Government Jobs and Exams Postponed Due to COVID-19 Outbreak

Govt exams postponed due to covid19

The job market is changing due to the everyday increasing spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Where private sector has put a stop on new recruitments, government sector has also postponed new jobs and exams, as well as the recruitment in-process has been delayed. The downsizing and cost cutting have been adopted by private sector for survival, however no such action has been reported in the government sector yet.  This is not the end; the deadly virus has even kicked many out of job.

Now, the government of India has announced zone-wise relaxations that are to be followed with the government guidelines on social distancing. In wake of coronavirus outbreak, government has also postponed a number of exams to control the spread of the virus.

Every year many competitive exams are conducted by both central and state government, but this year the exams have been postponed until further notice. As well the results awaited for several exams has also been delayed.

This article is for all the government job aspirants, who have been putting their best efforts to get a government job in India. Read on to know about the jobs and exams cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19.

Bank Exams Postponed Due To Covid-19     

Bank jobs in India are one of the most sought after jobs, for which lakhs of candidates compete for a small number of jobs.  We have listed all the bank exams that are postponed due to COVID-19. Candidates are encouraged to keep visiting the official websites of authorities conducting the exams for further details.

  • SBI Clerk Main  Exam
  • SEBI Grade A Officer Exam
  • RBI Assistant Main Exam
  • LIC AAO AE Prelims Exam
  • EXIM Bank Officer Exam
  • JAIIB & CAIIB Exam
  • Karnataka Bank PO Interview

SSC Exams that are Postponed due to Coronavirus Outbreak

SSC is again a highly competitive exam that government jobs aspirants appear for. In a recent notification SSC has announced that the new dates for postponed exams will be released after the complete lift of lockdown. The SCC exams postponed due to COVID-19 are listed below.

  • SSC CHSL Tier-1 2019
  • SSC Stenographer Grade C & D 2019
  • SSC JE Paper-1 2019
  • SSC CHSL 2018 Skill Test Exams 

Defence and Police Exams Postponed Due To COVID 19

Defence sector is one of the most preferred sector for aspirants seeking for a chance to serve the nation. Defence job is not just a job, but a feeling of proud. However, unlike other years, this year many defence sector and police exams are postponed, check the list below.

  • ITBP Constable Tradesman Exam
  • IAF Airmen Group X,Y Prelims Exam
  • J&K Police Constable PET & PST
  • Assam Police Constable PET/PST
  • Indian Coast Guard Navik Exam
  • Bihar Police SI Main Exam
  • NDA NA Exam (I) 2020

Other Government Exams Postponed Due to the Pandemic

There are many others exams that are being postponed due to the spread of the virus and increase in number of cases. Exams are listed below:

  • HSSC Assistant Lineman Exam
  • BPSSC Assistant Engineer Exam
  • UPPSC BEO Prelims Exam            
  • Vizag Steel MT Exam     
  • Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service Prelims Exam
  • BIS Technician Exam
  • UPPSC Judicial Service Civil Judge Exam
  • HPSC Administrative CCE Exam
  • TSPSC Language Test & Half Yearly Exam
  • Karnataka STET
  • SAIL GD/Interview         
  • WB Staff Officer Cum Instructor Exam   

Besides, all these exams, the recruitment process of UPSC is also delayed. There are a number of recruitment that are postponed, let’s take a look at them.

Recruitment Delayed Due To COVID-19

There are a number of recruitment scheduled for the year 2020, which either now have last date extended or they have been postponed until further notice. Some of them are listed below:

  • Rajasthan High Court Recruitment
  • CSIR NET-June 2020
  • DDA Patwari Online Recruitment
  • UGC NET-June 2020         
  • Uttarakhand Junior Assistant Recruitment            
  • SSC JHT 2020
  • SEBI Grade A Recruitment        
  • SSC CPO 2020

JEE main and Advanced 2020 was also postponed, now the new dates for JEE Main is 18-23 July 2020, while JEE Advanced will be conducted in August, as per the latest notification.

Wrapping Up

Coronavirus has become a global issue that countries are still finding ways to control. The Economic impact of this novel virus is clearly visible, as well has it has revolutionized the business and education sector. Not just the government exams are postponed due to the pandemic, but also the school and college session are yet to be started.

The bad news is that the world has no vaccine for this virus, and the good news is that this virus has made people aware about the power of technology. Technology is being used in the medical sector, in education and daily life. Even the college admission process are virtual, and they are ready to start sessions online. I hope this article is helpful!

“Stay home, stay safe and learn at home”


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