SBI PO 2019 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

SBI PO 2019 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

State Bank of India is not only the largest commercial bank in India but it’s also the favorite destination of many bank job aspirants. SBI offers a good salary package and another facility along with a secure job. This makes it a popular employer. Candidates can join SBI as Clerk and Probationary Officers (PO). The PO’s job offers many facilities along with better salary than clerk so many aspirants pick this as their career destination. The SBI PO 2019 syllabus is vast so this exam needs more hard work too.

The job of SBI PO has become very popular and many candidates are in the preparation of getting this job. Every year SBI conducts SBI PO exam to recruit the Probationary Officers for its different branches. The difficulty level of SBI PO exam is medium and you can clear SBI PO 2019 exam if you have complete information about SBI PO 2019 syllabus and exam pattern.

This article consists the complete and detailed information about the SBI PO 2019 exam pattern and SBI PO syllabus.

SBI PO 2019 Exam Pattern

SBI PO is one of the most sought-after banking jobs in India so many aspirants try to clear its exams. To ace in the exams of SBI PO 2019, you should know about the SBI PO 2019 exam pattern.  To get the job of SBI PO you need to clear three-tier selection process of SBI PO that includes SBI PO Preliminary Examination, SBI PO Mains Examination, and Personal Interview round.  Here is the SBI PO 2019 Exam Pattern for the written exams.

SBI PO 2019 Prelim Exam Pattern

SBI PO 2019 prelim exam may schedule in the first week of July and still, you have time to start your preparation for it. You can start it with understanding SBI PO 2019 prelim exam pattern.

Mode: SBI PO Prelims is an online exam.

Questions:  In SBI PO prelim, candidates need to answer 100 objective type questions.

Marks Division: Every question is of 1 mark and maximum marks of the SBI PO Prelim exam are 100. SBI Prelim exam has the concept of negative marking and according to that candidate will lose 0.25 marks on every wrong answer.

Duration: The duration of SBI PO 2019 prelim exam is 60 minutes. Aspirants can give 20 minutes to each section as per their feasibility.

Sections: SBI PO Prelim exam has following three sections;

  • English Language: 30 questions will come in this section for 30 minutes.
  • Numerical Ability: In this section, 35 questions will come for 35 marks.
  • Reasoning Ability: This section will also have 35 questions for 35 marks.

SBI PO Prelim is the key of SBI Mains so don’t take it for granted. The prelim exam is qualifying in nature and its score will not be considered in the final score.

SBI PO 2019 Mains Exam Pattern

SBI PO mains exam has a medium difficulty level. SBI PO Mains exam is subdivided into two levels; Objective test and Descriptive level. Both of the tests are conducted on the same day in online mode.

Here is SBI PO 2019 exam pattern for the exam.

SBI PO Exam Pattern for Objective Test

Duration of this objective test is 3 hours. SBI PO Objective test consists of 155 MCQs in below mentioned 4 sections;

  • Reasoning & Computer Aptitude: This part has 45 questions for 60 marks and duration for this part id 60 minutes.
  • Data Analysis & Interpretation: Data Analysis will have 35 questions for 60 marks and candidate will have 45 minutes for this test.
  • General Awareness about Economy & Banking: Here candidate needs to solve 40 questions for 40 marks in 35 minutes.
  • English Language: 35 questions for 35 marks will be asked in this part of the exam and duration for the same will be 40 minutes.

SBI PO Exam Pattern for Descriptive Test

Candidates writing skills are checked in this part of the exam. Descriptive test id further divided into two parts; letter writing and essay writing. This test carries 50mmarks and duration is 30 minutes.

SBI PO Exam Pattern for GD and Interview

The last round of SBI PO 2019 mains exam will be of Group discussion and Personal interview round. The Group discussion part will be of 20 marks and interview will have 30 marks. This last stage of SBI PO 2019 exam will consist of 50 marks.

SBI PO 2019 Syllabus

SBI PO 2019 syllabus is quite similar to the syllabus of other banks’ competitive exams.  The SBI PO Prelim syllabus and Mains syllabus is very common. In SBI PO Mains syllabus is vast in comparison of SBI PO Prelim syllabus. So, Here we have combined the detailed syllabus of SBI PO exam 2019 for prelim and mains.

SBI PO syllabus

Here is the SBI PO 2019 topic wise syllabus for SBI PO Prelim and Mains Exam.

SBI PO Syllabus for Reasoning

Logical Reasoning, Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test, Coded Inequalities, Alphanumeric Series, Data Sufficiency, Seating Arrangement, Puzzle, Tabulation, Syllogism, Blood Relations, Input-Output, Coding-Decoding, Verbal Reasoning, Seating Arrangement, Double Line-up, Directions and Distance, Ordering and Ranking, Course of Action, Critical Reasoning, Analytical and Decision Making.

SBI PO Syllabus for Quantitative Ability

 Simplification, Profit and Loss, Mixtures and Allegations, Simple and Compound Interest, Surds and Indices, Work and Time, Time and Distance, Mensuration, Data Interpretation, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Number System, Sequence and Series, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Tabular Graph, Line Graph, Pie Chart, Bar Graph, Radar Graph, Caselet, DI, Data Sufficiency.

SBI PO Syllabus for the English Language

Reading Comprehension, Para Jumbles, Cloze Test, Error Spotting, Fill in the Blanks, Paragraph Completion, Grammar, Vocabulary, Verbal Ability, Word Association, Sentence Improvement, Odd one out / Theme based questions, Miscellaneous.

SBI PO Syllabus for General Awareness

Financial Awareness, General Knowledge, Static Awareness, Current Affairs- Technology, Sports, Awards, Books & Authors, Awards, National & International Events etc.

SBI PO Syllabus for Computer Awareness

Internet,  Keyboards Shortcuts, Computer Abbreviation, MS Office, Computer Hardware and software, Operating System, Networking.

SBI PO Syllabus for Descriptive Test

Essays and formal & casual letter writing.

SBI PO 2019 exam is not far away so to get success in this, start your preparation from now. In case of any doubts,  write to us in the comment box below.


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