Body Language Mistakes That You Shouldn’t Be Making In Interviews


Body language is a language without spoken words, it is also called nonverbal communication. We use it all the time whether in our social life or in our business life so it is all about gesture movements and expressions made by people to deliver a specific message to other people.

From eye to eye contact to correct posture to the way you fix your hair, these are some “not to do” for your next job interview:

Posture: Leaning back is considered to be lazy or arrogant, leaning too much forward is a sign of aggressiveness and slouching is just lazy. Instead, experts advise aiming for a neutral position, sitting tall as if there is a string connecting your head to the ceiling.

Eye contact: Experts suggest to hold eye contact one extra eyelash. It is human nature to feel uncomfortable holding eye contact once a personal connection has been created. Don’t try to stare, instead, try to hold your interviewers gaze for one extra second before breaking away. And experts suggest doing this, especially when shaking hands.

Pointing: A California-based charisma coach, Cynthia Burnham advise that chopping or pointing motions can “cut up” the space between you and your interviewer in an aggressive way. You should avoid pointing and chopping to the interviewer while explaining.

Crossed Arms: Communications expert Karen Friedman says that arms crossed over your chest signal defensiveness and resistance. He also explains that when they’re open at your sides you appear more approachable, and open to questions.

Excessive Nodding: Cynthia Burnham says, “Sometimes we undermine how powerful or in focus we are by nodding like a bobble-head doll,” a habit that’s pretty common, especially in women. She also suggests to nod once or twice with a smile of agreement, but eventually find your still center and stay there.

Fidgeting: Amanda Augustine of TheLadders says,”Stop Fidgeting”. The nervous energy will distract the interviewer in a bad way, you don’t want the interviewer to focus on the coins jingling in your pants, or your fingernails.

Hands Behind Back: Avoid keeping the hand at the back, it’s important to appear approachable and open, so don’t focus on trying to control your gestures or fidgeting by keeping your hands still. This is really important when you begin to speak. Friedman says that keeping your hands in your pockets or behind your back inhibits movement and makes you appear stiff. (Don’t be a statue).

Mismatched Expressions: one of the most important gesture, is to avoid mismatching your tone from your facial expression, or you could show yourself inadequate.
Communications coach, Matt Eventoff says, “If someone asks what you’re most passionate about and your face is in deadpan while you answer, it’s not going to translate well.”

Shifty Eyes: It is very important to show yourself confident and certain about what you want to convey, therefore avoid looking upward or anywhere else. Distracted or upward movement of the eyes can suggest you are lying, or lack of confidence.

Staring: You don’t want to show yourself aggressive or rather creepy to the interviewer, hence, try to lock eyes for an extended period but don’t stare at the interviewer. Locking eyes for a longer period with the interviewer, you may find yourself in hot water.


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