Do you have a computer or laptop? Yes, you do…. but trust us you do not know many of the terms listed below. We have prepared a glossary of words related to computer that will help you know a bit more about the device that you use on a daily basis.
Let’s get started…..
- Attachment: An attachment or email Attachment, is a file that is sent along with email message. Attachment may be an image, text, audio, movie, word document, or any other type of file.
- Application: An application (Also known as app) is a software or a group of programs, designed for a specific purpose. It is accessible to a user both on the app store and Android app stores.
- Access: Access is simply having permission to get the desired data. If the appropriate access is not permitted, the user receives an access denied or another error message.
- Access control list (ACL): An access control list (ACL) is a list of services available on a server that either allows, restricts or blocks the packet in the system.
- Address: An address refers to an IP address where data may be accessed.
- Argument: Arguments are variables that contains data or codes. It is passed to the function as input.
- Account: An account is an identity created for a person to sign in to a particular system.
- Alias: Alias refers to a nickname or an additional name for a computer, object or an individual.
- Algorithm: Algorithm is a set of rules and regulations used for solving a specific problem.
- Aggregate: Aggregate is a whole formed by combining several small elements together.
- Audit: An audit is a personal or computerized inspection that accounts for the adequacy , effectiveness, security and overall functionality of a data activity.
- Archive: A Archive file is a computer file that allows storage of multiple files within it to use less storage space.
- Application software: Application software is a specific computer program designed for end-users. They facilitate a variety of functions that can be tailored to a users specific needs.
- Authentication: Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a individual user or device. By entering the correct login credentials, you authenticate your identity.
- Authorization: Authorization is the process of establishing the ability to access a resource. Of course, it allows users to gain access based on their identity.
- Applet: An Applet is a small software program that runs inside the web browser.
- Bandwidth: Bandwidth is the amount of data transmitted over a network. The higher the bandwidth, the faster is the signal transmission.
- Backbone: A piece of cable that comprise the internet or other major network.
- Bots: A Bot, also known as internet Bot is a computer program that operates as an agent and analyzes the files information from web servers.
- Bit: A bit is a binary digit (0 or 1). It is the smallest unit of data in a computer.
- Backspace: Backspace is a key that deletes any character one place to the left. You can easily modify what has been mistyped.
- Backup: Backup is the copy of the data or a file to retrieve it back in case the original is lost.
- Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows exchange of data or information from one electronic device to another via radio waves.
- Bookmark: Bookmark is a shortcut which lets you quickly get back to the page without searching it again. When you bookmark a web page you get quick access to that particular page.
- Browser: A browser is a program that sends requests to server to access world wide web pages.
- Buffer: On a multitasking system a certain region of a physical memory is used to store data temporarily before transmitting it to a particular device.
- Byte: A byte is a group of binary digit. It consists of 8 bits.
- Batch processing: Batch processing is the execution of a series of jobs. Once, the grouping of jobs is done based on similarities, they are submitted in sequence to the compiler. It allows the system to use different priorities based on the availability. Batch processes reduces system overhead by running single program for multiple transactions.
- Binary number: A binary number is a number system with base two. It only uses two zeros and ones.
- Booting: Booting is the process of turning on your computer.
- Bug: A bug is an error that causes a system to behave unexpectedly or crash altogether.
- Bridge: A bridge is a device that connects two networks segments together as if they were a single network.
- Cache: A cache is a region of computer memory for temporary files. It is a optional file on your hard drive that makes a device run more efficiently.
- Captcha: Captcha is a computer program used to determine whether the user is human or an automated bot.
- Compiler: A program that translates source code written in high level language into machine code , the computer understands.
- CSS: Cascading style sheet; A set of rules that simplify the process of making web pages.
- Cookie: cookie is a small piece of information that the website remembers to identify your computer.
- Character set: Character set is a set of valid characters which includes numbers, alphabetical characters, symbols, graphic characters and control characters.
- Code: Code refers to different programming statements written in a particular language.
- COBOL: COBOL refers to common business oriented language. It is a high-level programming language, specially for business applications.
- Column: A vertical line of characters or other expressions.
- Computer: A computer is an electronic device capable of carrying out a sequence of operations, typically in binary form.
- Copy: A function that creates replica of the source data. It reads data from a source And writes it elsewhere.
- Crash: A computer system is said to crash when it stops functioning properly for some reason and exits.
- CPU: CPU is central processing unit. It performs all types of data processing operations on the basis of instructions provided.
- Cursor: A cursor is a symbol that shows the current position to the user.
- Compress: The process of making a file smaller than the original so that it’s easy to store and transmit it over a network. Compressing a file will save disk space.
- Case-sensitive: Case sensitive defines whether the text or typed input is upper-case or lower-case. In general, lower –case letters are not equivalent to the same letters in upper-case.
- Debug: Detect and remove errors from computer hardware or software.
- DBMS: Database management system; A software designed to store, retrieve, define and manage incoming data usually in the form of records.
- Data: Data is raw facts and figures in the form of images, audio clips, documents or other types of data.
- Decryption: Decryption is a process of transforming encrypted information into recognizable information.
- Denial of service: A denial of service attack is an attack is an effort to render a computer or other device making it inaccessible to intended users.
- Delete: Delete is a key on a computer for remove or erase.
- Document: A document is a record of Information either in written or electronic form.
- Drag and drop : Drag and drop is a method of moving images or files from one place and copy it to a new location.
- Download: The transfer of data from a remote system.
- Data entry: Data entry is the process of entering data into a computer using different input devices or voice.
- Digital signature: A digital signature is a technique to validate the electronic documents. It ensures that the content of a message or a document has not been altered in the process.
- Display: A display is a term used to describe the device used to view pictorial or textual information.
- Data communication: Data communication refers to transmission of data through various communication channels.
- Data processing: Data processing refers to performing different actions in the data to convert it into the machine readable form.
- Default: A software function which occurs automatically in the absence of a choice made by the user.
- Dial-up: Dial-up refers to an internet connection which enables you to connect to a dial up server via a modem.
- E-learning: E-learning is gaining knowledge through electronic means. It is available from anywhere for everyone with no charge at all.
- Encryption: Encryption is the process of converting a piece of information in encoded form. It hides the information’s true meaning and protects sensitive information.
- Ethernet: Ethernet is a technology that transmits data over a wired connection.
- Exception: An exception is an unknown error which occurs during execution of a program.
- Export: Export is simply to move data from one place to another.
- Extranet: An extranet is a private network which requires authentication for users to access them. It usually combines both internet and an intranet.
- Execute: Execute is to interpret and process the instructions specified .
- Error message: A message that confirms the existence of error.
- Erase: Erase is removing or deleting the unwanted data.
- Email: E-mail refers to electronic mail. It allows you to send and receive messages by electronic means.
- Encapsulation: Encapsulation is the process of wrapping data and files under a single unit.
- Edit: To make changes, correct mistakes or delete data.
- File: A collection of data or information on a computer.
- Field: Field is a specific area used to record ,enter and submit information.
- File compression: File compression is reducing the size of the file in order to save disk space. The compressed file is therefore easier to store and transmit.
- File extension: A file extension is suffix at the end of a particular file which determines the type of a file. For example in the filename “display.txt” the .txt is the file extension.
- Format: Format refers to the way information is recorded or saved within a file. For examples some files are stored in binary form while the others are stored in plain text format.
- Firewall: A method of preventing and protecting data through several set of security rules.
- Folder: An area on a hard disk to store documents.
- Font: A font is a collection of letters, symbols, uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers and other signs.
- Frame: A frame is digital data transmission over a serial link.
- FTP: File transport protocol that allows for transfer of files via the internet.
- Garbage: Garbage is the unwanted information or data occupying memory space.
- GIF: Graphics interchange format to store image data. GIF uses lossless compression.
- GUI: Graphical user interface; user interface that includes graphical elements, buttons, menus and icons where you click to perform the desired task.
- Gateway: A gateway is a hardware device that connects two or more networks.
- GPS: Global positioning system used to let know where you are exactly on the earth. At any moment you can determine your position.
- Google: Google is the most popular internet search engine which produce more useful results as compared to other search engines.
- Hang: when your system doesn’t respond, it is said to “hang”.
- Hub: A hub is a hardware device used to connect multiple networks together.
- HTTP: HTTP refers to Hyper text transfer protocol. It is used for network file transfers over the web.
- HTML: Hyper text markup language; language used to create web pages.
- Hyperlink: A pointer which allows you to jump to a new document or a new section.
- Hacker: Hacker is someone who uses their skills to gain unauthorized access to other computers.
- Icon: An icon is a symbol on your computer screen that represents a program or function.
- Internet: The internet is a worldwide network that connects computer systems around the world.
- IP address: Internet protocol address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network.
- IEEE: Institute of electrical and electronics engineers.