Urban Planning as a Career Choice

urban planning careers

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Urban Planning is a promising career that has adaptive and innovative qualities that can help communities develop. Urban planners have a key impact on the identity of a city, helping shape how it will grow and what type of quality of life residents can expect. In this article, we will look into the profession of Urban Planning, including what you need to do in order to become one, the scope of the field and the future of Urban Planning in bigger cities.

The Future of Urban Planning

  • Urban planners have been gaining more and more power in cities, towns, and regions.
  • Studies show that cities are getting denser while new ones are being built. It’s expected for 60% of the world’s population to live in an urban environment by 2050. This means a lot of opportunity for those who study and practice the art of city planning.
  • Decision-makers rely heavily on planners’ input, because their work involves overseeing where roads, houses, parks, and stores end up.
  • Planners work with both the public and private sectors to create attractive, livable neighborhoods that can also lighten traffic congestion and disease transmission rates while decreasing food insecurity, exposure to disasters, and health problems Automated automobiles, bowing to a future of autonomous technology, will eventually overpower logistics and affect a major shift in the employment demographics.

What is an Urban Planner?

  • In order to become an urban planner, you typically need a Bachelor of Architecture degree as well as one or more degrees in other fields.
  • These other majors can include city or regional planning, engineering, transportation and environmental studies.
  • Some people must also have a license depending upon where they live.
  • An Urban Planner is person or group of people that organize communities. They look at geographic regions and plan for the future. They work to minimize potential problems, like traffic congestion, noise pollution, and crime.

Profiles of some famous urban planners

  • There are so many different avenues one can explore with urban planning.
  • If you’re looking to make a big impact on your community, the most direct way is through public planning.
  • Planners work in government or with non-profit groups to improve transportation, recreation, affordable housing, and other aspects of their city. For those looking for less responsibility but more creative opportunities, there are also firms that specialize in zoning studies, urban design plans, traffic analysis and congestion management, cultural resource management (historical preservation), project management (housing development), and more.
  • A typical day on the job for an urban planner might start with filling coffee and discussing current projects, followed by meetings and client presentations, then putting in time on presentation design, writing proposals and reports.

Remuneration and Job Opportunities

  • Urban planners receive a formal education in both planning concepts and business administration. They can work for either the private or public sector and their entry-level salary ranges from $40,000 to $70,000 on a global level.
  • Many people will also see an increase in their work opportunities and chances of receiving a promotion.
  • Job opportunities can be found in all areas of urban planning such as transportation, commercial and residential architecture, public policy and legislation, business and academics.
  • Training programs offered by universities and colleges offer both graduate and undergraduate degrees which can lead to a great career.

Common Misconceptions About Urban Planning Career

  • A lot of people have misconceptions about what an urban planner actually does.
  • They have either not fallen the four categories – creative, analytical, creative and customer service – aren’t well-versed in one field enough for creative. But we want to tell you that it’s a highly diverse and well-paid career and many students go on to work at big agencies after graduation.
  • One of the most common misconceptions about the life of an urban planner is that it consists strictly of drawing development and zoning regulations on a map. This isn’t true; instead, planners help with the design and execution of affordable housing projects and write legislation for building codes.


So there you have it: the best and worst times to become a urban planner, what they do on a daily basis, and common misconceptions about them. With all of this information, you can now weigh your options for a future career. As of now, urban planning is the best career choice that accompanies a balanced work-life.

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