How to Prepare for SBI PO 2019 Mains

SBI PO Mains Prep

In all the competitive exams of banking, SBI PO exam is considered as the most prestigious and difficult one. If you too want to appear in SBI PO 2019 exam then it’s the right time for you to start your preparations. If you are wondering about how to prepare for the SBI PO 2019 Main then we have some tips for you.

SBI PO exam is divided into 3 stages; SBI PO Prelim Exam, SBI PO Mains Exam, and SBI PO GD & Interview. It’s important to clear all three hurdles to get the job of SBI PO. If we talk about the difficulty level the SBI PO Prelim exam is an easy target and SBI PO main is a difficult one. In this post, we will tell you some tips for SBI PO 2019 mains preparation.

Preparation tips for SBI PO Mains

Every year more candidates than previous year attempt to clear the SBI PO exam. It resulted in an increased level of difficulty. It means with every year SBI PO Mains preparation tips change and you need to give more time to your studies.

Here are a few tips for SBI PO 2019 mains preparation. If you will use them in your study routine then you can get success in SBI PO mains exam easily.

· Know the basis

Success in competitive exam embraces only those who know even a minor detail about the exam. One of the finest and important preparation tips for SBI PO mains is to be aware of the SBI PO mains exam syllabus and pattern. Proper information of syllabus will help you in preparation of the SBP PO exam. The knowledge about the exam pattern will give you pace during the exam. The Internet is overloaded with the information of SBI PO syllabus and exam pattern but you should believe only reliable sources.

· Daily Study Plan

To get success in any competitive exam it’s a must to have a planned daily routine. You need to give 2-3 hours daily for the preparation of each topic. That topic which you find difficult may require more time of yours. In a daily study plan, including a separate timing for newspaper reading to get the information about the banking sector. Remember while preparing for SBI PO main exam the newspaper reading becomes a part of the preparation. You may need a copy and pen while reading the newspaper to make notes from it.

· Study Plan for the first few weeks

The initial days of preparation for SBI PO’s Main exam are known as habit developing period. During this time you may study and forget but do not lose confidence because of this as the topics are new for you and you need to practice it. Don’t doubt on your mind and don’t question your ability if it happens to you. With time, slowly you will be proficient in all the topics.

· Scan Previous Years Papers

After 15 to 20 days of your preparation when you became familiar with topics of QA and reasoning, now it’s the time for you to pick the previous years’ question papers of SBI PO Mains exam.  Study them thoroughly to make a mind map of SBI PO 2019 mains exam. You can also try to solve them to understand the difficulty level of the exam and your preparation level.

·  Topic wise preparation

To get success in SBI PO 2019 exam you need to equally focus on all the topics. Every section is important in SBI PO mains exam and no section can be skipped. You need to plan your studies so you can revise the previous day’s topics in the present day.

Preparation for QA includes the use of mental maths. You need to learn some shortcuts tricks for faster calculation. Try to find the solution of a question in 30 seconds and if you could not do so then move to another question.  Data Interpretation needs more practice so include it in your daily study routine.

Reasoning in SBI PO main exam is a scoring topic and it’s not difficult too. All you need to do is understand its basics and learn quick methods to solve the queries like blood relation and sitting arrangements.

For the preparation of General Economy and Banking Awareness do not rely only on one source and have two books from good publishers. To brush up your general awareness, keep attempting the mock tests for this section.

English Language section is all about the grammar and vocabulary. Reading English newspapers will make your vocabulary richer and for the rest of the English, section keep practicing to score good marks.

Remember scoring qualifying marks in each section is a must besides scoring total cut off marks.

·  Time Management

Time is an important part along with knowledge in SBI PO Main Exam.  SBI has allocated some time for a particular section. Here is the detail of same.

  • Reasoning and Computer Aptitude has 60 minutes for 45 questions. You will get 80 sec to solve one question.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation will have 45 minutes for 35 questions so every question will have 77.1 seconds.
  • General Economy and Banking Awareness section carry 40 questions and total time is 35 minutes so every question has 52.5 seconds.
  • English Language section will have 35 questions for 40 minutes so each question has 68.6 seconds.

The above mentioned data may have given you the importance of a single second in the exam hall of SBI PO Mains exam. So during SBI PO 2019 main preparation keep a tack of time as well. Once you start to understand the problem then work for its correct answer in less timing.

  • As the last SBI PO 2019 preparation tip, we would like to suggest you not to attempt any question in the SBI PO main exam for the sake of attempting. Negative marking will become a big hurdle for you to get success in this exam.

The Bottom Line

Through this post, we have tried to give the answer of the most asked question, How to prepare for SBI PO 2019 main exam and to know the solution of any other query, you can write to us in the comment box.


    • The notification for SBI PO exam 2019 is expected to be published by the bank in April 2019. The Preliminary exam will be held in July 2019, while Main exam in August 2019. We will update the dates as soon as the notification is released by the bank. Keep checking our site for updates. We would like to help you with any more query if you have.
      All the best for the exam.


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