Monday current affairs booster to make you competition ready. Opennaukri’s current affairs section aims to help you stay updated on current affairs and score better in your next exam. Current affairs GK is an important section, so we have compiled a small current affairs quiz with detailed answers. Test your general knowledge with this GK quiz, let’s get started
Current Affairs Quiz Questions and Answers
Question 1: When is World Cotton Day celebrated?
World Cotton Day is observed every year on October 7, in order to raise awareness about the cotton sector among people. This year the day was observed under the theme “Cotton for Good”. UN World Cotton Day (WCD) is celebrated with the aim of raising awareness regarding the critical role of cotton sector in economic development, international trade, and poverty alleviation.
Question 2: Who has become the first Indian woman wrestler to win silver in World Championships?
Anshu Malik has won the silver medal at the World wrestling championships held in Oslo, Norway. She created history in the semi finals as well when she outclassed junior European champion Solomiia Vynnyk.
Question 3: The first Malaria vaccine approved by WHO is?
On 6 October, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) endorsed the Malaria Vaccine called “RTS,S/AS01”. It is the world’s first vaccine against malaria which kills around 400,000 people annually.
Question 4: What are PM MITRA parks approved by Union Cabinet?
PM MITRA parks stands for “Mega Integrated Textile Region and Apparel” parks to be established at Greenfield or Brownfield sites at different Indian states. The parks project will benefit unemployed by creating seven lakh direct jobs and will also create 14 lakh indirect jobs.
Question 5: Which Indian state has launched the App Fishwaale?
Government of Assam has launched the App Fishwaale, making it India’s first e-fish market. The app was launched by Assam Minister for Fisheries, Environment and Forest and Excise, Parimal Suklabaidya. The app allows its users to not only buy and sell fish online but also to purchase fish feeds and fish seeds online. The app is being implemented under the Pradhan Mantri Matysa Sampada Yojana scheme.
Question 6: Who has been honored with the Nobel Chemistry Prize 2021?
Nobel Chemistry Prize 2021 has been awarded jointly to David WC MacMillan of US and Germany’s Benjamin List for ‘developing a new way for building molecules called as asymmetric organocatalysis.’
Question 7: Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has released its (MUDRA) toolbox in how many languages?
The Multilingual Dementia Research and Assessment (MUDRA) toolbox is released by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is in five Indian Languages including Hindi, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam. The Toolbox comprise of several cognitive tests that can be used to examine several aspects of cognition including speech, executive functioning, visuospatial functions and memory.
Question 8: When is the “Mental Health Awareness Campaign Week being observed by the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare?
The “Mental Health Awareness Campaign Week”, is being observed by the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare from October 5 to 10, 2021. October 10 is also marked as the “World Mental health Day” and with the Mental Health Awareness Campaign Week the country aims to encourage participation of people in breaking the stigma linked with Mental Disorders.
Question 9: Who has been honored with the Nobel Prize 2021 for Physics?
The Nobel Prize 2021 for physics has been awarded to three scientists from Germany, Japan and Italy. Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann were awarded for their work in “physical modelling of Earth’s climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming”. The other half of the prize has been awarded to Giorgio Parisi for his “discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales.”
Important Days Observed
October 7 – World Cotton Day
The day is observed with an aim to raise awareness regarding the cotton sector.
October 4 – World Animal Welfare Day
The day is celebrated to raise awareness among people regrading taking actions across the globe for the rights of animals and their welfare.
October 5 – World Teachers’ Day
The day is observed across the world to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation regrading the Status of Teachers in 1966.
October 6 – German-American Day
The day is observed every year to celebrate the German-American heritage.
October 8 – Indian Air Force Day
The day is observed to raise awareness across the world about IAF as an organization that ensures and works for strengthening national security of India.
October 9 – World Postal Day
The day aims to raise awareness among people about the postal sector’s role for people and businesses every day.
October 10 – World Mental Health Day
The day is observed to raise awareness regarding the scale of suicide across the globe and the role we can play to help in preventing it.