals. To get a better understanding of career guidance, first, let’s understand what career guidance is;  

What is Career Guidance?  

Career guidance offers help to an individual in making a good decision about the stream, subjects, further career options or job change. Career guidance helps make up mind to choose the right career path based on the current requirements and the future demand.

Career guidance is a procedure that prepares a student’s mind to take up work-related challenges. Career guidance for experience and professionals helps them to adopt practical and work life. It guides the students to make a smooth transition from public life to a more practical and competitive world.

The meaning of guidance word is ‘process of directing conduct. When guidance adjoins the term career, it means a development program designed to assist individuals in their job-related issues. Career guidance helps the students and professionals to make an informed and suitable professional choice.

An easier meaning of guidance is to offer required help from a well-informed person to a newbie. Accordingly, to understand career guidance in simple words, we can say it is a procedure that helps the students and job seekers to know their occupational choice and make an informed, educated decision on its basis. It helps the students and working professionals to make mature and more difficult decisions easily.  

Most of the time, students, job seekers and professionals get confused about the career they are to choose. So they need career guidance that can help them to choose the right career path them. Professional career guidance helps the advice seekers to make the right decision in the context of the present demand and supply concept. Career guidance is a way to help in making the right career or occupation related decisions. To offer career guidance, the skills, knowledge, experience of the advice-seekers get evaluated. The suggestions are also based on the social-economic background of the individuals. The career options start to get narrow based on the advice seekers’ education, skills, interests, emotional and financial well-being. It becomes easy to choose one most suitable option in so many career choices. In the present time, when career-related confusion and queries are common, it becomes essential to seek professional career guidance.

Career Guidance While Choosing a Career Path

Choosing the right career path is not a cakewalk. Despite studying the subjects of choice, the students become confused when they are to pick an occupation. Job guidance helps at this time the students and the professionals to choose the right career. The career guidance seekers can be divided into three groups; Students, Job Seekers and Professionals. An individual in any of the mentioned groups can get career guidance. No matter how educated you are, no college or course has ever taught you how to choose a career.

Many graduates feel that they already have a degree and have chosen a career path before enrolling in graduation. Think again, do you happy with your decision. If you are fine with your UG subjects, you can get career counselling for further career options. And if you are not happy with your UG’s subjects, career guidance will help you with what you can do now.

Career counselling for students plays an important role while choosing the right career path. You will face less or no confusion if you chose the right career path from the beginning and plan your studies accordingly. The students feel immense pressure when they are to choose a stream after the 10th. Many students choose the wrong stream in family and peer pressure. Career guidance at this time shows them the right career path.

Career Guidance for Job Search

At the present age, a simple UG degree is not sufficient to get a good job. The level of competition has increased among the job seekers in getting a job in the private and public sectors. So you are to have more knowledge and better skills to grab a working opportunity.

Most job seekers start their search for a suitable job as soon as they qualify their graduation. The result of this rush comes out either a bad job or no job at all. Most of us who could not get professional career guidance has experienced this phase.  

In career guidance, the job seekers get to know about the required skills to get a job. For example, to clear the bank exam, the aspirant must be well versed in QA, Reasoning and English. Similarly, in private sector jobs. For example, if you are looking for an accountant’s post after B.Com, you must know about a few accounting software. In career guidance, the job seekers get detailed information about these hidden skills that you are not taught in colleges and schools.  

Another benefit of career guidance for a job search is that it prepares you for upcoming challenges. It makes your transition from a secure world of college and school to a practical world of work.

Mid-Career Guidance

Career counselling for working professionals helps them to grow when they reach an executive or managerial profile. At one point in time, the working professionals feel trapped. The work pressure to too high in present time in both public and private sector job that after gaining 8-10 years of experience the working professionals either get bored or tired of their job. The mid-career guidance helps them clarify what kind of skills will help them grow and get a promotion.

You can understand the mid-career confusion with this scenario, a company has five executives, and out of them, only two can be a manager. After a few years, only one can be a Deputy Manager. Those who could not pace up their promotion journey feel demotivated.

Mid-career guidance helps the working professionals to identify the reasons for their low performance. In a professional career, you will have to upgrade yourself with new courses and skills. The career guidance for experienced & professionals helps them identify if they want to change their job or profession. In the present age, when technology changes overnight and more complex rules are implementing, the professionals need to be updated according to it. When you get used to a profession, it becomes difficult to accept any change, and from here, your performance starts to get affected. So don’t hesitate to take a professional’s guidance when you are in the middle of your career.

The Bottom Line

 Career guidance can be a new term for your ears, but practically we all have to feel its need in our lives. Traditionally we used to get career guidance from our parents and elder ones. At present, career options have increased, technology is changing rapidly, and the banking & investment sector has experienced some revolutionary changes. So professional career guidance has become essential. There is no age group, or minimum eligibility has defined to seek career guidance. Any individual can ask for career guidance in school, after graduation or while working in an organization. When you feel that you are not performing according to your calibre, you can approach a career counsellor to get some guidance.


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