7 Things You Need To Do During The Coronavirus Outbreak

what to do during coronavirus outbreak

If there is something you need to conquer during coronavirus outbreak is to make progress towards a healthy lifestyle. In the past 2 months, I have devoted most of my time on yoga and other healthy practices to stay fit and stress free during the pandemic. Basic things like defining daily objectives, staying productive at work and planning meals for the week can significantly affect your life. Considering that, I am sharing with you the best things you need to do during the COVID-19 outbreak.

  1. Cleanse Your Mind
  2. Plan Your Things
  3. Give Yourself Flexibility
  4. Develop Self Esteem
  5. Work on Your Creativity
  6. Help Others (Donate)
  7. Spend Time with Family

Let’s dive deeper into these –

1. Cleanse Your Mind

Yes, I mean cleansing your mind! It is vital to get rid of negative thoughts and stay stress free during the outbreak. Like mother nature is healing itself, this is the time for you to do exactly the same.

How to Cleanse your mind?

  • Meditation is is the best way to cleanse your mind. Find a place where you can sit quietly for 10 minutes. Just sit with yourself, your thoughts and away from the daily life tensions. Just be in that moment.

Meanwhile, read – Different Types of Meditation

  • If meditation looks difficult, think of the nooks and spaces in your home that you need to dust and clean. When you are cleaning up and sorting out things, your brain will gradually feel recharged. When you are busy arranging, hurling, and cleaning; your brain can think about nothing else and you will feel stress free.
  • Making room in drawers and racks helps clear your psyche as well. Perhaps you will discover something you’ve been searching for, and it will bring you happiness.

2. Plan Your Things 

  • Planning your day is important! When you have a plan in hand you will not waste time and anxiety on how and when things will be done. Because you already know.
  • Make a list, decide the time for each task or activity and keep slots for relaxing.
  • Not any more going around like a crazy whirlwind searching for things and increasing the anxiety levels. Just plan your day or draw a to-do list.

3. Give Yourself Flexibility

  • Planning you things doesn’t meaning you need to put pressure on yourself. Just give flexibility to yourself, you have a plan, but you do have some unscheduled and unplanned moments to cherish.
  • Grabbing a steaming cup of espresso with your companion is something that gives you happiness, you do not need to plan it.
  • Do invest energy on some unscheduled things that bring you fun and happiness.

4. Develop Self-esteem

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” – Maria Robinson

Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D., author of The Self-Esteem Workbook, has described healthy self-esteem as a realistic, appreciative opinion of oneself.

It’s a slow process, so things won’t happen overnight, but there are things that can get you started and keep moving.

  • list your accomplishment, feel proud of who you are and what you do.
  • Include any form of exercise in your life. Debbie Mandel, author of Addicted to Stress says “Exercising creates empowerment both physical and mental.”
  • Push your limits, move out of your comfort zone. Do things that you find challenging.
  • Read something that inspires you to bring a change in your life.

5. Work on Your Creativity

Do something creative, practice singing, write a poem, pull out your old piano, narrate a story, or take a dance class. Just add something new to challenge yourself.

Creativity stimulates the brain, I love making decorative items out of trash. DIY is my way of dealing with stress, what is yours?

Meanwhile, read – 10 Ways to Boost Your Creative Thinking

6. Help Others (Donate)

  • Each time you clean your wardrobe, you find many things that are of no use to you. Give them for a good cause, donate to a charity to gain the unexpected happiness and love.
  • You can also use your skills, talents and and abilities to help others.

7. Spend Time With Family

We never thought that we would be confined to the four walls for so long. However, the lockdown is the period you can use to revive the family relationship. We all were busy in our fast-paced life and had no time for family, the lockdown has given us a chance to cherish old memories and paint new to be cherished later in life. So, make the most of this time, enjoy meals together, have dinner conversations, play board-games and watch movies together.

Wrapping Up

Make the most of this lockdown period by following these 7 things that you need to do during coronavirus outbreak. At the same time, stay safe, eat healthy and avoid unnecessary travel. If you find these tips helpful let me know via comments!


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