What is AYUSH 64?

What is AYUSH 64

At the present time, when the country is fighting against COVID-19, the Ministry of Ayush is releasing guidelines for the people from time to time. The Ministry of Ayush promotes Ayurveda, Yoga and other treatment therapies. To cure COVID-19 with mild symptoms, the Ministry has released AYUSH-64. Let’s know What id AYUSH-64 and where it is available.

What is AYUSH-64?

The Ayush Mantralaya is now distributing AYUSH 64 free of cost to COVID-19 Patients with mild or very mild symptoms. Its an Ayurvedic medicine, and according to the Ministry, it also has good results in COVID patients that have mild or no symptoms.

Ayurveda has been an important part of the Indian Health System. It’s an ancient way of treating the people, and its so deeply involved in the Indian lifestyle that knowingly or unknowingly, most people use it to treat themselves. In continuation of treating people with Ayurvedic techniques, the Ministry of AYUSH has released AYUSH-64.  

AYUSH-64 is based on the Ayurvedic formula developed and approved by Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS). The ayurvedic drug was developed to work in Malaria, but its immune-modulator and anti-viral properties work effectively against COVID-19. the drug also gives a good response to the virus of influenza. The promising results of Ayurvedic medicine are making it an effective ayurvedic medicine option.

AYUSH-64 is developed as per the regulations of the pharmacopoeial standard set by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS). in the clinical trials, the effectiveness of the medicine has been proved for mild and moderate symptoms and asymptomatic patients.

The Ministry of Ayush has done all the required experiments and trials to know the effectiveness of this Ayurveda drug. It has cleared six clinical studies in all parts of India. According to an in-silico study on the medicine shows that 35 Phyto-constituents out of 36 have a firm binding against the Coronavirus. The Ayurvedic formula of AYUSH-64 is developed by the apex body of the Ministry of Ayush for the management of Malaria.

All the results and anti-viral properties of the medicine make it the right medicine for mild and moderate COVID-19. The medicine also works effectively in clinical recovery after COVID-19. Many Indians prefer ayurvedic medicines as they have no or very few side effects, so that the AYUSH-16 will be a suitable option for them. The Ministry of Ayush is motivating the use of Ayurveda. In the present time, when the Coronavirus has become more dangerous, AYUSH-16 brings hope to people.    

the ayurvedic medicine from the Ministry of Ayush will be effective at any stage. Still, it will work more effectively in the initial stage of the infection or asymptomatic patients or patients with mild symptoms. The corona positive patients that no need to get hospitalised and have a stable oxygen level can take medicine.

The asymptotic patients can take medicine within seven days of diagnosis. Patients with symptoms like headache, body ache, fever, cough, nasal discharge etc., can start taking it as soon as any of the corona symptoms appear. the medicine is not advisable for those who need emergency medical innervation.

What is the Benefits of Ayush-64?

The medicine found to be very effective to reduce the period a patient needs for the clinical recovery from the Coronavirus. In addition, it cut down the severity of COVID-19 and reduces the effects of its symptoms. the medicine is also found effective on other issues like anxiety, loss of appetite and sleeplessness.

the patients must take the ideal dose of the medicine for better and effective treatment. For asymptomatic patients, the right dose of AYUSH-16 is 500 mg tablet twice a day with warm water. the medicine must be taken with warm water before an hour from the meal for the next 14 days. For the patients with mild to moderate symptoms, three doses of 500 mg each are advised for 14 days. Loose motions can be the side effects of the medicine to a few patients, but they will not be too severe to need some medical advice.

Patients can consider AYTUSH-64 as a standard treatment for mild symptoms, but the treatment with the medicine must be started under the supervision of an Ayurvedic doctor. the standard period to take medicine is 14 days, but in some cases, it can be extended up to 12 weeks as per the suggestions of the Ayurvedic partitioner.

Where is Ayush-64 Available?

The ayurvedic medicine, AYUSH-64, is available at the seven centres of AIIA. Here is the list of places where the medicine will be available;

  • All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) (9.30 am-1 pm)
  • Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, (all seven days, 8.30 am-4.30 pm)
  • Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine (9 am-5 pm)
  • Unani Medical Centre at Safdarjung Hospital (9 am- 4 pm)
  • Unani Speciality Clinic
  • Dr M A Ansari Health Centre
  • Jamia Millia Islamia (9 am-4.30 pm)
  • Central Ayurveda Research Institute in Punjabi Bagh (9.30 am-4 pm)
  • Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy(9 am-12 pm).
  • The Naturopathy Hospital of CCRYN in Sector 19, Rohini (9 am-12 pm).

You can also get the medicines from the sales counter of Ayush Bhawan, B block, GPO Complex, INA Colony, New Delhi. The Ministry of Ayush will provide the kit of AYUSH-64 free of cost to the needy people. Now the kit is also available on all the online shopping platform. So if you are not in Delhi and want the AYUSH-64 t your doorstep, you can get it from the online shopping sites by paying them the mentioned amount. To get the medicines from above mentioned places free of cost, you will have to carry a few documents. You can check the details of places where the ayurvedic medicine will be available for COVID-19 from the statement released by the Ministry of Ayush.

Required Documents to receive AYUSH-64 kit

COVID-19 patients or their family members or caregivers can get the AYUSH-64 by showing the positive report of the RT-PCR test and AADHAR Card. The reports and AADHAR Card can be soft or hard copy.

The Bottom Line

With the information mention in the article, now you know what Ayush-64 is. If you still have any doubt in your mind, you can refer to the FAQs about Ayush-64.  


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