What is Web 3.0? How Different it is From Web 2.0?

What is Web 3.0

Web 3.0, Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 are all successive iterations of the internet or the World Wide Web. Web 1.0 was the earliest form of internet that came into being into the 1990s and continued till 2004 after which it was taken over by Web 2.0 that functions in modern day world. The next question that comes to our mind is “What exactly is Web 3.0?”. In this article, we will be talking about the same i.e., the definition of Web 3.0 and Web 2.0. We will also list out “the advantages and disadvantages of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 and also learn about the key differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

So, without delaying any further let us start our reading journey! 

What is web 2.0?  

Web 2.0 is an upgraded version of internet usage to the previously prevalent Web 1.0 that functioned in the era of the 1990s. Web 1.0 was a “read-only” internet facility where you could access static webages with interconnected hyperlinks and not interact with the web. With the inauguration of Web 2.0 all those things that couldn’t be done with Web 1.0 became possible.  

Now, there is heightened social connectivity, interactivity, and enhanced content generation by users. The content so generated in the form of blogging, social media posts, YouTube videos etc. can be accessed globally in a matter of a few seconds. Various top companies, particularly e-commerce platforms and brands have climbed the ladder of success by utilising the features of Web 2.0. The pandemic situation in the country has also accelerated the use of Web 2.0 by users globally.  

What is Web 3.0?  

Web 3.0 is an further upgrade to Web 2.0 that we are already using. It is still in the process of evolution that will overtake Web 2.0 in the future. Web 3.0 represents the latest technologies and services that operates on distributed ledger technology or blockchain technology. In web 3.0 data management is not vested with a central repository but rather a decentralised system where decisions will be based on distributed consensus. 

Web 3.0 uses AI for facilitating machine-to-machine interaction and also advanced analytics. In this decentralised network, data remains under the control of it’s owners and can be manipulated as per their will. Here, consumers or users are active participants who interact with websites to gain information or carry out other tasks. Some examples of Web 3.0 are technologies and Web 3.0 applications like Apple’s Siri, Wolfram Alpha, Brave Browser, Filecoin, LivePeer etc.  

Advantages of Web 3.0 

Data Ownership   

  • In Web 2.0, companies track users through online interaction and collect their data to display advertisements and offers. In Web 3.0 users will have complete ownership of their data usage. They will have the authority to decide on what information to share with businesses and things that need to be private. Previously, companies profited from the clicks and purchase of their commodities. With Web 3.0, users will also receive money by engaging with advertisements.
  • Web 3.0 will have a decentralised system in place where there will be no single authority imposing restrictions or censorship. There will also be complete freedom from surveillance.

Enhanced internet power  

  • With Web 3.0, there will better internet connectivity and productivity. You can easily search for items and the results displayed will be more relevant. In web 2.0, the results that come up on the search engine result page are typically the ones that are the most popular. The Web 3.0 will function in contrast to preceding iteration Web 2.0. You will have content displayed as per your tastes or preferences. Moreover, users will have a more personalized experience based on their web surfing activity and internet habits.

Fewer or no intermediaries  

  • In contrast to internet 3.0, Web 2.0 consists of middle men or intermediaries interacting between companies and customers. They receive a share of the total earnings by serving as a medium for interaction and facilitating processes. With Web 3.0 things will take a different turn. In Web 3.0 customers can directly interact with companies as there will be less number of intermediaries between them. In fact, there might be no intermediaries at all. There will also be hardly any intermediaries dealing with your products of commerce. A stakeholder will be aware of the price of their commodities and interact directly with the source without having to rely on intermediaries.

Easy data recovery  

  • If a system fails or there is a service disruption occurring due to technical reasons, you need not worry as Web 3.0 will have you covered. Since the data is present in distributed nodes across several servers, a single system failure will not cost you much. You can easily retrieve the data from other servers.

Pitfalls of Web 3.0  

  • The devices that are not very advanced will not be able to handle Web 3.0 as it requires complex features like 3D graphics, semantic data etc. and also operates on technologies like AI, blockchain and machine learning.
  • There are high chances that with Web 3.0 coming into the scenario, cyber crimes will take an upward curve. The chief reason is because of the decentralisation that will lead to reduced monitoring and regulation.
  • Web 1.0 will become outdated and less valid.
  • There will be greater accessibility to public as well as personal data because of the highly interconnected Web 3.0.
  • The websites that will turn into Web 3- based will be the popular and upgraded version of themselves. This will push other websites to upgrade and adopt Web 3.0. To maintain the captured market, website owners will be under  pressure to upgrade their digital facilities.

Advantages of Web 2.0  

  • Web 2.0 is highly profitable for companies as it leads to effective marketing and higher revenues. Top companies integrate Web 2.0 applications, technologies and tools with the workflows of employees and also stay connected with customers, and suppliers through the usage of Web 2.0 tools.
  • Through Web 2.0, users can engage in social media marketing and optimise their content through Search Engine Optimization.
  • Web 2.0 is accessible anywhere and is not bound by time.
  • Web 2.0 is easy to use and is user-friendly.
  • There are different forms of media like readable, viewable, watchable content.
  • Users can create, edit and update their content through Web 2.0
  • There are several learning communities and platforms that give out courses on different topics. With Web 2.0, online learning has become hassle-free thus providing a seamless experience.
  • Unlike Web 1.0, interaction with a website is possible in Web 2.0. One can make purchases through the advertisements displayed in the webpages they visit. Thus, with the onset of Web 2.0, e-commerce became a possibility.

Pitfalls of Web 2.0  

  • There is increased cybercrime in everyday life. Hackers are constantly in the watch out to find loopholes, hack systems and leak private information. There are also several instances of forgeries taking place due to security compromises. 
  • You will find several cases of people using someone else’s identity as their own or creating fake IDs. After having their victim in trust, they extract valuable information from them that may include vital bank information like credit card details, CVV, pin etc. Moreover, you may receive unsolicited phising links from spammers who will take advantage by requesting you to enter vital information on websites or forms. 
  • There maybe negative comments on your social media posts, blogs, YouTube channel videos etc. You may also receive hate mails, threats which is all a part of cybercrime. Rival companies may post degrading things on your content’s comment section that can harm your company’s reputation. 
  • Often the web gets plagued by information overload. There maybe too much of information coming from all directions that may confuse the reader. Also, there are high chances of the spread of misinformation through social media platforms. Misinformation is often rampant over internet that leads to more problems and chaos.

Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0  

  • Web 3.0 is a decentralised system where authority doesn’t remain with one central body but is present in the form of a distributed consensus. On the other hand, Web 2.0 is a centralised system that consists of application delivery, cloud services and social media that remains in the hands of one supreme entity.
  • A relational database is organised data presented in tables to have a clear view and understanding of how data structures relate to one another. Web 2.0 utilizes relational databases that underpin content and applications whereas in Web 3.0, blockchain or Distributed Ledger Technology is used.
  • In internet 2.0, all the payments take place through currency system issued by the government. For example, USD, $ are all examples of currency issued by the government. In Web 3.0, currency refers to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Payments and transactions will take place through such modernised currencies. 
  • Web 2.0 allows more dynamic control than Web 1.0. The former is defined by layout technologies like CSS and Ajax. Internet 3.0 utilizes smart technologies like Artificial intelligence, machine learning etc.
  • In Web 2.0, cookies that store data within a web browser helps in tracking user activity and provides personalized experience whereas in web 3.0, users will get rewards as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with value providing certain benefits and advantages.
  • In the era of Web 2.0, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter became highly prevalent. Web 3.0 will usher in the age of a metaverse universe where the boundary between the physical and virtual worlds will be blurred. People will experience a unique world that is a combination of physical, virtual and augmented reality.

Final Thought!  

With innovation in the World Wide Web, the different versions of internet came into existence. Web 2.0 is a considerable shift from its preceding iteration Web 1.0 just like Web 3.0 is from Web 2.0. Web 3.0 is incredibly advanced that has several things on its list. Although we do not have any idea about what Web 3.0 will actually be, still we can guess it’s potential and the changes it will produce, technically, economically and socially. It would be quite right to call Web 3.0 revolutionary as it will bring revenues for businesses, empower users and creators. For now, we can keep our arms open to usher in the new internet 3.0 that will be a hallmark of progress and achievement.  

So, what is your take on Web 2.0 and Web 3.0?


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