Banking jobs are becoming the first choice for the aspirants. Bank offers a good salary with many other facilities which attract candidates. Every year huge number of candidates applies for the bank’s jobs and only a few of them get success. There must be some difference in exam preparations of successful candidates and other candidates. In the competitive exams, the main reason behind the failure is a lack of strategy in exam preparation.
The bank exams are not so tough. You can crack bank exams even with the preparation of 30 days but for this, you will have to follow a strategy. In this article, we will tell you about that plan and strategy which can help you out to get success in the bank’s exam.
So, let’s start with the first step of the bank exam, the application form.
The application form
Most of the candidates fill the application form without any focus or aim. Many apply for the bank job just to see how the exam paper is so next year they can try with more preparation. This is a wrong practice. If you want to know the pattern of the exam, you can check it through Mock Tests. By filling the application form without an aim or focus on banking job, you actually lose one of your attempts. So don’t follow this practice and fill the application form when you are really ready for the bank exam.
Know the syllabus and exam pattern
Before appearing in the bank exam the candidate must know about the pattern of exam. He should be aware of the number of questions, maximum number, and presence of negative marking. In the bank’s exam, the pattern of exams may vary according to the bank. Knowledge about syllabus is also a must for the aspirants.
Good study material
A good study material gives a good direction to the preparation of bank exam. It is suggested to the candidates to not to use too many books for your preparation. Use only a few but good quality books.
Increase speed
Time plays an important role in the bank exam so try to increase your speed. Here we are not only talking about your writing speed but reading speed also. You can increase your reading speed by reading newspapers. This action will help you to boost your reading speed, vocabulary, and G.K.
Create a timetable
A timetable always helps you to follow a disciplined life. You need you to make a timetable for the preparation of your exam and get a stick on it. For initial days you can allow a day to one or two subjects but in the last 15 days of your preparation give your time to all the subjects of the exam.
Mock Test
Mock tests work like wonders. It is recommended to the candidates to appear for the mock tests. There are many websites that offer the mock test for bank exams. The benefit of mock tests is that by appearing in these tests you can easily identify your weak areas and you can work on your speed as well.
Other tips
When you know that you have only 30 days left for your exam then don’t get tensed and don’t take pressure on you. Be calm and follow your timetable. Try to solve a mock test daily and later on increase their numbers. For these 30 days avoid all the distraction like phones or social sites. If you are starting your preparation late than it should be all about the preparation, no other distraction is allowed.
The bottom line
It is said that slow and steady always wins the race, so it’s always better to keep your preparation on for the bank exam. But if you cannot do it then follow the given tips to save yourself from the nervousness of the last moment.
For any other query related to the preparation of bank exam, you can write to us in the comment box below.