Nature Celebrates Earth Day Amidst COVID19

Earth Day Amidst COVID19

Earth Day, an environment protection effort, which was initiated in the year 1970, engages more than 190 countries around the world today. These countries have pledged to take care of the planet by making environment friendly policies. But who would have thought that a pandemic would bring about such a drastic change, a change which was aimed by man-made policies, since five decades. Today while we observe Earth Day, our mother nature is actually celebrating it. As a precaution measure against the corona pandemic, lockdown has been imposed in almost every country around the globe. With zero factory emissions, roads shut down and we humans quarantined in our homes, we are able to witness something that we have not seen since years- ‘clean air’.

Purpose of observing Earth Day 2021

The theme of Earth Day for this year is “Restore Our Earth” which focuses on natural processes and emerging green technologies that can be used to restore the ecosystems of the world. The purpose of Earth Day has always been to educate people about environmental reforms. The network aims and requests to awake the environmentalist in you. This year there will be no physical demonstrations, instead we will be connected digitally to show our support to the environment in which we live. Our environment is facing several challenges which are degradation, loss in biodiversity, pollution and climate change. If we do not understand the severity of the situation and take steps to address it, nature will definitely take charge in teaching mankind a lesson. Sadly, we will not be able to bear the damages caused in form of disasters.

How has COVID19 impacted our Environment?

The virus which has been responsible for infecting millions and several deaths has shown the consequences of neglecting our nature and ecosystem. Research says that climate change and global warming exposes our ecosystem to a wide range of pathogens, COVID19 is the perfect example. The places with greater population density are at the maximum risk of getting infected by this deadly pandemic. The crisis has forced countries to impose lockdown to cut the chains of transmission of the
disease. Besides combating with the pandemic the lockdown has also lifted the burden our environment faces on a daily basis.

Self Replenishment by Nature

Our planet is experiencing a significant decline in some pollutants thereby
decreasing air pollution to a certain extent. Even the rivers are cleaner now, as we who are responsible for water pollution are restricted in our homes and are not intervening in the process and cycles of nature. It is clearly visible that it is us, who are responsible for the degradation of our environment and it is us who can contribute in saving our planet home.

What can be done after the lockdown is lifted?

It is very important to take a lesson from this crisis. After the lifting up of the lockdown when every economic and social activity would resume, our nature will again suffer if we do not make contributions as responsible planetarians. We must support our environment by opting for eco-friendly vehicles, so that there is a decrease in air pollution. This can be done by self imposing lockdown once in a week.

  • We need to give up plastic completely, which causes soil and water pollution.
  • Food wastage should be avoided.
  • There should be improved garbage disposable system. It has been observed during this phase of adversity that the solutions to combat the pandemic are very similar to those for preserving and protecting our environment. So why not we continue some of these measures as precautions, to save our future from any man led pandemic or disaster.

Wrapping Up

Mother nature is throwing its best when humans are confined in their home. It is trying to teach us a lesson, just to make us understand who is responsible for the adversity of nature. But do we humans will ever understand? We doubt this! This is an alarm for all of us that if we do not respect nature and take care of it, it will also not respect us. So, today on this day of celebration of World Earth Day, let us pledge to take care of our Planet Earth and do our best to keep it green and safe. Someone has rightly said what you give you get back!


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