React JS vs Angular: Difference Between React JS and Angular 2021

career in angular development

The field of Information Technology has no bounds. It continues to relish on new developments on daily basis. There are a number of IT professionals who work on developing new systems, and these innovations bring a lot of improvements to the table. You can learn and earn with the help of this technology. There -are several job opportunities if one wants to build a career in angular development.

Several computer languages are developed ever since the introduction of the computer and the open field gives much more opportunities to create new ones. Even though each application is different in its properties, sometimes there is a comparison which is inevitable. We, today, discuss two such applications that are used widely currently.


React is an open-source, front end, JavaScript Library for building user interfaces or UI components. React helps us to build create interactive UIs effortlessly. It updates and supplies the exact components for your design whenever your data needs to be changed. Your code can be more predictive and easier to debug with declarative views. You can take advantage and build encapsulated components that manage their state and then compose them to make complex UIs. You will be able to easily pass rich data through your app and keep the state out of the DOM since the component logic is written in JavaScript and not templates.

A good thing is you can develop new features in React without rewriting existing code. React can also render on the server using Node and power mobile apps using React Native.


Angular is a modern web developer’s platform where you can learn to build applications and reuse your code and your capacity to build apps for deployment targets. You can build progressive web apps using modern web platform capabilities and experience the high performance, offline, and zero-step installation.

Build native mobile apps with strategies from Cordova, Ionic, or NativeScript. Angular turns your templates into code that is highly used for today’s JavaScript virtuals.

You can serve the first view of your application on Node.js, .Net, PHP, and other servers for near-instant rendering in HTML and CSS. Due to the new Component Router, Angular apps load quickly and give automatic code-splitting so that viewers render only the code required to view their request.

Angular consists of the following tools

  • Angular CLI Builders – Several angular CLI commands run a complex process on your code. A builder handler function receives two arguments, a set of input actions and a context.
  • Builder Project Structure – A Builder is in a ‘project’ folder similar to an angular workspace.

Difference between Angular and React

The basic difference one can state is, Angular is a fully-featured JavaScript framework that helps developing single-page web app, while React is a JavaScript library that helps builds UI Components. Angular operates on real DOM and two-way data binding and React.js works on virtual DOM and one-way data binding.

Key Features of Angular:

  • Large community support
  • Forms and validation
  • Typescript offers efficiency
  • Cleaner and script coding
  • Shadow DOM/Local CSS
  • Seamless updates with Angular CLI
  • UI and Business Logic separation
  • Built-in support for AJAX, HTTP, and Observables
  • Consistent with technology
  • Enhanced support for error handling

Key Features of React:

  • Fully supported by Facebook
  • React components
  • Better user experience and very fast performance
  • Faster development
  • Simple and Composable
  • Time-Saving
  • Access to 3rd party libraries
  • Code-Stability with one-directional data binding


  • React is a javascript library that allows you to build UI components whereas Angular JS is a structural framework for developing dynamic web apps.
  •  React is based on virtual DOM as against MVC (Model View Controller) of the Angular JS.
  • Angular is based on Typescript and React is based on Javascript.
  • React requires a set of tools to perform different types of testing while Angular JS provides testing and debugging for a complete project with a single tool.
  • React allows the addition of javascript library to the source code while Angular doesn’t provide adding javascript library to the source code.

There is always a debate about which one is better React.js or Angular? Both have their advantages and applications. Moreover, it can be said that both have very different applications altogether. So the comparison like Reactjs vs Angular 6 does not stand good.

Angular 6 Architecture

Angular 6 released in May 2018 is a great breakthrough and is the latest release. Angular 5 and 6 are almost similar and angular 6 has backward compatibility with Angular 5. The features added to angular 6 are

  • Updated Angular CLI, Command Line Interface
  • Updated CDK, Component Development Kit
  • Updated Angular Material
  • Usage of RxJS, a reactive JS Library
  • Angular Element
  • Multiple Vendors
  • Tree Shaking on Services

The difference between react vs angular 2021 can be underlined as below –

Parameters        React Angular  
Community Support Not much on offer It has a viable and dependable system  
Use of libraries Can be packed with other programmable libraries It is a complete solution
Type It is a JavaScript library It is a complete framework
Learning curve It is easier to learn but becomes difficult when augmented with Redux A lot of training is required to learn Angular
Documentation It is comparatively faster despite the regular updates Documentation is slower due to the ongoing development process
Ideal for Modern web development and native-rendered apps for Android and iOS devices When you want to develop feature-rich large-scale applications.
Testing and Debugging It needs a set of tools Complete project is possible with a single tool
Updates In React, updates are simple because scripts help in the migration It plans the updation every six months, so give time to make the required changes for migration
Model It is based on virtual DOM It is based on MVC (Model View Controller)
Data Binding It uses one-way data binding, meaning that the UI elements cannot be changed without updating the relevant model state It uses two-way data binding method and helps you change the model state automatically when any change is made
Language Preference JSX – JavaScript XML Typescript
Abstraction Strong Medium
Installation Time It takes longer to set up but delivers quick projects and building apps Project deliveries may delay due to an increase in the coding time but the set up is very easy
Git Hub Stars 180K 80.8K
Fork 30.3K 48.2K

The above are only some of the comparative points between react vs angular 2021.

Benefits – Reactjs vs Angular 6:


  • Developers spend more time writing modern JavaSrcipt but they don’t have to worry about framework-specific code.
  • In React you can migrate between the versions.
  • Simple design makes it easy to learn.
  • Enhance support for server-side rendering, making it a robust framework.
  • Templating and detailed documentation is possible due to HTML-like syntax.
  • Much of the process is automated because of Facebook offered ‘codemod’ feature.
  • Heavy loads are relatively eased when it is combined with ES6/7.
  • You can use the skills of React in Native development.


  • Interface is like material design.
  • Performance is greater.
  • It offers clean code development
  • Seamless updates using Angular CLI
  • Moving from one view to another is easy due to routing in the angular framework.

Cons of React and Angular


  • It requires the users to have in-depth knowledge with respect to the integration of user interface into the MVC framework
  • It requires complex configuration while integrating it with the traditional MVC framework like Rail.


  • Difficult to debug in Limited Routing.
  • Third-party investigation is quite difficult.
  • There is no clear manual and extensive, all-inclusive documentation.
  • Several issues may crop up while switching from an older version to a new one.
  • The learning curve is steep.
  • It can be confusing to the fresher.
  • When the pages embed the interactive elements, it can become slower.

The Reactjs vs Angular 6 have some other points if one needs to compare the utility of both.

Server Side Rendering

ReactJs: It requires extra package integrations like react-universal-component, and carefully chose http client library. Routing configurations also need to change using StaticRouter in the server entry point.

Angular: Angular provides platform-server with minimal changes to the entry point root module. You can run the angular app on a node server. Do not use direct DOM access in your app.

Syntax and Language

ReactJs – CSS and JSX syntax sugar mix of HTML (not actual) with Javascript. A component is a mix of view, logic, and styling.

 Angular: Standard HTML, (S)CSS, and TypeScript. TypeScript is great and helps write code, by using classes, interfaces, models, improve the readability of the code. HTML and CSS are kept apart avoiding mixing with TS code. Code is more readable.

NPM Packages

ReactJs: It comes only with the view part, all the remaining, like routing, http clients is the decision of the user to choose community projects.

Angular: All packages come with the framework, SASS support, Routing, Http client, SSR, Animations, etc. Packages are updated by the Angular team.

Tools and Helper

ReactJs:  Community tool based like create-react-app, material design for React is available, webpacks configuration is manual and difficult for normal users.

Angular: New project can be started within seconds with the help of Angular CLI, as it sets up everything for you. Angular material also helps to set up a start nice user interface between gadgets and elements.

Code Structure and Standards

ReactJs: Un-opinionated and flexible, with no real standards or guidelines, create friction between developers preferences. Experienced developers can handle it properly. Projects without distinction between templates, services, libraries, styles, and components can be found here.

Angular: Angular has guidelines but not a very strict one. Components, modules, services, routing are properly identified.


Angular – Angular is a very fixed and complex structure based on the layers model, view, and controller. Developers can break down the app’s code in different files. This gives the chance to reuse templates or the components in different parts of the application.

React – React chooses a different architecture. It, in a simple way, develops component trees. The component definitions are declarative. They are readable and logically structured.    

From all the above information, we can see that both the applications help to build the apps in an informative way. The development or up-gradation of the apps is much easier for the expert developers if they get the components like these.

Wrap Up

Both React Js and Angular JS are great options for the single-page applications. Since both of them are completely different instruments, their utilization purpose will differ but one thing is true, and that is, both are helpful for the improvement of the technology.

To get a further boost in the performance, React can be used inside the Angular directives. In a way, they are the opposite forces that solve the same problem. Though one might argue which one is better, the real answer may come out as both and none. This is because they can do much better without each other but they can do brilliantly with each other.

This could be just like the case of two people with contrast personalities but both being brilliant in the similar field they are put to work. They individually can do better but if they are teamed up together they can perform beyond imagination.


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