What is Five Eyes Alliance?

Five Eyes Alliance

The biggest intelligence network across the globe, Five Eyes countries have issued a joint statement raising the concern on increasing Chinese curbs on Hong Kong autonomy. The other aims of the Five Eyes alliance are to end the reliance of Western on China.

The joint statement was issued by the Five Eye countries following the Legislative Council elections’ postponement. The elections were due in September 2020 as well as the national security law imposition in Hong Kong.

What we discuss here:

  • What is Five Eye Alliance?
  • A Look at Five Eye Countries
  • History of Five Eyes
  • Why’s for the formation of the Five Eyes Alliance?
  • What are Nine Eyes and Fourteen Eyes?
  • How will Five Eye end Western reliance on China?

What is the Five Eyes Alliance?

  • The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an intelligence alliance including 5 countries, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and the US.
  • All these Five Eyes economies are parties to the UKUSA Agreement. It is a multilateral agreement for cooperation in the signal intelligence.
  • Recently, foreign ministers of these countries called on China to reinstate disqualified elected legislators in Hong Kong as part of its campaign to silence critics.

A Look At Five Eye Countries

1- United Kingdom: It closely monitors Middle East, Europe, European Russia, and Hong Kong.

2- United States: It focuses on the Middle  East, Russia, China, the Caribbean and Africa.

3- Canada: It monitors China and Russia. 

4- Australia: It monitors South and East Asia. 

5- New Zealand: It monitors Southeast Asia, south-west of Blenheim, South Island at Waihopai Valley, and the North Island at Tangimoana. 

History of Five Eyes

  • In 1943, after World War II ended, the United States and the United Kingdom have signed an agreement that continues sharing the intelligence inputs between them.
  • The agreement was called the British-U.S. Communication Agreement (BRUSA) which later was renamed the United Kingdom-United States of America Agreement (UKUSA). 
  • The alliance was initially formed for handling the global threats from the Soviet Union, China, and many other eastern European countries.
  • Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were added to the Five Eye alliance over the years. Canada entered the alliance in 1948 followed by Norway in 1952, Denmark in 1954, New Zealand and Australia in 1956, and West Germany in 1955.

Why’s for the formation of the Five Eyes Alliance?

After World War II ended, the allies planned goals spreading peace. The Atlantic Charter was issued by allies in 1941. The Charter laid the aims of the United States and the United Kingdom for the post World war era. Let’s take a look at the key provisions of the charter:

  • No territorial changes to be made against peoples wish.
  • Self-government restoration to people deprived of it.
  • Freedom from fear and the seas.
  • Aggressor Nations’ disarmament.

The Atlantic Charter 1941 is to date considered as the main reason behind the formation of the Five Eyes Alliance. The alliance is mostly targeted against Russia, China and North Korea.

What are Nine Eyes and Fourteen Eyes?

The Nine Eyes included Denmark, France, Norway and the Netherlands. The 14 eyes members include Spain, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, and Italy.

How will Five Eyes end reliance on China?

The Five Eyes alliance has planned to create a trusted supply chain with an aim to end the Western reliance on China. The alliance will lay an outline for manufacturing and selling of commercial goods within the member countries. The plan includes every stage right from the material supply, production, distribution to sale.


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