Computer Shortcut Keys Everyone Should Know: Word, Excel, Outlook, Windows Shortcuts

shortcut keys computer

Since the introduction of computers in the day to day life, there have been a lot of changes, additions, or improvements in the field. We all use a computer in our work very conventionally. We know some applications of computers like writing, graphs, data analysis, and many others but many of us are not aware of the computer shortcut keys. 

The shortcut keys of the computer are numerous and are applicable to word, excel, or practically every mode of operation. These shortcuts in computer make your work much easier and faster if you learn how to use them.  Some computer shortcuts are also placed on the desktop to make it easy for people to open applications in no time. That is why it can surely be believed that shortcuts make working on computers easy and quick for the people.

Without computer shortcuts, working on computers can surely be very challenging especially when you have no time to stay back for a single application to open and then work on it. In such cases, the shortcuts for the respective applications that are placed on the computer will be your ultimate savior and guide.

There are a lot of applications that have shortcuts on your desktop and these shortcuts are surely very beneficial for people to click on them and open the respective application in no time. So think of the ease shortcut keys will offer you in using different applications and Windows. Today we will discuss about shortcut keys for MS Excel, MS Word, Windows and more.

Below we can see some commonly used shortcut keys: –

Alt + F – Opens file menu options in the current program

Alt + E – Opens edit options in the current program

F1 – Help in every Windows program

Ctrl + A – Selects all texts

Ctrl + X – Cut selected text

Shift + Del – Deletes selected item

Ctrl + C – Copy selected item

Ctrl + Ins – Copy selected item

Ctrl + V – Paste selected item

Shift + Ins – Paste

Home – Goes to the beginning of the current line

Ctrl + Home – Goes to the beginning of the current document

End – Goes to the end of the current line

Ctrl + End – Goes to the end of the document

Shift + Home – Highlights from the current position to the beginning of the line

Shift + End – Highlights from the current position to end of line

Ctrl + Left arrow – Moves one word to the left at a time

Ctrl + Right arrow – Moves one word to the right at a time

Computer Shortcut keys in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is the most important and most used application in today’s world. Many people use this application regularly and that is why sometimes it hangs or stops working. This problem can be easily solved if we use shortcuts and reduce the time that is required to open this application. Here is the word shortcut keys list –

Ctrl + A – Selects all content of the file

Ctrl + B – Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + C – Copy selected text

Ctrl + X – Cut selected text

Ctrl + P – Open the print window

Ctrl + F – Open find box

Ctrl + I – Italic highlighted selection

Ctrl + K – Insert link

Ctrl + U – Underline highlighted section

Ctrl + V – Paste the cut or copied text

Ctrl + Y – Redo the last action performed

Ctrl + Z – Undo the last action

Ctrl + L – Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen

Ctrl + R – Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen

Ctrl + M – Indent the paragraph

Ctrl + Shift + F – Change the font

Ctrl + Shift + > – Increase selected font +1 pts up to 12 pts and then increases font +2 pts

Ctrl + ] – Increase selected font +1 pts

Ctrl + Shift+ < – Decreases selected font -1 pts if 12 pt or lower, if above 12 decreases by -2 pts

Ctrl + [ – Decrease selected font -1 pts

Ctrl + shift + * – View or hide non-printing characters

Ctrl + L – Moves one word to the left

Ctrl + R – Moves one word to the right

Ctrl + : – Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph

Ctrl + : – Moves to the end of the paragraph

Ctrl + Del – Deletes word to the right of the cursor

Ctrl + Backspace – Deletes word to the left of the cursor

Ctrl + End – Moves the cursor to the end of the document

Ctrl + Home– Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document

Ctrl + Spacebar – Reset highlighted text to the default font

Ctrl + 1 – Single-space lines

Ctrl + 2 – Double space lines

Ctrl + 5 – 5-line spacing

Ctrl + Alt + 1 – Changes text heading to 1

Ctrl + Alt + 2 – Changes text heading to 2

Ctrl + Alt + 3 – Changes text heading to 3

Alt + Shift+ D – Insert the current date

Alt + Shift + T – Insert the current time

Alt, S, T, I – Insert table of contents

Alt, S, T, R – Remove table of contents

Alt, W, F – Full-screen reading – view>document views>full-screen reading

Alt, W, R – Ruler. View>show/hide>ruler

Alt, F, X – exit word

In addition to the above shortcut keys, we can also find the shortcut functions relate to Mouse. Following are the faster operation done with help of mouse along with the keyboard. The introduction of a mouse to the computer system has given the proper boost to the overall usage of the computer. People are now not required to scroll by pressing the arrows. They can just use the pointer of mouse and reach to the desired position on the monitor.

Click, hold, and drag – Selects text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and let go

Double-click – if double-click a word, selects the complete word

Double-click – Double-clicking to the left, centre, or right of a blank line will make the alignment of the text left, centre, or right-aligned

Double-click – Double-click anywhere after text on a line will set a tab stop.

Triple-click – Selects the line or paragraph of the text the mouse triple-clicked

Ctrl + Mouse wheel – Zooms in and out of the document.

Microsoft Outlook – Shortcut Keys

There are many commonly used and navigation special shortcut keys when you are working in Outlook. The traditionally used shortcuts are the ones that people use automatically but there are some which one would like to know about-

Esc – Closes a window or a menu

Alt + H – Go to Home tab

Ctrl + Shift + M – Create a new message

Alt + S – Send a message

Alt + N, A, F – Insert a file

Ctrl + Shift + K – New task

Del – Delete an item

Ctrl + E or F3 – Search for an item

Alt + H, R, P – Reply to a message

Alt + H, F, W – Forward a message

Alt + H, R, A – Select “Reply All” option

Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Ins – Copy an item

Some Basic Navigation Shortcuts: –

Ctrl + 1 – Switch to ‘Mail’ view

Ctrl + 2 – Switch to ‘Calendar’ view

Ctrl + 3 – Switch to ‘Contacts’ view

Ctrl + 4 – Switch to ‘Tasks’ view

Ctrl + 5 – Switch to ‘Notes’ view

Ctrl + 6 – Switch to the ‘Folder’ list in the ‘Folder’ panel

Ctrl + 7 – Switch to the ‘Shortcuts’

Ctrl + 8 – Open ‘Journal’.

Ctrl + Shift + B – Open the ‘Address Book’

Windows 10 Shortcut Keys: –

Windows 10 is being used widely in recent time. There are a lot of shortcut keys related to windows and the features are various. Some functions are unknown means people even are not aware of all the existing features on Windows 10. With these computer shortcuts, we can understand the vast functions from the below list – 

Windows key – Open or close Start Menu

Windows key + A – Open action centre

Windows key + C – Open Cortana in listing mode

Windows key + D – Display or hide the desktop

Windows key + E – Open file explorer

Windows key + G – Open game bar when a game is open

Windows key + H – Open the Share Charm

Windows key + I – Open Settings

Windows key + K – Open the Connect Quick action

Windows key + L – Lock your PC or switch accounts

Windows key + M – Minimize all windows

Windows key + R – Open run dialog box

Windows key + S – Open search

Windows key + U – Open Ease of access center

Windows key + X – Open quick link menu

Windows key + Number – Open the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number

Windows key + Left arrow key – Snap app windows left

Windows key + Right arrow key – Snap app window right

Windows key + Up arrow key – Maximize app window

Windows key + Down arrow key – Minimize app window

Windows key + Comma – Temporarily peek at the desktop

Windows key + Ctrl+ D – Add a virtual desktop

Windows key + Ctrl + Left or Right arrow – Switch between virtual desktops

Windows key + Ctrl + F4 – Close current virtual desktop

Windows key + Enter – Open Narrator

Windows key + Home – Minimize all but the active desktop window

Windows key + PrtScn – Capture a screenshot and save in the Screenshots folder

Windows key + Shift + Up arrow – Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen

Windows key + Tab – Open Task view

Windows key+ “+” key – Zoom in using the magnifier

Windows key+ “-“key – Zoom out using the magnifier

Ctrl + Shift + Esc – Open task manager

Alt + Tab – Switch between open apps

Alt + Left arrow key – Go back to the previous page

Alt + Right arrow key – Go forward to the next page

Alt + Page Up – Move up one screen size

Alt + Page Down – Move down one-page size

Ctrl + Alt + Tab – View open apps

Ctrl + C – Copy selected item to the clipboard

Ctrl + X – Cut selected items

Ctrl + V – Paste content from the clipboard

Ctrl + A – Select all contents

Ctrl + Z – Undo an action

Ctrl + Y – Redo an action

Ctrl + D – Delete the selected items and move it to the recycle bin

Ctrl + Esc – Open the Start Menu

Ctrl + Shift – Switch the keyboard layout

Ctrl + Shift + Esc – Open task Manager

Ctlr+F4 – Close the active window

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet: –

Arguably the most widely used program of the computer is Microsoft Excel. Excel can be used for a lot of applications and as it is having the formula feature and calculates through the cell, it has become an integral part of corporate sectors. Its graphical presentation facility has given an advantage over the other programs. A single file can contain multiple spreadsheets and the facility to link the sheets also makes it a friendly-user operation. The utility features of Excel are just amazing and one can only wonder about the never-ending shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel. Along with the data you want to maintain, you can use these shortcut keys effectively to reduce your time in completing the task while working in Excel. Here is the amazing list of keyboard shortcut keys in Excel –

Ctrl + Shift + ; – Insert the current time

Ctrl + ; – Insert the current date

Shift + F3 – Open the excel formula’s window

Shift + F5 – Open the ‘Find and Replace’ box

Ctrl + A – Selects or highlights all contents of a worksheet

Ctrl + B – Bolds the selected items

Ctrl + C – Copy the selected content of a worksheet

Ctrl + D – Fills down the cells with selected content in the top cell

Ctrl + F – Opens ‘Find and Replace’ box quickly

Ctrl + G – Open Go-To option dialog box

Ctrl + H – Rewrites wrong alphabet though ‘ Find and Replace’ at one go

Ctrl + I – Italics the selected cell

Ctrl + K – Insert a hyperlink in a file

Ctrl + L – Access the create table dialog box

Ctrl + N – Open a new document or a workbook

Ctrl + O – Open the dialog box to choose a file

Ctrl + P – Open print dialog box

Ctrl + Q – Display ‘quick analysis options’ for the selected cells with data

Ctrl + R – Fills the same contents of the selected cell on the right side

Ctrl + S – Save the document or worksheet

Ctrl + T – Open create table dialog box

Ctrl + U – Underline the selected cells

Ctrl + V – Paste the cut or copied cell

Ctrl + W – Close the currently open document

Ctrl + X – Cut the entire selected data

Ctrl + Y – Redo any undo action

Ctrl + Z – Undo the previous action

Ctrl + Page Up & Page Down – Move from one worksheet to another in the same file

Ctrl + F6 – Move from one document to another document

Ctrl + F9 – Minimize the current window

Ctrl + F10 – Maximize the current window

F1 – Open the help screen window

F2 – Edit the selected cell

F4 – Repeat the last action in another cell

F7 – Check the spelling of the selected text

F10 – Activate the Menu bar

F11 – Create a chart

F12 – Open Save As box

Alt + = – Use the formula to add data of all the above cells

Ctrl + Shift + “ – Copy content and paste to cell below it

Ctrl + Shift + ! – Apply comma format in numbers

Ctrl + Shift + $ – Apply currency format to numbers

Ctrl + Shift + % – Apply percentage sign to numbers

Ctrl + Space – Select the entire active columns

Shift + space – Select the entire active rows

Ctrl + Right arrow – Move the cursor to next cell containing text

Ctrl + 1 – Open the format cell dialog box

Ctrl + 5 – Put the strikethrough to selected cells

Ctrl + 9 – Hide the selected rows in the worksheet

Ctrl + Shift + ( – Show the hidden rows

Ctrl + 0 – Hide the selected columns

Ctrl + – – Open a delete dialog box

Ctrl + shift + = – Open the insert dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + ^ – Make an exponential form of any number

Ctrl + Shift + & – Make a border around selected cells 

Apart from all the above shortcuts, there are a lot of keys which can make your work faster and enjoyable too.

Apple Computer Shortcut Keys:

Apple command key on Apple computer keyboards is mentioned as “control” and is located beside the option key and command key. Apple computers are considered as most precious computers. The Apple keyboard shortcut keys are as listed –   

Command + A – Selects all text or other objects

Command + B – Bolds highlighted text

Command + C – Copy any selected text

Command + D – Bookmarks an open web page or open font window in Microsoft Word

Command + E – Center text

Command + F – Opens find a window pop up

Command + G – Open Find and Replace in a browser and word processors

Command + H – Open Find and Replace in Notepad, Microsoft Word, and WordPad

Command + I – Italicizes text

Command + J – View downloads in browsers and set justify alignment in Microsoft Word

Command + K – Builds a hyperlink for the highlighted text in Microsoft Word and many HTML editors

Command + L – Select addresses bar in a browser or left align text in a word processor

Command + M – Indent selected text in word processors and other programs

Following are a few shortcut keys for windows on Apple computers.

Ctrl + N – Creates a new page or document

Ctrl + O – Opens a file in most programs

Ctrl + P – Opens a print window to print the page you are viewing

Ctrl + R – Reload the page in the browser or right-align text in the word processor

Ctrl + S – Saves the document or file

Ctrl + T – Creates a new tab in an internet browser or adjust tabs in word processors

Ctrl + U – Underline selected text

Ctrl + V – Paste any text or other object that has been copied

Ctrl + W – Close the open tab in a browser or close a document in word

Ctrl + X – Cut selected text or another object

Ctrl + Y – These keys will redo any undo action

Ctrl + End – Moves cursor to the end of a document instead of the end of the line

Ctrl + Z – Undo any action

Ctrl + Esc – Open the Windows Start Menu

Ctrl + Tab – Switch between open tabs in browsers or other tabbed programs

Ctrl + Shift + Tab – Go backward from right to left

Ctrl + Shift + Z – Redo last step

Ctrl + [ – Decreases font size

Ctrl + ] – Increases font size

Ctrl + = – Toggle font subscript

Ctrl + Shift + = – Toggle font superscript

Ctrl + End Bottom – End of document or window

Ctrl + Home Top – Start of document or window

Ctrl + Insert – Copy or inserts

Ctrl + PgDn – Next tab

Ctrl + PgUp – Previous tab

Ctrl + Tab – Next window or tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab – Previous window or tab

Ctrl + Left arrow – Goes to previous word

Ctrl + Right arrow – Goes to next word

Ctrl + Del – Deletes next word

Ctrl + Backspace – Deletes the previous word

Ctrl + Alt + Backspace – Restarts X11

Ctrl + Alt + Up arrow – Rotate screen right-side up

Ctrl + Alt + Down arrow – Rotate screen upside down

Ctrl + Alt + Left arrow – Rotate screen left

Ctrl + Alt + Right arrow – Rotate screen right

Ctrl + Shift + Esc – Open task manager

Ctrl + Alt + Del Reboot – Open task manager or session options.

The Bottom Line

Computer is a never-ending learning process. The more you work on it, the more interesting it gets. It not only increases our knowledge but also sharpen our skills. In today’s fast-track life, computer has been the major player in making our life much easier by offering the abilities to work from any corner of the world. Work will grow day by day and to cope up with the workload one must learn the best computer facilities for implementation. The more you get to learn, your work will get smoother and better. It is pretty exciting to see how many people use the maximum known short keys in computer. There may very less people who might be using even 50 percent of the shortcut keys. In a way, we can say that the function of shortcut keys is much under-utilized considering the purpose of its inclusions in the computer system.



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