SBI Clerk 2019 Best Preparation Strategy


Looking for Best preparation strategy for SBI Clerk 2019 exam?  A right strategy applied in the right way can be the key to success in SBI Clerk 2019 exam. The competition for the SBI Clerk exam is increasing every year, and the syllabus isn’t that easy. SBI Clerk 2019 syllabus includes many topics and you want to cover all of them even in a short span of time. So here in this article we will discuss what could be your perfect strategy for ensuring success in the SBI clerk 2019 exam.

In this post, we will tell you about the smart tips and tricks for SBI Clerk 2019 exam. When applied rightly these tips and tricks will help you crack the SBI clerk exam 2019.

So, here are a few smartest tips to clear SBI clerk exam 2019.

SBI Clerk Preparation Tips & Tricks

SBI clerk Preliminary examination is to be conducted in the month of March-April 2019 and it s expected that mains will be conducted in May 2019. It’s the time when all your focus should be on the preparation for both the prelims and mains.  We know your are worried about how to prepare for the SBI Clerk 2019 exam, but we are here to help, we have a solution for this.

Read the below given tips and tricks for SBI Clerk 2019 exam to get success in this competitive exam conducted by the State Bank of India.

· How to start preparing for SBI Clerk 2019

You have approx three months in hand for the preparation of SBI Clerk 2019 exam. The duration of three months is sufficient to prepare for the SBI Clerk exam. Best preparation strategy for SBI Clerk 2019 exam is to divide your preparation for SBI Clerk 2019 exam into three stages and complete each stage in a month.

  1. Start your study section wise and in the very first month of the SBI clerk 2019 preparation, understand the basic concepts of the topics.
  2. Initially, you should give three hours to each subject. In first 1 hour try to understand the basic concepts of the subject and in the rest two hours trying to solve the questions based on the concepts.
  3. In the second month, make practice your focal point. You can increase the study time for any subject based on your proficiency in it. Usually, QA and Reasoning both demand more time than English. But if English is your weaker subject than give some extra minutes to it.

·  Previous years’ Question Papers

Reading and observing the previous years’ question papers of SBI clerk exam is among one of the best tips to clear SBI clerk exam 2019. Using sample papers for bank exam preparation would be a good choice. Why previous year’s question paper are important?  Previous years’ question papers will help you to understand the exam pattern of SBI Clerk 2019 exam and the difficulty level. While reading and practicing the question papers of previous years’ SBI clerk exam, do keep an eye on the change of the exam pattern. In a few past years, many changes have been observed in the SBI Clerk 2019 exam.

· Syllabus

Candidates should know about the latest changes in SBI Syllabus. It’s also important to have the complete information about the syllabus of SBI Prelims and Mains exam. In SBI clerk 2019 exam the questions will be asked from the following topics; Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and English Language.

·  Time Management

You cannot cover all the topics of the syllabus in a week or a month. So start your preparation from today onwards. Plan your time table for every day and give time to all the subjects. We would suggest you start your preparation for both SBI Clerk Prelims and Mains examination. But in March 2019 start preparing for SBI Clerk Prelim 2019 exam only. When you have enough time in hand, the best preparation strategy for SBI Clerk 2019 exam is to start preparing for SBI clerk Mains and then for SBI Clerk Prelims.

·  Use the Best Books only

Books always perform an important role in the preparation of an exam. Your study material can increase or decrease the quality of your knowledge. The discussion on SBI clerk preparation tips & tricks will be incomplete without the mention of the right books. Always pick books for the SBI Clerk preparation from the best writers and famous publishers. Arihant Publication and Kiran Publications are among the best publishing houses that offer the best selling books for the SBI Clerk exam preparation.

· Mock Tests

The mock test is a must for the preparation of SBI Clerk 2019 exam. Mock test for SBI clerk exam tells you about your strongest and weaker subjects. We recommend you to start appearing for the mock test from the first month of preparation for this banking exam.

·  Short Notes

You should make short notes while preparation for SBI Clerk 2019 exam. These short notes will help you in the preparation of SBI Clerk exam at the eleventh hour of examination. Not just this exam, but short notes should be part of your preparation strategy for any exam you plan to appear for.

The Bottom Line 

In this article, we have discusses tips & tricks for SBI Clerk  2019 exam. Still need our help, write to us in the comment box. While giving most of the time of the day to your studies remember do give some time to your health as well. It is important to take out some time for physical exercise as it will keep you active and positive throughout the preparation journey.

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