Motherboard and its Classification

motherboard and its classification

The motherboard is responsible for each and every function of the computer. Motherboards take care of all the communication between different parts of a computer. It also makes sure that the communication is smooth between each one of them.

Like computer memory, motherboards can also be classified into different types based on their functioning. Motherboards are different and for research purposes and home purposes. And, just like that the performance rate also differs.

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Computers and their capability is decided by their processors and the processors are residing on the motherboard.

In this article, we will check some of the common types of motherboards.

The classification of motherboards is based on the following types:

  1. Classification based on assembly
  2. Classification based on form factor

Let’s understand them.

Motherboard classification based on Assembly

Based on assembly, the motherboards are classified into 2 types:

  1. Integrated Processors 

Integrated motherboards are those which has all your crucial components required for a smooth functioning. It could be your parallel ports, video or sound cards and so on. Similarly, the graphics card for gamer friends, everything is on the motherboard fixed with it.

We have seen ready laptops and Desktops especially built for gamers. Most of the times such laptops or desktops comes with a pre-installed graphics driver. It could be a NVIDIA driver or some other driver. Such motherboards are integrated motherboards, since all the components come already accommodated on it.

The pricing of such motherboards is on the cheaper side but the only problem with this kind of motherboards is that you the repair/replace cost is too much. If one single part is damaged you have to change the whole motherboard.       

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  1. Non Integrated Processors

Motherboards that can be assembled as per our needs are non-integrated motherboards. We can customize the motherboard as and when needed. Most of the times the requirements for everyone is different. Some might need a simple system for just some household work like typing documents and printing and all, whereas on the other side, there might be gamers who might need more of a high-end configuration for better graphics and less lagging and issues like that.

Non-integrated motherboards are actually meant for customization. You can actually assemble the whole motherboard based on how you want your system to be. More the configuration, more smoother your system is going to work. The downside on such systems is that it will cost you a little expensive when it comes to assembling.

As we discussed the repair or replacing cost is pretty high when it comes to motherboards, it is better to have a non-integrated motherboard by your side. The part which is damaged can be replaced by a new one just like that without having to go through a pressure of building a whole new motherboard from scratch unlike integrated motherboard.

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Motherboard classification Based on Form Factor

Another type of classification of motherboards is based on form factor. Form factor means specification of the motherboard i.e the shape, size and the arrangement of a computing device.

Based on the form factor, the motherboards are classified into following three types:

  1. Full AT Motherboards

The Full AT family was the first of its kind motherboard introduced by IBM in 1984. It was 12 inches wide and 11 inches long. Since it was the first one, it has some major issues like overheating.

  • Baby AT Motherboards

Baby AT motherboards were a smaller version of Full AT form factor and hence the name. The dimensions of Baby AT Motherboards were 10 by 8.5 inches, just a little narrower than the Full AT. Due to its entry during the time when PC actually grew in popularity, these motherboards were the first ones to stay in every PC from 1985 to 1995. This is the longest any form factor has been used so much extensively.

  • ATX Motherboards

The Advanced Technology Extended (ATX) motherboards had a dimension of 12 by 7.5 inches. This were the first ones to have major revamp in terms of design and placement. The orientation of the board was rotated to 90 degrees for a better and efficient design. It was launched in 1995 and since then most of the systems in the world are using the same motherboard design.

The Bottom Line

Most of our systems nowadays have become compact and the CPU size is growing smaller and this revolution through the time is responsible for all the “nano” type things we are using right now. Intel pitched in the ATX motherboards and hence, the scenario has drastically changed. From big huge CPUs to smaller ones, the change was remarkable and hence slowly leading to increased efficiency.  

What do you think has changed through the time when it come to your computer systems and laptops?

Do let us know in the comments below and we will be back with something more informative and interesting in our next blog.

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