If you are confused about choosing the right career path and seeking career guidance then you must contact a professional career counsellor. Choosing the right career path helps the students to lead happy and successful life. A small mistake in making the right decision about a career will lead them to the wrong career. To handle this career related confusion now you can get free career counselling after 12th to decide the right career option.
Many of the students and professionals are clueless about the right career for them, so we suggest them to approach us for free career counselling after 12th, 10th and graduation. The counselling is not only for the students. Working denizens also need career counselling. Often, working professionals feel trapped in a wrong job; they can also reach us to get help in deciding a career.
We all spend 12 to 17 years of our lives in studying, and this hard work aims to get a well-paid and respected job. However, the present education system doesn’t connect the grades and the career but marks cannot ignored totally. As students and parents have their focus on scoring more marks so they get disheartened when grades get low. In career counselling, the students get to know about various career options and understand how a stable career depends on their interests, not marks.
Most of the students find it’s essential to get career counselling after the 12th, but you should approach a professional counsellor after the 10th. The choice of subjects plays a significant role in career guidance for students after 12th. After 10th, career counselling is focused on choosing the right stream, and after 12th, the direction of the counselling shifts to choose career-oriented courses based on students’ interests. The benefits of career counselling are endless, but still, many students are not aware of it. So let’s know what career counselling is and how it helps;
What is Career Counselling?
Before discussing about career counselling, first understand what counselling is. At present, counselling is a widely use term. The general meaning of counselling is to get guidance and moral help when caught in a 22 situation. According to this meaning, we all have taken or offer counselling to others at some point of time. But a counselling provided by a professional gives a more fruitful result. It helps the counselee to understand the reason for confusion and its solution.
With the above give description, you must be thinking that in career counselling you will get to know which subject or job will suit you more. The fact is, professional career counsellors doesn’t work in this way. It helps you to understand your interests and expectations from a career. Career counselling allows us to make an informed decision about education and career.
Career counselling is broad as you also get help on other common issues like lack of concentration, lack of confidence, lack of understanding between parents and kids and many other problems experienced by students and working professionals. You get to know about any particular profession’s work culture, the challenges, and the required eligibility to pick that career as your profession.
During career counselling, the counsellor will not tell you what career option you should choose and when. He will give you an assessment, and its conclusion will guide you about choosing the right career path. A career counsellor knows that a stable career needs proper education, so most professional counsellors suggest career counselling after the 12th and 10th. The right decision on a career at school time reduces confusion and gives you a clear picture of your career path.
Career Guidance Bureau
- In the career guidance bureau, you get to know about the different professionals from a career counsellor. If you seek help in choosing a stream after 10th or choosing a career after 12th, or you want to switch to another profession, you must contact a career guidance bureau.
- Opennaukri offer free online career counselling after 12th, 10th and for working professionals. For mature counselees, counselling is being provided on assessment sheets. We also provide career counselling ppt after 10th to students to choose the right stream. The career guidance bureau has professional counsellors that offer help to the students in deciding the right career path and solution to the common problems related to career and profession.
- In the bureau, students get a clear view of their interests. The counsellor helps them make the right decision about their career based on their interests, socio-economic background, values and desires. Everything connected to a student allows them to choose the right career.
- Career counselling takes off a tag attached to each stream like a science student with Maths has to be an engineer or MBBS is the only bright career option for Bio students after 12th.
- A career guidance bureau with professional counsellors doesn’t force the 10th pass outs to pick science over humanities. The counsellors discuss career opportunities with the students in the stream and subjects of their choice.
Career Guidance After 12th
- You ask about the career plan to 12th class students, and most of them will give you an uncertain answer. After 10th, the students read a few particular subjects of their choice, but most of them could not be sure about their career options after 12th.
- Career counselling after 12th gives the right direction to the students in choosing the right career path.
- There is a general conception that marks in the 12th class will decide the career path. Its true in many cases but 100% dependability on marks for determining a career is not right. A student needs to depend more on his interests than the marks to decide a career after 12th.
- Career guidance includes helping the students in the right course and the job. Many jobs are available in the public and private sector for 12th and 10th pass outs.
- In career counselling, the job seekers get detailed information about it as well. The counsellor also gives detail about challenges in the office.
- The career counselling after 12th doesn’t depend on the stream in 12th and scored marks in the standard. The professional counsellors give more preference to the student’s interests on stream and subjects in 12th standard.
Career Guidance After 10th
- Most students feel the need for career guidance in class 12th or after graduation but the right time to get help in a career is when the student is in 10th standard.
- Class 10th is a turning point in a student’s life. From here, he will study the subjects of his interests. A student is in his tender age when is qualifies 10th standard. The career counsellor helps the students to decide between academic and professional education.
- The confusion of choosing the right stream and a course is challenging for the students at this age. Professional advice is the only way out to make the right and career-oriented decision.
Career Guidance Test
Career guidance is not easy at all for counsellors. They need to bring out the students’ real interests that have been buried under the layers of peer pressure and expectations. In the first few sitting with the career counsellors, the students don’t open up. So the career guidance test help at this time. The career guidance test has various questions, and the student has to answer them according to their interest. The examination helps the counsellor to understand the nature and the ambition of the counselee. The test makes it easy for the counsellor to know what kind of career will suit the student. From students prospective, the career guidance test works like an ice-breaking technique between the counsellor and the counselee.